
  1. S

    could someone make a Good SSJ3 goku model

    i know people have already tried, but they looked nothing like SSJ3 Goku. Oh BTW:I Cant Model, Milk Shape Has Expired And Thats All I Have :(
  2. K

    Anyone make an OZ Deathmatch Map?

    I need an OZ Deathmatch map of a desert. With caves and stuff. I am editing OZ for my base of Bin Laden Hunt. Just need networks of caves and desert sand. Maybe mountains. Anyone wanting to help, I'd love it. I already have it playble, just need models and maps. AIM me at alphakoblano and we...
  3. Darkness

    Silo Map Beta Pic

    did this as a bit of a bet because i said that DMZ maps suck I havnt used WC for a year now and just had a quick go on it this took about 1 and a half hours no DBZ relevance though. http://www.faceparty.com/member_zoom.asp?uid=141496&img=389412&member=darklikeone On the pic the blue is a...
  4. Darkness

    My first model edit

    first try took half an hour i know its nothing special but what are your honest opinions remember its my first one Just goto http://www.faceparty.com/member_zoom.asp?uid=141496&img=387823&member=darklikeone
  5. L

    Someone Please Tell Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can somebody please tell me what i put in the options menu for worldcraft i got the esf fgd and all that but i dont know what everything else has to be PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
  6. L

    Help A Noob Mapper

    ok when i start worldcraft and it asks me for the config and build programs and stuff textures etc ,,,what do i put in the boxes could someone please show a pic of what they have or tell me what i need to do please thanks...
  7. Akhkaru

    Making a .MS3D file a .MDL

    How do you make a milkshape model file a Half-Life model?
  8. S

    Buu model

    how can send me a trunks model or the buu model i can`t find them. [email protected] plz
  9. Z

    It wont let me update Half Life!

    Hmmm....for som reason it wont let me update Half Life.....and ive been tryin to get the or whatever its called...and it just wont let me:cry:
  10. K

    Ussj Vegeta Done!!!

    Here is a front and back pic of him. I still have to slightly adjust the skin, but other than that, it's done Do not expect it out VERY soon. I am checking with Tien whether to make this public or -[GF]-'s And antoine, I will give this to you!
  11. D

    Other DBZ Mods for Half Life??

    I heard there were other DBZ mods. I know 2, ESF and DMZ. If anyone else could give me a link to other DBZ mods for HalfLife it would be very much appreciated, thanks! :cry: :talk: :tired: :S
  12. R

    Half Life Is Gone

    noooooooooooooooooooo i can not find my half life CD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP!!!!! *shoots hiimself disc spammer style*
  13. A

    no more doubles

    Yo, i think u should really consider this idea all right here... i think people should be able to change they're players color in this like in normal Half-Life heres sum examples... you could have some gokus with a black (or ne color) Gi and brown skin, or pale skin or sumthin or...
  14. OneWingedAngel

    Makeing .ms3d a .mdl format!

    Does anyone know how to make a .ms3d model into .mdl format. (ie: i had the model notdone in milkshape and i was working on it but when i was finished i couldn't use it in ESF because it was in .ms3d format! how can i change it to a .mdl format?) someone please...
  15. Guerilla

    Please Help Me!

    I need to know how to shrink skin textures and to make it work on the model, lets say make a tfc skin from 512x512 to 256x256.... i need to do this because my damn pc sucks ass and i really wanna get that extra framerate, and also i wanna make the esf player textures from 512x512 to 256x256 so...
  16. Antoine3323

    Editing models???

    How would I be able to edit a Half-Life model??? I cant seem to import it or anything!! What do I do??? Heres the progs I have: Milkshape 3D 1.5.8 Lightwave 7 Animation Master 2000
  17. S

    To hard to tell...

    I have been starting my own server games and trying that teamplay mode. The models all look the same except when up close. It is impossible to discern the difference from across the map and lots of people shooting back and forth. Maybe somehting like there glow is White for Good and REd for...
  18. E


    Are there any good alternatives for milkshape? I've already got HL model viewer for the skinning part and photoshop pro 6.0 but I just can't work with milkshape.........I can't even import a model :cry: When I wanna import I select a esf file but nothing happens
  19. T

    im new....

    um i was wonderin wot program u guys would suggest i use to edit/make a new map for esf , i havent done it b4 , du need to know programmin? and also wot du use to edit character models?
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