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Hya all.. So ya got milkshape huh? trial, normal, whatever.. ya got it.. and now you want to model.
First I suggest to read this little site:
If you did that you got a basic concept.
Now before we start we want to deside if we make a new one or edit a existing model.. I'll explain this econd option cause this is what i do. Always remember to credit the one who made your source models.
Lets start by pasting a vegeta head onto a goku body.. because we can.
open the goku model.. select all faces of the head... delete.. save the model in MShape under a new name. Now open vegeta.. delete the body exept the head and save aswell under a new name.
Now open one of the 2.. I suggest goku's file. ready? then save this as work1. ( to know what we are doing) Now click in the topbar FILE > MERGE and merge the models by openening the vegeta model.
next thing.. select the head.. in MShape.. press the tab GROUPS. Rename it... Now go waste your time hunting faces down from arms, legs, body, etc.. make groups like HEAD, LEGLEFT, LEGRIGHT.. don't do to little.
Now we can finally continue... move the head JUST barely above the body.. so close that ya can see the space between the 2 parts but just.. now select to vertexes.. then in the bar..VERTEX > WELD TOGETHER. do this with vertexes close together.. check in all views if you selected the right vertexes.. Also be sure to only select 2 vertexes at a time. one of the body and one of the head.
So ya welded the parts together huh? GOOD. now lets check if you did.. press ANIM in the rightbelow corner. select the group HEAD. move it upwards.. ALOT upwards... now rotate around in 3d view... cause its all streched up you should see gaps (nonwelded vertexes) right away. remember the places and detab anim.. don't worry.. it won't save. go weld that rogue vertex.. if no vertexes in body are suited for the rogue headvertex weld it to its closest headvertex.
So that it.. Now to insert a skeleton.. YEP... big chance that you got 2 skeletons right about now... go to the joint tab. select the joint BIP1. delete. Do this with the seconds skeleton aswell.
Now save your work. Now open the gokumodel.. select all faces... delete. a clear skeleton remains... save this.. lets pick.. work2.
(continues saving under all above is wise so it would more likely be work15 by now.)
open your work1.. merge work2.. yes we import the skeleton..
Next part... vertex-joint-assignment. a boring part.. yet vital.
now we use those cool groups we made.. hide ALL but the rightarm. go to joints and make sure that the tag is so that it shows the skeleton. Now in this joint menu SELECT the rightarm2 joint.. R Arm2. thi is the LOWER right arm... now select the lowerright arm vertexes and press ASIGN. deselect em.. noe press SelAssign.. if ya did it right it shows your selected vertexes.. there now binded to R Arm2..
Do this with ALL vertexes.. make sure you are NOT in anim mode. When you think your done.. save... go to anim mode and select BIP1.. now MOVE the model ALOT... if you forgot any vertexes they will show in the 3d view as spikes cause they don't move along. Assign those aswell.
be sure to READ that site from the link I stated above... Its nice to read it. For instance.. some vertexes don't belong to the joints they apear to be... hard to explain.. milkshape help has a thingy on it.. but let me explain.
or better said.. go see.. I was so kind as to upload a pic of that helpfile.
go see
I dunno if I'm past maxed char so let me make another post.
First I suggest to read this little site:
If you did that you got a basic concept.
Now before we start we want to deside if we make a new one or edit a existing model.. I'll explain this econd option cause this is what i do. Always remember to credit the one who made your source models.
Lets start by pasting a vegeta head onto a goku body.. because we can.
open the goku model.. select all faces of the head... delete.. save the model in MShape under a new name. Now open vegeta.. delete the body exept the head and save aswell under a new name.
Now open one of the 2.. I suggest goku's file. ready? then save this as work1. ( to know what we are doing) Now click in the topbar FILE > MERGE and merge the models by openening the vegeta model.
next thing.. select the head.. in MShape.. press the tab GROUPS. Rename it... Now go waste your time hunting faces down from arms, legs, body, etc.. make groups like HEAD, LEGLEFT, LEGRIGHT.. don't do to little.
Now we can finally continue... move the head JUST barely above the body.. so close that ya can see the space between the 2 parts but just.. now select to vertexes.. then in the bar..VERTEX > WELD TOGETHER. do this with vertexes close together.. check in all views if you selected the right vertexes.. Also be sure to only select 2 vertexes at a time. one of the body and one of the head.
So ya welded the parts together huh? GOOD. now lets check if you did.. press ANIM in the rightbelow corner. select the group HEAD. move it upwards.. ALOT upwards... now rotate around in 3d view... cause its all streched up you should see gaps (nonwelded vertexes) right away. remember the places and detab anim.. don't worry.. it won't save. go weld that rogue vertex.. if no vertexes in body are suited for the rogue headvertex weld it to its closest headvertex.
So that it.. Now to insert a skeleton.. YEP... big chance that you got 2 skeletons right about now... go to the joint tab. select the joint BIP1. delete. Do this with the seconds skeleton aswell.
Now save your work. Now open the gokumodel.. select all faces... delete. a clear skeleton remains... save this.. lets pick.. work2.
(continues saving under all above is wise so it would more likely be work15 by now.)
open your work1.. merge work2.. yes we import the skeleton..
Next part... vertex-joint-assignment. a boring part.. yet vital.
now we use those cool groups we made.. hide ALL but the rightarm. go to joints and make sure that the tag is so that it shows the skeleton. Now in this joint menu SELECT the rightarm2 joint.. R Arm2. thi is the LOWER right arm... now select the lowerright arm vertexes and press ASIGN. deselect em.. noe press SelAssign.. if ya did it right it shows your selected vertexes.. there now binded to R Arm2..
Do this with ALL vertexes.. make sure you are NOT in anim mode. When you think your done.. save... go to anim mode and select BIP1.. now MOVE the model ALOT... if you forgot any vertexes they will show in the 3d view as spikes cause they don't move along. Assign those aswell.
be sure to READ that site from the link I stated above... Its nice to read it. For instance.. some vertexes don't belong to the joints they apear to be... hard to explain.. milkshape help has a thingy on it.. but let me explain.
or better said.. go see.. I was so kind as to upload a pic of that helpfile.
go see
I dunno if I'm past maxed char so let me make another post.