
  1. G

    Kenshin!(Not nearly done)

    Hey, well this is something I created in about half an hour, trying to practice my proportions anyway here it is, my not nearly finished Kenshin! http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/gohanmsx/Rurouni_Kenshin.jpg (Copy and Paste into your browser!!) Any C&C is welcome!
  2. TAz00


    Ok the old Nc_Cliffs, got a new look. And i would say it fits better with that map... But see for yourself... Right click and press save as... http://www.freewebs.com/taz00/Nc_CliffsIce.zip Pic1 Pic2 Pic3
  3. S

    What about when Half Life 2 Comes out?

    Will you guys be moving the mod to Half-Life 2 (which comes out either next year or during the summer, cant remember) ?
  4. Insight

    Half Life 2

    i have a question,soon hl2 comes out *happy* so will you change from half life to half life 2? this would be great.
  5. L

    esf vegetto

    i have d/l esf vegetto from redsayain for 1.1 beta but i don't know to make it work!!:\
  6. Mr. Satans

    ESF v1.1b SSJ Goku

    What in teh hell is with the new SSJ Goku model?? I mean damn, seriously! The old model was WAY better, well I'm mostly complaining about the hair and the way it moves. I'm sure I couldn't do better but I don't understand how it could get worse, maybe it was half-assed like the new scouter...
  7. G

    Fat Buu

    Can you tell me, where i can download this Fat Boo Model?
  8. 8bit-Fighter

    Running half life as a service

    I heard there is a program to run a half-life dedicated server in the background as a service. Does anyone know the program or anyway other way I can do it ?
  9. V

    Take a look at Bojack Trunks

    Credits: Legs/Chest : The ESF-TEAM Head: The ESF-TEAM Hair: Violator Texture chest : Violator / ESF-Team
  10. O

    Cell's Size

    This has no doubt been brought up before, but it's not mentioned recently and a quick search didn't reveal any topics. (Besides, how do you search for something quite this specific?) The current Cell form two model is tiny. He should be very tall - in the show, he's a full head above Vegeta...
  11. E

    New City Map

    Is it possible to make a City map so when you are melee'd right and you hit a building you go through it?
  12. L


    nc_riverside like esf_riverside where it has the river going down the middle off the map and has mountain things around it. has waterfall and stuff... Screen shots, http://www.freewebs.com/btkdod/nc_riverside.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/btkdod/nc_riverside3.jpg...
  13. M

    How to compile ESF models to beta 1.1

    I read in your forum that it would only take 2 minutes to compile beta 1 models for beta 1.1 models so please tell me how to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please dont close this thread !!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. T

    Making sub-models

    how do you make a sub model like they did with trunks in 1.1?
  15. Final Vegeta

    Half life 2- esf mod?

    Hey i donno if you guys know this yet but half life 2 is comming soon, well to be simple my question is will esf come as a mod there aswel? Would be nice to have the graphics of half life 2 engine and prob way less buggy after a few patches. And oye not just becuz of the graphics, but the...
  16. S

    Gohan Short Hair

    Mdl by: Azn Edited By: SSJ3 Kakarott -----------------------------LOADING------------------------------- waiting for pic S-Bolt-- i have a host so dont close :D
  17. DBZFever

    I was wondering.

    If there was a model for ESF, cant a great skin make it look just as good as a bid for power model?
  18. S

    i need some advice

    does someone know a mdl program but i dont need to buy it and i dont need to use milkshape3d to get the mdl in the ''program'' dont say milkshape3d or gmax.. you would be very nice to me.. if someone dont answear i think this is my end of making models thank you!
  19. M

    scaling a existig model?

    I'm a Milkshape N00b and try to scale a model from ESF... So, i tried first die Scale-line in the qc file.... but the figure is stuck in the ground then.... Then, I tried to scale the Reference Scene from the model... but the model only was sqashed together! So i try to scale the anmation *.smd...
  20. S

    please someone help

    i need help with milkshape3d how i open esf mdls? please help me.. when i open hl mdls (esf) anyways i open ssjvegeta and nothing showes on the 4 screens
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