
  1. J

    Milkshape Cell Shading effect without Milkshader

    This is those of you who dont feel like geting milkshader to get the fake cell shading render in ms3d.... first save this pic to your computer http://free.one.picturehost.co.uk/CelShading.bmp Next load up the model in milkshape that you wana cell shade. Go under materials and choose the...
  2. T

    cell loses a attack

    I notice that cell dousent have gally gun but when i transformed i had it but lost kamahamaha y in 1.1 he still had kamahama it his best attack.It's not a real big deal just wanting to no Y.
  3. M

    Remove Cell

    It's not fair, he has all the powereful attacks (kamehameha, galit gun, sbc...), instead of him you could add some other cool character, like tien/ginyu/18 ... and btw, why does he have frieza disk ? in dbz he didn't use frieza disk he used krillin Destructor Disk.
  4. F


    Hi Everybody! IM just here to post a perfect Idea I had thought about for 1.3!!!!!(I hope the eSF team is reading) Well why Dont you just get rid of the "find the dragonballz mode" and replace it with a mode known as the "Cell games". It follows just like in the show. It will include the...
  5. Q

    Cell Shading...sorta...

    Well I tried reskinning the ESF models with cartoonish skins to make it look sorta cell shaded and now I am stuck at the point where I need to add a black border to the model. I don't know how to do that with Milkshape3d, so if anyone knows I'll appericiate it :).
  6. K

    Cell Confusing Attack

    I have idea for one Cell attack myself Confusing attack! I posted it at ather Thread, but maybe it's good to think about it, at new one! While you turn this attack on while teleporting, you loose more ki, and what it should do? Well just after every teleport, afterimage should stay much...
  7. U

    recharge cell. and piccolo.

    ok i can understand this that buu gets to gain hp. as in revive his ass. but what about cell he can, if his head is blown off he can reform. why cant he revive his health, and cell got that spell from piccolo why doesnt he have it. im guessing only buu can? i think piccolo and cell should...
  8. necro0

    Cell's Perfection Theme

    Does anyone know where I can download this? I can't find it anywhere. No kazaa please =\.
  9. SSJ Toast

    toast's cell wip

    howdy, havnt made a dbz model/skin since my first buu model, heres a perfect cell i made the past week using davidskiwan's drawings as my main ref (i already ask permission to post so dont worry about that) the model stands at 1400 triangles using 1 512x 512 skinmap, ill model the head when iam...
  10. B

    Cell Map

    Can someone make a really good cell map with a destroyable arena and when you destroy the arena it makes a huge crator? it would be sooo awesome! thx in advance.
  11. S

    Mr.Smo should make a cell model

    Mr. smo should make a cell model to be offically included in the game. Because the new picollo looks awesome, and cell sucks right now
  12. D

    Perfect cell

    Working on this ... ^^ Huge Thx to Davidiskiwan for the awesome ref drawing!! Modeled in : max5
  13. T

    Cell shading

    Hey, :idea: I was just playing Budoki 2 and it came accross to me that what if ESF could be cell shaded as well. I think it would improve the graphics a lot and the spirts and models would look less squareish and crappy. And also the fact that the spirt wouldn't have to be to detailed...
  14. dbZ_fAnaTic

    cell jr attack for cell

    read over my idea, and then vote a cell jr would be bot controlled it should take like 25 seconds to generate a cell jr, max two for every cell character out there the cell JR would only have around 20 hp, would find the closest enemy in it's sights, target them, and attack if cell...
  15. M

    A new attack for Cell

    Tri Beam... Although not used by any other character in the game... it is an origonal attack for Cell untill ofcourse Tien is impliments (if ever) The reason of this was i was messing around with cell the other day... and i was thinking cell dosnt really have an origonal attack in the show...
  16. Denz

    Cell form 2

    Since 100% Frieza thread died I wanted 2 make something better:laff: And Darkone will post in MilkShape3d view so grab it on their site.
  17. SSFT

    zero's new cell games

    Something is bothering me with the map, namely the grass and the sidewalk/road leading to the arena, I dont remember seening grass or the path in the show, correct me if im wrong, other than those, great quality looking map :yes:
  18. T

    suggestion for cell and buu?

    hey i have a suggestion for cell. okok. well think of this. when 1.3 or 1.4 comes out, i dont know which one should have it but, how bout try making the androids, and the only way cell can become his third form is to digest both of them by using his tail. and if some one uses one of the...
  19. S

    Cell Shading

    Can Anyone Tell me how to cell shade a model In Milkshape 3D ??? :cry:
  20. K

    replacing cell with vegitto

    before i go and delete all my old cell files, will this mess up because cell has a tail and vegitto doesnt? I love the fact that cell has all the attacks and more speed then anyone else, but i think hes ugly. And id rather play as veggito. I just want to make sure it wont screw anything up if...
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