
  1. G

    Going back to main screen?

    I've got a problem with the new Beta Final Build. Downloaded and fresh installed, everything seems to work fine, but when I try to start a game, no matter the settings (of the server) or the map, right when it's done loading and should go to the game, it just goes back to the main screen. The...
  2. Dokutayuu

    FMA comes back for a second series!

    Those who have "acquired" the latest FMA chapter/volume would have noticed that a second anime series is production. FMA is/was/will be? my favourite series of all, so this really is good for me. Anyone else eagerly awaiting? Will they follow the manga? Or continue the anime? Or something else...
  3. M

    This Is Why I Came Back To ESF Lol this is why i came back lil somethin somethin from 1.3 nothing special =D But honestly I'm sick of noobs need competition dammit!
  4. M

    Whats good? IM back baby!

    Haha whats good everyone. Its been 2 years since i played and i decided to come back. I heard that 1.2 is like dead now because of the beta 1.3. Honestly I think people should come back. Aka Everyone i played wit back in the day in 1.2. Been out the scene awhile and **** has changed. Wheres...
  5. majin uub

    Back to school...

    Well seeing as I've been on these forums forever now, and I really don't post anything, I figured it is time to come out and start interacting with all my Internet buddies :P. I have to go back to school tomorrow, big senior, so I'm pretty excited about that, I think summer went by too fast, but...
  6. Z

    Zarp is back! :P - Ironman WIP

    Hey there long time no c :smile: i can c the esforces main page is down, is the mod closing down or :\ but here is my lates wip.. made in 3dstudio max 9 like the title says! I AM IRONMAN!!!! But now i am pretty new to 3Dstudio max.. sooo how do i map it ? so i can skin it :P over and...
  7. Damaera

    Minor Knock Back After Transformation

    Pretty much what the topic says. After you finish transforming, there should be an effect that knock backs players within a 5-10 yard radius. Basically just a way to not have players beat the **** out of you after you finish transforming.
  8. Basslover722

    Im Back!

    Anyone remember me? I used to like post on these forums alot like a maybe year ago? /sign if you do :D
  9. S

    Shocks from the back of a PC?

    Well, my sister has bought a computer, and she says that she often gets little shocks from plugging in and unplugging things in the back of the computer, when on and sometimes when off. Anyone know what this is/what it could be and how she can fix it? thanks in advance.
  10. Zeonix

    Bob, Defender of Mainframe, is Back This is one of those rare occasions where I'm happy crap from when I was younger gets recycled.
  11. VideoJinx

    New Beam Push Back Idea

    Okay I've seen some different versions of this, but I'm somewhat worried that it could slow down gameplay. So, I came up with this way of adding a beam pushback effect that can add strategy while giving the word "Defence" a whole new meaning. Okay for example, lets just say a ki blast has a...
  12. kam!

    Turning back time?

    I guess everyone once experienced a moment where they wished to turn back time and do everything better. Be it that moment with that special girls you let pass, or your whole life. But would that really be good? Would it make you happy? I don't know. The mistakes I make defined me, shaped me...
  13. Suh Dude

    Guess whose back... back again?

    Slim is back, ftw! (well not really back cause I'm bored to death) Model by Friskie, DBZ Hell, or anyone else who did the gotenks model. It's a WIP so I need help looking for a full body and face reference, and some crit to accomplish this task :o
  14. SSJ4boneVegeta

    Please Welcome me back to the forum

    After so many years, I forgot my user name on this forum. Thinking they were just deleted when there was a server switch, to my surprise, I received an e-mail today from management inviting every member back to this forum. So after years of being on this forum (including from before I signed...
  15. B

    More new stuff - Survivor < due to > DBZ HOOD is back!

    a new character I'm working in my free time Model done in Maya: Render done in max: currently working at the high poly mesh (Zbrush stage) somehow decided to throw all the things and say that DBZ HOOD is back so I decided to title this thread survivor! - 武士道
  16. imkongkong

    afraid of monsters is back! director's cut get it? got it? goood! gonna check this out after it's done downloading ^^
  17. Slofreak

    Back flip ?

    Now in esf when u make a power hit bouth players just get pushed away and stop in air. How about when u make a power hit and u get pushed away u make a 1 or 2 back flips in air and than stop in air
  18. Zabuza2k

    Z2K is back

  19. T

    Back... Again..

    Just wanted to know who's still active of the old players.. From before the more advanced combat system? the good old days.
  20. L

    Welcome back everyone.

    With the ESF Forum gone, I died a little inside. This community is the greatest community I've ever had the pleasure to read and reply. Thenks for the forums finally returning, whom ever brought them back up. What has everyone been up to?
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