Game Mode IDEAS

Everyone's Favorite Weirdo :D
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Dec 31, 2001
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ok, I had an idea.. I was thinking about a King of the Hill kinda thing.. or a last survivor.. It would actually be a pretty cool idea..

Im posting this here so I can get your thoughts on some game mode IDEAS that I came up with.

round based.. last survivor gains a dragonball.. when you get all 7, you get a wish..
But to balance it out.. you cant win so many times in a row.. so the strongest cant always win.. or probably give the winner less life each time he wins..
whatcha think? Elimination PLUS CTDB.. would be rather cool..
BTW, we need to think of more wishes.. lol

same as regular elimination but this time.. its that surviving team that gets the dragonball. when the team collects all the dragonballs, they have a vote menu for the wishes. Which ever vote with the most wishes,wins. If its a tie... just make the one that had the amount 1st win.

Capture the Flag (Dragonball)
Two "bases" you infiltrate the enemies to grab the flag and you bring it back your own base to gain MORE KI.
1. You can hit people with the dragonball/flag so it is also a weapon.
2. There will be multiple rounds to allow the first team to get the 7 dragonballs first, gets 1 or 2 wishes that apply to the whole team (team vote).
3. Some wishes may have to be tweaked and altered for this mode
4. When you get the flag/dragonball, you move a little slower and have stronger single handed ki attacks.

*Wishing time limit so people cant spam the server*

so what do you guys think of these so far?
New Member
May 18, 2003
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The first one is strange... dont really know. This give the winner less lifes... dont really know. But anything else roxor poxor!

The second is nice.

the third is nice also.

The rules are ok. I love the idea to have stronger one hand atacks WITH the flag ...

Nice. I love them all Ive voted ^^
New Member
Nov 27, 2002
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I'm for the implimentation of elimination.

In elimination mode, I reckon everyone should have a sensu. However, you could include a new use for them - if you pass a sensu to a dead teammate, it revives him. The downside is that for the gamemode, you'd have to keep the bodies around longer, otherwise this wouldn't be possible...

It'd suck to have no way to bring back a teammate. Battles can go on for a while, and it would help of there was a chance if getting back into the action.
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Apr 15, 2003
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Honestly all of them would add to this game..but if you had to impliment just 1 first. I'd say team elimination first, but thats just me.
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Nov 5, 2002
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I like the third idea, with the flag/dragonball weighing you down, it'd be a challenge to get away from your attackers. The first two still need more thought, but the last one seems pretty good.
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May 13, 2004
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How about a tagging mode? I love tagger modes. (Specialists has it as a mode called "The One")
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Mar 20, 2004
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All the ideas you put up, in my opinion, are really good. I hope they consider them :]
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Oct 2, 2002
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Having capture the flag in a game where you can clear the map the entire map in less than 3 seconds just seems. . . impossible. I still haven't heard a good way to implement it.

That elimination thing sounds good, provided the 1.2.1 changes go through.
New Member
Jan 6, 2002
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i like the cap the flag idea... but u should probly make it that u cant teleport when u have the flag/ball like Unreal Tourny.... but the problem would be that people would just spam ki attacks .....

picture a team of 7 ppl, 6 with full kame attacks and one person running in...u couldnt stop em... it would be very hard to make it fun..... maybe tweak so it could be like TFC or somthing... krillen could be a scout :p

could be that each attack can only do som much damage... its possible if it is like tfc.... lasers are sniper rifles, kames are rockets, trunks flame type guy etc...
New Member
Apr 17, 2002
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we need objective based maps;
like destroy dr gero's lab
the team that destroys the objective with the best time wins

or with one char that is a super char and he's the only one that can
make kills and gets points for it
if you kill him you become the super char but the player with lthe least points
should also get points for his kills
maybe the super char could be brolly?
and he could have an easy super melee system,
he can grab two people at a time and throw them real quick
and wicked combos
New Member
Oct 5, 2003
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Id love a capture the flag version - it would really be great with some teamwork and stuff! But darktooth, I dont get the "GAIN KI" part - what ya mean?
I think it should just be plain simple as in UT: U go get the flag, u go back to ur own base and score A POINT, but of course u can only get the point if ur flag is at ur base.
Now my tweak ideas:

- The "flag" should be 3 dragonballs stuck together (the small ones in a bag if u want some kinda realistic sollution to how this should be possible)

- Each team starts out with their 3 dragonballs, they go get the other teams 3 dragonballs but OH - one is missing! Now this dragonball should be somewhere else in the map, and to score a point u would have to retrieve this as well. When you have all 7 dragonballs u can make the wish, however there shouldnt be possibilities - it should just take say 15 seconds to gain the point (The time it takes for porunga to ask the wish and to say "its done" or whatever the big guy says - the sounds are allready made ready). If the character wishing is disturbed in the process (think cs) he would have to start over again with the 15 seconds.

- No character can hold more than 3 dragonballs.

