
  1. B

    model n00b

    Hey im a model n00b and im working with milkshape 3d :D and ehm how i open a esf model in milkshape so i can try some stuff on those models.
  2. M

    I Need Help

    Can someone plz tell me how to put new models in the game so i can use them...........??????? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. V

    is there any other game to use beside half life

    Alright i am new to this type of game play but could some please tell me is there any other game to use beside half life to play esf? please help :cry:
  4. G


    Sorry to bother ya with my silly question but i want to know how to animate models for the hl-engine. i searched everywhere but i didn't find a complete tut so if ya could post one or a link i would be very thankfully :fight: :rolleyes:
  5. X


    When i load a reference in mikshape the picture wont go in the middle to where i need it. It is usualy the bottom half on the bottom of the skeleton and the top half where the legs should be
  6. S

    half life cd keys

    does anyone have a extra half life cd key i could have? i need one real bad and i would be so thankful if someone would lend me one thank you
  7. S

    Do you need the newest version of half life ?

    I know that you need the newest version of half life to play esf online . but what i'm asking is will it work with older versions of half life (1.1.08 or 1.1.09) ? I have 56k and if i join an internet game i will get kicked because of my high ping , so i im not gonna download hl
  8. R

    UT - Q3 ?'s

    what's the recommended poly count on a model for Q3 and UT? Also like... as far as compiliars go, what can compile Q3 and UT models??? Thanks
  9. C

    About putting new mdoels in ESF

    I was wondering,if it was possible to put models for ESF ingame,competelly new models,with new animations etc.. Thanx for answering
  10. DiebytheSword

    By popular demand . . . action scenes.

    Ryuei Vs. Cucumba Cucumba won, but not easily. (*kicks heatsenn) Cucumba Wave This one is lightly penciled due to the fact that I will attempt CGing it when I have time. Super Saiyan Keldaen Ryuei vs. Captain Sembali Ryuei pwned Sembali the unhittable. Left to right . . ...
  11. H

    made a lil gif

    well i uh made this thing and it took me a good hour and a half because i had no idea what program would just take a clip of a movie and turn it into a gif and no one would help :S so i played the movie frame by frame and print screened on each frame then paisted in paint and saved each frame...
  12. N

    Musashi Sword Skin W.I.P.

    after being pushed around by parents for about 10 hours i finally got some time to skin musashi's sword: by the way our site is: Elemental Fusion
  13. F


    hi MAKE the skins better we have no pics form Gohan, kirlling, enz make make make bye bye O_O
  14. S


    Ey Guys. i have 1 question. the QUESTION: How Do I Make Low Grav In MY Map?!! i need it for a space map. plz help me with my last question b4 Beta is out but thnx anyway to read my treath !SaiyaMan!
  15. Synth

    The Half Life Server Filter

    When I filter a certain game lets say ESF. It brings up like 27000 games and then one wants to show them all. In lamen terms, my filter isn't working. Is their anything I could do or is the WON network just like that right now?
  16. M

    need crits...novice models

    I'm new to modeling and I just created a site with some samples of something I'm working on. It's half finished but I know that there are things I can do to make them better. Tell me what you think. Mr Hyde - Self Proclaimed Modeler
  17. Shuyin

    Half Life Wont Work

    its asking me to put in a cd key number, there is one on the back of the case and it don't seem to be working........ ive tried patiently for 10 mins but i give up , what do i do now?
  18. D

    Is Esforces also playable when you got Blue Shift instead off half life

    Is Esforces also playable when you got Blue Shift instead off half life?? (pretty obvious question but i think not everybody knows this yet so i ask :\) thnx for your time;)
  19. J

    some DBZ pics

    here are some drawings i made long time ago. I already showed them about half a year ago. but for the ones who missed it :)
  20. L

    Trunks Hair

    Hopefully this will help, you guys don't know how to improve the hair for the trunks model. Here is a screenie of trunks from the sos mod for q3. It looks pretty good the way they did the hair. Edit: This model was done by Ultimate SS on the SOS mod for q3.
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