My Site
this is way off topic but im just clearing this up right now, i never told anyone to click on any of the links, i dont have any files up right now and as long as im not linking you strait to stile from the forums, i dont think theres any problem at all, thats my personal site and its not endorsed in anyway by esf. when i say ill have links up soon, and you guys click the links anyways, your problem not mine. stileproject is a legitamate site that millions of people go everyday, millions of sick people, but it doesnt really matter.
quit pointlessly spaming up the topic just because i dont have any links up yet.
and people saying that theres little ones in the forum, i dont see anyone getting mad when people blatenly use profanity is many slur ways and misspells.although my site has nothing to do with the forums, i was just throwing it out there so you guys could check out the design and how the layout would look. i didnt expect this kinda reaction or i wouldnt have showed you guys early. i can definently see what azn ment when he said its not worth the trouble, because neither is my site now. and that ruled out any of my edits with one single whipe too, not even