Tien Development

Tien should have...

  • Four Witches Transformation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddied with Yamcha

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddied with Chiaotzu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddied with Yamcha and Chiaotzu

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  • Total voters
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Oct 27, 2004
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Eclipse said:
minus of course his wolf fang fist :p.

Logan..I don't know Choutzu's moves really well, Soooo I can't say anything for or against what you said except that Choutzu does have self destruct. Why doesn't Krillin have a buddy? Simply put he has a transformation (Unlocked potential) and the fact that no one would be sensably paired with him where as the ginyu force and 17 are obvious choices for thier buddies. I'm sure if you dig deep enought you can find more a little more difference between Tien and Choutzu, but in all honesty, it just doesn't make since to pair Tien with Yamcha besides the fact that some people want to play as Yamcha =\.
not necessarily true. They were rivals in dragonball, plus in budokai 2, they had a fusion, so that must of ment they had some kind of bond.
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May 15, 2002
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Chakra-X said:
not necessarily true. They were rivals in dragonball, plus in budokai 2, they had a fusion, so that must of ment they had some kind of bond.
budokai 2 is not made the original creators of DB and DBZ. so that fusion isn't really part of the dbz saga, just some fanboy made up thing
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Jun 8, 2004
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If you want a comprehensive list of Chiaotzu's attacks I can tell you right now aside from the obvious he only has Dodon Ray (like Tien) and Telekinesis, as well as an advanced Telekinesis that causes people some internal damage. That's it. Believe me, Chiaotzu stopped training after King Kai's planet. It's obvious that we can have more than two fighters in a 'buddy' (four in the Ginyu force) so if Chiaotzu has a strong calling I don't see why it couldn't be the three of them.

The other alternative is to have:

Tien - Chiaotzu Buddy
Krillin - Yamcha Buddy
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Feb 28, 2004
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Eclipse said:
it just doesn't make since to pair Tien with Yamcha besides the fact that some people want to play as Yamcha =\.
I'd rather have Tien be with a buddy thats unique in his own way rather than have Tien have mini-me as a partner. And when I say mini-me, I say it literally. He's tiny and is still a complete copy of tien......but is weaker with fewer attacks.
Force Pit Member
Nov 14, 2002
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just becuase you think it would be fun to play as Yamcha doesn't mean pairing him with Tien makes any sense from an accuracy standpoint. Thats like pairing Gogetta and Koola because you think they would make a great team and have different attacks...but it jsut doesn't make sense to do that. You are letting that horrid excuse of a game Budokai go to your head =\.
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Jun 8, 2004
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Tien and Yamcha fought together when they flew off to fight Perfect Cell. They trained together on King Kai's planet. They also fought together as a double-team against Bojack and his gang.

By the start of the Androids Saga, Chiaotzu was to Tien what Puar is to Yamcha :)
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
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Sep 6, 2004
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Tien has different outfits and he did get stronger as the series progressed. Another trans option is an "unlocked potential" knock-off like Krillin, This saves the time needed to make 3 separate models, and doesn't involve a warped 4 armed Tien.

Just an option...
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Jun 8, 2004
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Yeah but Krillin actually had his potential unlocked ("Mystic") by Guru, Tien didn't :p
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Mar 12, 2003
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Eclipse said:
just becuase you think it would be fun to play as Yamcha doesn't mean pairing him with Tien makes any sense from an accuracy standpoint.
Well there's our point right there. PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY AS YAMCHA. Why do you think we're putting Tien in the game anyway? It's because we want him in, not because it's "accurate" to have him in. Do you think pitting Tien or even Krillin up against Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell or Buu is accurate? In DBZ he would get his ass kicked by every one of them. Krillin is in the game because people wanted him in, same reason why Tien is being put in.

And why the hell do you keep bringing up Budokai? WTF does that have to with anything?

Besides, as Ravendust said, throughout the series Yamcha and Tien became pretty damn good buddies, so it is a fair deal.
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Mar 30, 2002
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Yamcha seperate.

Tien buddied with his little ***** Chiaotzu.

Problem solved.

