DJ-Ready said:
** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "cprogram files\worldcraft\tutorial_maps\nlg" -hullfile csierra\half-life\esf\hulls.txt
how about using csg, bsp, vis and rad instead of just directory changing?
I think what he meant was, that u should use the "Compile Tools" (Use Zhlt's tools, HLCsg.exe, HLBsp.exe, HLVis.exe and HLRad.exe)
So the line for csg should be C:\ < Tools path > \HLCsg.exe C:\< Map path > \ < Mapname >.map -hullfile csierra\half-life\esf\hulls.txt
BTW Plz read the stickies before posting, and maybe read a little more about mapping before starting, compiling is the very basic thing, without there would be no map, it would only be the blueprint for it, compiling is what makes the blueprint to a "building"...