Well, myself being a " Bryce Master", Im not too impressed, but then again, I don't like to dish out compliments, so dont take it too badly, lol. Anyhow, not much is going on....its a glass.....Im surprised as you first render you didnt do the classic 'reflective spheres over water' type deal that EVERYONE does. So...to help you with your glass thingy, turn down the reflectivness of the glass, turn up its transparency, and kick up the transparency of the water, and make it more clear, not blue like the ocean. Also experiment with lighting, Ill show you what I mean when I get the time.
Edit: I suppose an expample of different lighting can be seen in my images on the post 'Just some 3-d art' . I used bryce for the pictures, and pretty much all of them use some weird alternate lighting use. But you can get things pretty darn realistic when you want to. I'll re-create your glass, and show you what Im talking about, if you care to know...