Though personally, I'd rather Tien be by himself.

And he should be weak, so should Krillin and Yamcha. They are the equivalent of DAN in street fighter, or any joke character in any game. If you lose to them, it should be embarrassing. >_<

You guys should just pick one and go, DAMN!
Sep 29, 2002
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You know, originally this whole contest/community thing was just for adding Tien.
I havn't even seen approval for adding these extra buddy characters yet....Should really find out if the team even wants Yamcha or Chiaotzu added.
Lost in space
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Feb 26, 2004
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wy would tien nead help from some weaklings, even krillin doesn't have any help.
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Feb 28, 2004
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Shuyin said:
You know, originally this whole contest/community thing was just for adding Tien.
I havn't even seen approval for adding these extra buddy characters yet....Should really find out if the team even wants Yamcha or Chiaotzu added.
he has a point. Everyone, lets focus on just finishing Tien. if we can finish him early, then we'll decide if we want him alone or with a buddy.
Force Pit Member
Nov 14, 2002
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Obviously they would never fight, thats just not reviant as far as the point i'm trying to make. It wouldn't make any sense to partner android 18 with bojack in ESF would it? No the obvious buddy pair for 18 is of course 17. That relationship is made extremely clear in the anime, as such is the relationship between Tien and Choutzu. Yes, Yamcha and Tien are friends, whoopdy do, that doesn't mean jack, if that was the case the whole Zforce would be buddied together.

niobe said:
wy would tien nead help from some weaklings, even krillin doesn't have any help.
It's merely being discussed to further Tien as a character that can stand on his own becuase sadly, he (like android 18, and ginyu) does not have a transformation that we could use. I dunno, but it seems like all characters in ESF need at least one transformation.

Also, the reason I keep bringing up the Budokai series is because that put the Tien and Yamcha closeness bond with that whole BS fusion crap. If that game wouldn't have come out, most people wouldn't think that Yamcha should be in there so strongly. You still haven't given a logical reason why Yamcha would be buddied with Tien except they were friends =\. Sadly Choutzu doesn't make a powerful ally, but he does have the telekineses and self destruct...and we don't know how the buddy system is, they might only be there for an attack anyway.

That being said, I agree we need to get Tien done first of course, but I will never agree or understand why you think Tien and Yamcha should be buddied as they are mere friends (at BEST, I doubt they hang out socially or train together with the exception of Kai's planet). If you can't see my point, I guess I just feel sorry for you :p.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 24, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
we dont wanna pair them just because their friend we want to pair them beacause we WANT to play as yamcha, you would have to admit using the spiritball could be pretty cool
Force Pit Member
Nov 14, 2002
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The start up a yamcha contest, or make a Yamcha custom model. But hell, I want to play as Super 17, doesn't mean I'm going to buddy him with Tien XD
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Jun 8, 2004
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Self Destruct doesn't count as an attack, Vegeta, Chiaotzu, Tien and Goku all proved they could do it, and i'm sure the others could or would if the oppurtunity arose. Plus it's a redundant move in a game where you respawn.
Force Pit Member
Nov 14, 2002
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Not nessecarly, it could be implemented like it was in Final Bout where it's a double edge sword, if you miss, you lost like 3/4ths or 5/6th of your health, but if you hit it's like you take a bit less damage and you hurt them REALLY bad. Or if the buddy system is simply one move for the buddy then there you go, you can implement it like imkongkong said.

Edit: When did Goku self destruct? In one of the movies?? I know he has killed himself a lot, but I don't remember him blowing himself up.
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Mar 30, 2002
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He didn't say he did, he said he can. All of them could, Vegeta was one of few on the good side that had the ballz to do it.. Its basically releasing all your ki at once and destroying everything in the explosion at the cost of your life.

Its basically like a ki blast, if you can do that, you can self-distruct.
Force Pit Member
Nov 14, 2002
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Ravendust said:
Self Destruct doesn't count as an attack, Vegeta, Chiaotzu, Tien and Goku all proved they could do it
Learn to read?

On that note, I don't remember Tien doing it either, unless this is all Movie stuff, in which case I didn't see those XD.

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