Live free or die by the sword
Retired Forum Staff
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Ryuei Vs. Cucumba
Cucumba won, but not easily. (*kicks heatsenn)
Cucumba Wave
This one is lightly penciled due to the fact that I will attempt CGing it when I have time.
Super Saiyan Keldaen
Ryuei vs. Captain Sembali
Ryuei pwned Sembali the unhittable.
Left to right . . . ProtoBuu form 2, ProtoBuu form 1, BetaBuu, and Majin (Kid) Buu.
As always, cut and paste if you can't see it on click.
Cucumba won, but not easily. (*kicks heatsenn)
Cucumba Wave
This one is lightly penciled due to the fact that I will attempt CGing it when I have time.
Super Saiyan Keldaen
Ryuei vs. Captain Sembali
Ryuei pwned Sembali the unhittable.
Left to right . . . ProtoBuu form 2, ProtoBuu form 1, BetaBuu, and Majin (Kid) Buu.
As always, cut and paste if you can't see it on click.