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💻 Oldtimer
Aghhh! I can't wait till summer when I can learn Photoshop (PSP Blowz!!! The best of my PSP abilities is my sig which sux azz0rz)
Anyways if there is anyone who feels sorry for someone who couldn't make a good work of art to save his life, couldja make meh a r0x0r1ng Mr. Satan sig?? It sounds like I am begging...cuz I am I dun wanna sound ch34p 455 tho, i;m sure everyone is t00 busy.
Anyways if there is anyone who feels sorry for someone who couldn't make a good work of art to save his life, couldja make meh a r0x0r1ng Mr. Satan sig?? It sounds like I am begging...cuz I am I dun wanna sound ch34p 455 tho, i;m sure everyone is t00 busy.