
  1. B

    Some brillent ideas for esf:READ

    k my first idea is the server averege: if somone has a power level above it: if they die, then don't bring their power level back down, this is very annoying if your krillen,buu, or anyone with a high transform level. This would help the chars with high transform levels get there faster,instead...
  2. TwisteR

    Any ideas? I doubt it....

    I get that all the f 'n time. I dont know what it is, or whats causing it. I reinstalled ESF a number of times, and I even went as far as reinstalling Steam. So that cant fix it. Hopefully someone can tell me whats causing it. :confused:
  3. Dokutayuu

    A few new character ideas

    I have a few ideas that either have a transformation or a signature move. Garlic Jnr Transformation=Big Garlic Jnr Attacks=No idea Zarbon Transformation=Monster Zarbon Attacks=Melee Rensuko Purple attack Eye Beam (Similar to eye laser)...
  4. G


    Hey all I have some ideas for the public and the ESF team to have a think about. 1. Possible New Bad Guys = Brolly, Janemba(Devil Guy from movie 9 i think or 12), Super 17, Andriod 13,14, 15 + super andriod (final form), Babe, Sin the Dragon (Last of the shadow dragons), Bojack and Lord...
  5. R

    A few ideas USSJ And SSJ2 - What do you think?

    Alright... here goes I was really bored in World History today so I started to day dream about things that could be implemented into ESF in 1.3 and on. 1) USSJ Transformation - I was thinking about instead of adding SSJ2, USSJ should be added first. (Or maybe both, but that would be more...
  6. @lv/n

    2 different, but great ideas (in my opinion)

    i have 2 ideas... 1. is a failure of transforming anumaion... for example i'm goku adn i'm 1,000,000... this isn't enough to trans so if i pressed the trans button, it would appear an animation, but he would fail to transform... 2. a deathball and spirit bomb battle... for example, i'm goku...
  7. DarktoothDKD

    Game Mode IDEAS

    ok, I had an idea.. I was thinking about a King of the Hill kinda thing.. or a last survivor.. It would actually be a pretty cool idea.. Im posting this here so I can get your thoughts on some game mode IDEAS that I came up with. ELIMINATION CTDB round based.. last survivor gains a...
  8. The_Forgotten

    Present Ideas?

    My sons birthday is coming up in June and I can only spend a limited amount of money on him.Hes turning 6 so dont suggest anything "weird".I have about $100 to on him so Im trusting you guys to help me out...
  9. Krazy-Killa

    Ideas that have already been suggested.

    I'm making this thread because I'm seeing alot of threads concerning suggestions that have been suggested before, and/or been rejected. Improve Renzoku - Has already been improved for 1.2, so please stop suggesting it :S. Some Renzoku suggestions are good. Example would be: This -- Not that...
  10. Hellhound

    1.3 Ideas (ESF TEAM READ THIS)

    In the following section below, I will mention some things that have been mention(Note: I never read suggestion area so I wouldn't know if it was mention) Some of these you guys don't wan't to hear about because of of team haven't said they would do it, like fusion. OK, let's start...
  11. U

    some ideas for when charging a final attack

    well this is my idea. when you charge a Powerful beam or attack there should be some music for that. and people can hear your about to kill or charge an attack sort of like cells kamaha but last longer... lol please reply bout it
  12. T

    Have any good ideas come form the suggestion fourms?

    I'm just wondering....... thats all P.S STOP posting suggestions on this thread, including FUSION too! :S :warning:
  13. DracoHeart

    a few good ideas...

    1st) I think you can walk even when your turbo is on... Walking slowly with the awesome aura makes you feel cool... 2nd) When you master the transformation, perfect transformation. When you transform after you master there is no effect. The only thing is the change of models. So I think...
  14. S

    Fusion Thoughts and Ideas

    Post your thoughts about fusing i think that the fusion should be a char choice like gotenks or veggeto and have a sequence were you see the 2 fuse and then it lasts for 30 mins just like the show then after 30 mins are up you auto world spawn and choose a char and you must wait 30 mins...
  15. S

    New Thoughts And Ideas

    I Myself Live by ESF and I always think of way to improve the game such as my Candy Beam ideas and that was a big hit i have many more I think The Following Attacks Should be considered or Modifyied: Burning Slash Trunks SSJ 2&3 forms Goku and All Saiyans Perfect cell and Final...
  16. Alteh

    Any Ideas

    Anyone know of something to do besides going to the movies or something with your friends.
  17. Damaera

    Any ideas on my next map?

    Well I'm going to make a new map for ESF, I just need some ideas ;) Post your ideeas here please because I need some
  18. Damaera

    Any ideas on my next map?

    Well I'm going to make a new map for ESF, I just need some ideas ;) Post your ideeas here please because I need some
  19. shay

    some ideas...

    here are some of my ideas i belive some of them had been suggested before 1) pl increas after healing form an injury (sayains only) :) 2) duck key like in cs (works only on ground ,make u go slower)... its uses: a) power hiding (the spot in the scouter...
  20. V

    Ideas for games

    Anyone have ideas for game??? Please tell me!
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