Some help with this model plz

New Member
Apr 20, 2003
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Hey, i am making a model, it will not be released, its just for my learning purposes, i have the back, side, and front done. I was just wondering how to connect them all and make it 3d, please please please do not tell me to read a tutorial.
New Member
Nov 14, 2002
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ok, the problem with you is that, you don't seem to understand the concept very well.

let's start with the basics, how do you make a 3d thingy?!
i am guessing you are using milkshape, so follow carefully:
open up milkshape and start a new file, in the front view, using poly by poly (i assume you know how to do this) draw a five-sided polygon with a vertex in the middle, and lets not care how good it looks.

you will notice that in the side and top view you have a straight line of vertecies.

go to the front view and select the middle vertex, go the left view and while still selecting the vertex, move it to the left or the right (in the left view).

go to the 3D view .. noticee something?! now you have a 3D object...

so, the front view shows you the model as you would see it from the front, but if you go to the left view you see a line, that is because it is like a paper, it has a shape (2D) , but not a depth (no 3D). in order to make it 3D you need to add a depth to it, by moving and manipulating vertecies in the other views (other than front).

you work on the same thing in all the view ports, you don't draw a "seperate" square in each view and expect to have a box as the end result. this doesn't happen. you draw "one" square in one of the ports, and work on the "same square" in the other view ports to add a 3rd dimension to it (depth). ofcourse there are other ways to do that.. i mean this is not the only way.

does this clear upo anything?

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