I am making a bg, and i know it sucks, i am tryin to make BG's but it hard to learn. But it is missing something. I can't put my finger on it. Any suggestions?
Try calming down with all the filter mashing and focus more on learning how to use the tools. Try making a few 2d designs and over laying them on it. By the way, if you are going for a water look then I would suggest using perspective so you get that plane type look.
Filter Mashing? i don't know how to use filters. This is all done in layers ect. And there was only like 4 layerz
The thing is, i can't get it too look right. Now matter what i do. Is there any suggestions to completing it? What do you guys use to complete backgrounds?
Uhh I wouldn't finish it, I don't liek it all that much, I mean the stuff you used to make it look like water riples or whatever actually looks like a very old TV Trying to hsow a show from half way aroudn the world. I like most of your stuff, But I can not sya I like this veyr much... I'd say start over but thats my oppinion.
My first though is to pull out the scanlines, they're killing any texture you have on the rest of the layers. I can't see what's going on otherwise, so I have no way to suggest anything else.
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