
  1. M

    where can i get half life

    where can i get half life i downloaded esf but i cant find half life any where
  2. S

    How do I edit .mdl files?

    I don't know what to open them with... what do I use?
  3. W


    hi i have a qeustion. with wich program do you all guys make maps??? i'dd like to make a few :D will you please give me a link? thanx
  4. Vegito1180

    MilkShape 3D

    How Do I Importe Models To Milkshape?
  5. S


    hate piccolo when he ain't wearing his cool outfit all stuff by esf team,hacked together by me download when swimming the legs go through the cape a bit,sowwy couldn't be arsed to spend more time on it
  6. M

    which half life

    Hey everyone sorry to ask this kinda dumb questions but i dont know which half life i need to be able to play this game. Im getting it for christmas but i dont know which one. im supposed to be getting 5 half life games for $40 if you could tell me which ones it works with that would help a lot...
  7. M

    req. drawing tuts

    can someone please give some tuts of learning how to draw manga's and stuff?? i've already got polykarbon.com but i dont get it, i would really like it if it was a dutch site 2 or an english.
  8. S

    esf_1on1 - Check it out!

    I was taking some time to think of a good map for 1 on 1 Fights, and heres what I got!! Its a nice big Cage Match, for those who wish for the raw bloody sport of fighting. Once you go in, you cant get it... Screen Shot: http://www.ssjw.net/esf/esf_1on1.jpg *EDIT* ESF_1on1...
  9. TehMuffinMan

    >>>first Aura!!!<<<<<

    Thats right guyz, the first totally new aura, model and everything! heres a piccy: www.angelfire.com/apes/kick_ass/pictures/aura.JPG trust me, youll love it, it looks much better in game >>>link<<< www.angelfire.com/apes/kick_ass/aura.mdl
  10. R

    Milkshape !

    I'm a newbee in half life modeling but not in dbz modeling. I only want to know how to import mdl model in milkshape please or in 3dsmax, thanks !!!
  11. Mr. Satans

    Just A Start

    I finally got around to messin' around with Photoshop (I've never used it before, all my previous experience was with Paint Shop Pro) & I made something! Heh it's the first thing that i've made in Photoshop that looks decent. I got the pic about 5 months ago, I don't remember where I got it...
  12. [RAW]Fusion

    How do you add a custom sky?

    i downloaded a skybox file called skybox.bb and i was wondering where i place the file? i found in hammer it just says 'enviromentmap cl_skyname' and then a box and i was wondering does the file i mentioned go in C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\esf\gfx\env because there are no files of that type in there...
  13. DaKD

    Brolly from Movie 10

    Heres my first model taht i made from scratch and also my fist skin(which is undergoing heavy improvment i jsut wanted a preview with skin ^^) THIS IS LIKE A 50% PROGRESS PIC lol hah no more looking at pics of something that doesent exist. Il have new pics as soon as the new skin is done^^
  14. Raven Blade

    Re-Skins Pack (WIP)

    If u have been reading some of my other threads u will probably know I am working on a re-release pack of the dbz models in esf, I am workin on Vegeta, Goku and cell at the moment. I will post Cell when I finish his lower half....but this is as far as I have got with Goku and Vegeta
  15. M

    Battle Damage Model Pack

    so far i got goku almost done.. heres pic http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/abe68bb/bc/My+Documents/__hr_Untitled-1.jpg?bcn99.9Ad1rk0Aem hmmm Lil Gohan's requested chibi gohan.. ill be making that soon CURRENT POLY COUNT:1267 i forgot to say this... BOOTS AND HAIR belong to VASSAGO...
  16. I


    I was wondering if possibly, anyone could help me get started in mapping for ESF. I have made some Half - Life maps before, but that is quite different than an ESF map. Im on mIRC alot if you want to talk to me. (#ESF)
  17. K

    senzu beans?

    I have a major problem with the senzu beans...they always show up just below the ground. You can still grab them, but can't see them. How can I fix this? I have already tried making the ground 1 unit thick and I am also using the hullfile. What gives?
  18. DJ-Ready


    Ok, i just finished S2k_Snakeway ... I think i dont need to tell much about it ^^ here´s a screenie http://www.s2k-clan.de.vu/news/s2k_snakeway01.jpg download it at www.s2k-clan.de.vu ^^ .. in the downloads section ^^ EDIT umm ok .. i 4got to something while making the zip ..so if u...
  19. G

    Arena WIP, yah i'm a super.n00b

    So i sat around and wanted to make an arena. I have never used worldcraft before, but hey its worth a try. So don't heckle the map to much, I am a skinner not a mapper. the orginal plan is to have 2 grand stands with sky boxs and then have 3 fighting planes, two of them clear and then one...
  20. B


    hi again :D I have DECOMPILED SSJ Vegeta now I want to know how I open SSJ Vegeta Plz tell me.
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