
  1. Almighty_Gir

    Darth Revan - Image heavy...

    i just finished this guy up today (or finished by my standards anyway). i'm certainly open to criticism, it'll help me do better on my next piece! textures are 2048. i have: diffuse + alpha, specular + gloss (in alpha channel),normals, masks (occlusion + reflection). when i recompile the...
  2. sub

    How to get a background image for the ESF shortcut on Steam

    Tired of the dull background for our beloved ESF shortcut on Steam? If you go into the settings for Steam and opt into the beta, you can then take screenshots with Steam and those screenshots will serve as the games background image. Default screenshot button is f12. edit: This isn't in beta...
  3. M

    The Awesome Image Thread

    Post awesome images.
  4. Skyrider

    Skyrider in search for an Image Gallery Script

    Hey guys, I'm in search for an Image Gallery script much like this one: Check out the laptop images with the arrows. I'm looking for such gallery. I've seen looking on quite...
  5. M

    Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Announced

  6. Skyrider

    Image Username, how do I get one?

    As of last week, I added a neat feature to replace your text username in threads and profiles with an image. I've been messaged by people if I could add a imaged username for them. Wanted to let you all know that this feature is currently only for the Force Pit to show them our Appreciation and...
  7. Barney's_Soul

    Got new monitor - image quality bad

    Okay guys, my new I-inc 25 inch HDMI monitor just arrived in the mail yesterday ( specs are here ), and the image quality is terrible. The colours are all washed out and look bad, and yes I'm running at 1920x1080 native resolution. Even...
  8. Barack Obama

    Image Title Concern

    Skyrider. I've noticed a nic red "x" displays underneath my name where my avatar title should be. I am bringing you this issue as it will affect my continued contributions to these forums.
  9. Spunky

    Image Metrics

    HOLY ****! That is so awesome.
  10. Nuttzy

    looking for an old reference image by skiwan

    im looking for an old old reference image skiwan drew up for me awhile back, white BG, red line art of a naruto themed girl. Im fairly sure i posted it here a good while back, but the thread in which i posted it in just disappeared one day (wasn't deleted either, just poof,... gone, no redirect...
  11. Skyrider

    PoTW :: After Image Technique

  12. L

    Image batching

    Does anyone know a free program that converts large patches of .tga files to .jpeg? I was hoping there was some sort of plugin for Photoshop to do that. I searched and came up with one that lowers the quality greatly.
  13. D

    Image cutting tutorial

    Heres another photoshop tutorial I made, this one is in video form... so now you really cant accuse me of copying... I did make this back when was still here... if you gotta a problem, email me and Ill point you out to an admin at that old website. Once again I hope you have...
  14. dan_esf_fanatic

    After image or white static teleports?

    A lot of people in my other thread mentioned that they would like to have the 1.1-like teleports in 1.2 and 1.3. So I was wondering if the team could take this into consideration, so I made a poll. After image teleports vs. white static teleports. So, vote.
  15. veqeta

    How Do I Make a Custom Spray Image??

    hi, i was wondering what programs and things do i need to make a custom spray for esf, thanks.
  16. veqeta


    Hi i was wondering how people made those images appear when they kill someone, if someone could tell me it would be great.
  17. M

    Image Editing/Batch

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that is able to edit a batch of images rather than having to go through each picture. In this case, I want to resize 76 pictures to a specific size, but I don't want to sit there going through each one.
  18. $sj Goku

    Goku's Multi Image Technique

    remember How in the show When goku started moving so fast You only can see a trail of his images? I think this could be implimented as Goku's Special some how... Im not sure is how to put it gameplay wize but i have an idea how it could work ok after hitting the "specialattack"...
  19. Ka1s3r_x

    Image editing problems!!!

    I want to have a signature but i dont know any software for that job. any suggestions??? :cry: even if anyone can help?? :cry:
  20. J

    requesting a wallpaper. image supplied!

    can someone make me a nice wallpaper from this image? (and a sig if they feel up to it?) i can supply endless renders in as many positions as you like.
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