- The random dragonball will be reset somewhere random in the map after a wish - and i know ur all saying: but after 3 times everyone knows all the random places! but that doesnt matter so much, you could place it in the middle if you want to, just somewhere between the two "bases"

- Yes, there would be alot of ki spamming, but there would be solutions to this: 1# ki attacks max size is lowered, 2# areas around the bases would be ki free (perhaps a bit far out, maybe just smaller blasts or something) 3# the bases should be made so that they would be covered in a way - like having a huge cliff just in front of the base (im thinking cs_siege, ct spawn) so that you wouldnt have vegeta standing at his base throwing bigbangs in the other teams base, 4# friendly fire should be on, so that the characters would worry a bit more about shooting kames all over the place - not very popular to kill the carrier ;) (have a big message saying: "Name" teamkilled the flagcarrier, something like that)

- And PLEASE do not make the bases like somehting in dmz, dont let it be inside some building course thats just not dbz... It could be in a namek city or something, in a volcano, just not inside some little house .

- The flagcarrier should - as mentioned - not be able to teleport, perhaps be a bit slower and stuff.

- Maybe i come with some more tweaks later on, but do u get the picture? IMO there would be alot more teamwork involved, and i'd say its very dbz'ish :)

Critz please!


I like icu's idea too, just not the tweaks - one person being stronger than all the others in some way, and all the others would have to kill him to be able to gain kills.

Edit: How come nobody read or reply to this? :p im kinda curious about the critz
Everyone's Favorite Weirdo :D
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 31, 2001
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some nice ideas here actually. Im just waiting for more people to respond.. but it seems that a number of you guys like these ideas.. My ideas were pretty general.. no actuall specifics, but from what you guys help come up with.. it helps :)

every little bit of advice or ideas, help :)

Thank you much! :D
New Member
Jan 3, 2003
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What ever happened to ShAdOw's CTDB suggestion? It looked very well thought out and all that, I think it would be a great addition to ESF.

Your idea's are also pretty good Darktooth.
Beta Tester
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May 27, 2003
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Houston, TX
What about something like counter-strike. Spawn all the players, then let the people fight until one side wins. That would put into use the "real good/evil" teams. PLus spectator isnt used that much so this would be an interesting way to put the new spectator to good use.
Sep 29, 2002
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I think this one would take too long to gain all seven dragonballs =S
This mode is fine as a "Tournament" mode and doesn't really have to have the dragonballs in it to make it work =P

This one sounds good. So it wouldn't be just getting the dragonballs for wishes, but getting enough wishes to win (and the wishes are bonuses.)
I thought since the game would end in X amount of wishes time anyway. We could have a stat gain feature. (all stats are set back to default after the round is over) would be intresting anyway...
*Ideas For Wishes*
- Strength (Gain X Maximum Health)
- Speed (Gain X Maximum Speed)
- Power (Gain X Maximum Powerlevel)

Capture the Flag (Dragonball)
I don't think this kind of mode would work too well with esf. As hitokiri said, its too easy to clear the map. wether it be teleporting/beamjumping/swooping.

Catch The Dragonball Team Mode
I still think a new form of CTDB mode would be great. A team mode version of CTDB with shAdOw's and imkongkong's suggestions combined with a pinch of my own.
Everyone's Favorite Weirdo :D
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 31, 2001
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Whoa.. I just had another idea.. This is for the good.. and for the bad.. lol
Round Based, FFA or Team

remember how small those dragonballs are and how in DBZ you can hold them in a pouch.. forget when but they did.. why not have it so that you can collect all seven dragonballs.. but when you collect them.. no one knows.. so you have to kill to steal the ball.. who ever has all 7 can summon the dragon when ever they want...

And is invincible for a given time to make the wish..

Good.. because you can be sneaky in a sense.. but yet.. it makes you fight harder and thing of tactics because.. you have to kill the other person before he kills you to steal your dragonballs..

-=| The vision |=-

The small dragonballs are scattered through out the map, but they'll be big so you can see them.. lol

you kill someone who has the dragonball.. " not shown on radar " and then the dragonball will automatically be given to you or it will fall to the ground. From the time it falls or what ever.. you can see it on radar until you collect it.. Then you must protect your self no matter the cost. And choose wisely on who you must kill to gain the next ball.. After you collect them all.. ( WOOSH ) Dragon appears in a cool sequence :D Then you can make your wish.. and the round will restart wish your wish in effect for that round

For Team, on radar.. it shows who has dragonballs and how many.. To summon the dragon, all of you have to come together and the dragon will auto summon. :)

Hows that for an idea?

Objective Mode

I always wanted this.. but.. Right now.. Im just trying to figure out incorperate the dragonballs..

one objective mode could be.. like.. protect the summoning dragon.. In the show.. sometimes it takes a pretty damn long time till the dragon is summoned.. so you could have about.. 2-3 minutes to infiltrate a base and blow the hell out of the dragonballs.. and if you succeed.. you all get 1 mil extra powerlevel to increase intensity of each forth coming round :)
If you lose.. the protecting team gets an extra 1.5 mil power level.. so destroy those dragonballs!

or maybe something else.. lol Whatcha think?
New Member
Oct 5, 2003
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Last thing objective mode sounded pretty cool :) but with tweaks i do think that the capture the flag mode would work - try reading my post :) Would be really cool!

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