
  1. Damaera

    Naruto 104 Spoilers maybe ?_?

    Well I'm not sure if this is a spoiler or not but... I heard that there's going to be a new ending for naruto 104. Maybe a new opening? I dunno -_-
  2. Damaera

    Naruto 104 or whatever released? May have spoilers

    Yeah is it out? I put may have spoilers in the topic title :D
  3. CM

    End of Fullmetal Alchemist *Might contain spoilers*

    Well, another great series ended. While I felt the ending was a bit rushed, it was awesome and leaves you desperately waiting for the movie. What did everyone else think of it (if you've seen it)?
  4. SailorAlea

    Naruto 101. "Spoilers." (..lol)

    I think the pictures speak for themselves. Any comments on this horrendously stupid episode?
  5. I

    Naruto Chapter 229 Convo (Spoilers!!)

    I just got finished reading 229 and man was it awesome! Now that Sasuke has a full grown sharingan eye, do you think he can beat naruto's nine-tails form? Even if he doesn't, remember that sasuke still has the 2nd form that those 4-sound-nin guys had. Man that was a good chapter, post...
  6. Guru_San

    I,ROBOT *spoilers*

    Have any of you guys seen it? and if so what you all thinking? I seen it today i have wanted to see it for a while and it was amazing, pretty decent like, the car rocks, and the graphics are just amazing!! Nice job there like. -SaN
  7. A

    Arthos Seeks KOTOR help, (SPOILERS)

    For once, I am completely helpless at solving a Bug. I have always been able to figure it out before, now I can't. First off, I have a couple of Lightsaber Balancing mods(They were too weak to begin with. Now they're perfect.) As well as both of RedHawk's Item Packs, and his Boosterpack. (Can...
  8. A

    I, Robot(Discussion, POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

    So, whos seen this and firmly believes that it IS AN AWESOME FILM AND WILL SMITH HAS THOUROGHLY REDEEMED HIMSELF!?
  9. Jonesdaniel

    Spider-man 2 Movie question (contains spoilers)

    Well, for those that have seen it, and know a fair bit about spiderman, he starts to lose his powers in the middle of the film. Now, i could see 2 reasons for this. 1.) By losing his powers, the director wanted to show that Peter Parker has returned to his old self physically, as well as...
  10. Goten-son

    Spidey 2 (the movie) *Possible Spoilers*

    i just got back from the movie, and it was great. i dont read the comic books so it was good for me but 2 of my friends that went with me said it sucked but they read the comic books and had their lil nerd battle of stuff about what was wrong and not wrong etc.....so i guess for those who dont...
  11. CM

    The Terminal (SPOILERS)

    Who else saw the movie? I thought it was pretty good. A lot of funny parts. And it amazes me how Tom Hanks pulled off the foreign accent. Discuss... Oh, and before you reply, do you have an appointment?
  12. S

    Steven Kings IT (book, spoilers)

    seeing no other place to put it, I just finished this book, it kicks ass. So has anyone else out here read it? The movie version sucked tho in comparision to the book, so innacurate >.<. So what do you guys think the Turtle symbolizes? my best guess was that it was god, but then it died, and...
  13. J

    Troy Good or bad? ** might contain spoilers **

    I just went to Troy, and personally I thought it was quite good. wasnt as good as gladiator imo, some fights could have been a bit better. but achilles and hector ownt quite a lot. first fight with achilles just rawks, if you still have to go see it. the movie is quite worth it, but don't expect...
  14. Phobius


    Holy **** did things ever take a kick off at tonight's RAW. First and for most Hayman is far from gone rumours have it he is bringing back ECW. THE LAST PART WITH ALL THE RAW VS SMACKDOWN SUPERSTARS HOLY TOLETO!!! Got to love Stone Cold for bringing reinforcements and what about the return of...
  15. CM

    Naruto Manga Chapter 209 (SPOILERS)

    What did everyone think of it? i thought it was absolutely kickass the way lee jumped in and nailed Kimimaro with the "Konoha Senpuu"
  16. Phatslugga

    Dawn of the Dead (read at own risk, spoilers)

    Well, I just saw it, and I thought it was a great movie! As far as zombie horror movies go, this was one of the better ones, a bit more unique than the rest. It was funny at the right times, serious when it needed to be, and it had fast zombies (far superior to the slow zombies). Wasn't as...
  17. X

    Final Fantasy X-2 *May contain spoilers*

    I just got this game on Saturday, still making my way through the plot... What does everyone think of it? It is nothing that I was expecting... And Brother... they turned him into a PERVERT. Constantly trying to get closer to Yuna. And the outfits are kinda... slutty. except for the ones...
  18. SSj Gotenks

    ROTK!!! MAjor SPoilers!!!

    Hey I just got ROTK on GCN. It is a friggen awesome game with enhanced abilities than two towers. Coolest person to fight is totally aragorn. Also the cut sequences are awesome and well put. Totally cool to see King of the dead go to to toe with aragorn I was wondering if any of you guys...
  19. Eon

    What is YOUR favorite RPG moment? (Warning, some spoilers inside)

    Just wondering what your favorite moment in an RPG is. Mine would have to be the Floating Continent in FF6 or tracking down the masamune in Chrono Trigger So what's you guys's fav moment? :]
  20. S

    Freddie Vs Jason --SPOILERS!

    I just went to see Freddie Vs Jason, and WOW O_O. What a good movie, I jumped maybe once or twice, but they were so evenly matched. Freddie could pull off some fast moves but they hardly moved Jason, and when Jason hit Freddie flew 20 feet.There were also some pretty grousem (sp?) death scenes...
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