
  1. E

    Where to download half life so i can play

    Anyone know:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  2. V

    I need a online cd key for half life

    Yea this is basicly wat the name is i need one so i can play this game
  3. steve-o

    DBLB map release

    DragonBall : Lastbout Map release a mod for unrealtournament 2003.. go cheak out the map we have released. The DBLB team have decided to give you all a map for your easter present to play around with.. Hope you enjoy it and any tip's for the map will be looked forward to.. We are going to use...
  4. [MOD]Vegito


    I think there should be a Sqall replacement skin for trunks
  5. V

    ? ImPoRt ?

    Is there a way so i can import Quake3 models into ESF ?
  6. Lord Killmore

    Mapping Programm

    Does anyone know a good mapping programm???(I cant use Worldcraft because my Half-life cd is broken.....:cry: ) I really want to try making some maps (i only done some for Warcgraft 3 and C&C Generals) So please tell me where i can get all the stuff to do some mapping!
  7. R

    errrmmm...and so I changed something....

    ....so that my chargebar would look like this,this esp. points to Zerg fans <img src="http://www.geocities.com/kaiser_neo/zergbar.txt"> I need some crits so that I can make a custom HUD and no Im not doing any Protos or Terran HUDs
  8. S

    MilkShape Help?

    i just downloaded MilkShape 3d 1.5.6(Trial) and after i decomplie the files how do i complie them Back to .mdl??
  9. A

    TM Northway Map Help

    Im having trouble with this map when i create a game and then click on the map it loads and then says i cant detect the pine1.mdl file so i put it in the folder and it say the same thing could someone plz tell me what might be wrong.....:S
  10. S

    Animators !

    Hello, I was just wondering if there was any animators out there that would be willing to give me a few lessons in Ms3d 1.6.6 for anim's.I'm new to modeling and I would like to learn as much as I can and I'm not a big fan of reading Tut's for 2 hours for every buttom in Ms3d. -Thanks Bebi Vegeta
  11. M

    Destroyable maps?

    long time ago since i posted my last post :cry: . so i got this stupid idea. does anybody know i one exsist?
  12. M

    Spawning off the ground

    How come whenever I make a map people cant walk directly on the ground? They are always stuck a few feet off the ground walking on air. And if i move the playerstart any lower everyone starts in the ground and cant move. wra:\
  13. G

    cell saga gohan

    u guys like if anyone says if thats for esf im gonna make chesscumba ban ya :D if u like it join our forums lol sr.flagrun.net :) im gonna be the lucky ***** to skin it
  14. Warrior_Elite45

    How do you make clip boxes?

    I was wonderin' how would I make a clip box around an object such as a tree?
  15. Warrior_Elite45

    Sky Textures?

    I am almost finished making my first map (it's not all that great however lol) and I was wonderin how do you put in sky textures?
  16. {SSJ}Master


    WOW, the map in the beta preview is so cool, its got everything in it :P But are there any other new maps planned for the Beta 1 release? And is it possible to download guru now?
  17. God Gundam

    goku- blue outfit wip

    i dunno, i got bored earlier today, and this is what i came up with, took a half hour to make, but oh well it works for me i guess, i did arms odd, made them like neds vegettos in a way, so i could experiment with how they animate but oh well, crits as of this point.
  18. A

    My best work

    I was just working for an hour and a half and made this: I like it :) tools: PHOTOSHOP
  19. ssj999vegeta

    which editor

    i wanna make my first skin but i dont know which editor to use,my photoshop doesnt do 3d models so thats out, ne1 no werei cn geta good model makin program????????
  20. Black Saiyan


    Can some1 walk me thru how to make the body ect ect
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