One question though... why an 837 kb image? It takes quite some time to load on slow internet connections (like mine -.- ). If I want to follow tutorials I don't want to have to wait ages for them to load...
already knew this , overlay instead of hard light works good too. It's a good tutorial, it actually learns you something, instead of one effect u would never use again anyways. Nice tut anubus
Thanks Naz, Really it's nothing too it but it comes in handy with anime images. I just want to see more people using layer modes thats all, Not as many people use them these days.. Its scary :x.
I believe you would need a semi-high quality image to start with for it to work good. Here is my tutorial to make low quality images better quality. Scale it down and you could try brightness/contrast on it too, yet scaling it down makes it look better because it lowers the ammont of pixels it uses. The only bad part is the image will be smaller. But this is ovius.
you also say not to ask questions because its self explanitory....yet after the tutorial image you say questions post here
I tried it on a really low quality image. It actually works very good nice job. The only disadvantage is that it brightens all the colors. Scaling it down keeps all the colors just the same. lets say you had a large image that was low quality scaling would do better. The brighter colors can look better depending how you like It I guess. But I will remember how to do this. Seems useful :yes:
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