Suggestion concerning Beam Explosions in a Power Struggle

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Jun 13, 2002
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This has happened multiple times when I play...
You get in a power struggle, but your opponenet had released early, and you wait till full charge to realease, your beam stopping their beam some short distance in front of you. You are winning the power struggle, when all of a sudden your much weaker opponent hits a magic button (the right mouse button), causing their beam to explode, and then exploding yours, usually killing you in the process.

While the ability to blow up your beam is a good idea, usually resulting in good strategy, I propose that the ability to do so be nulled when in a power struggle, that both players are locked in a power struggle until it's completion, or interruption by another player... Just a suggestion, I figured this was the correct place to post such. :)
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Nov 24, 2001
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Supriselingly this has only been suggested once before, and I do agree that is kinda annoying.

And to stay true to Dragonball, you shouldnt be able to leave a powerstruggle, those things last until dath in the show.
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 4, 2002
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i think i hear something about only 5% damage if someone attacks you while you´re in a ps
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Nov 28, 2001
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Originally posted by Sierra Sonic
And to stay true to Dragonball, you shouldnt be able to leave a powerstruggle, those things last until dath in the show.
Yeah, I can see that, but it might not apply to well in a video game. I mean, you could try to charge up a quick little Masenko and launch it at someone, maybe just to get their attention, and he turns around and throws a fully charged Final Flash into the beam. There's no way Piccolo, or any sane DBZ character would try to stay in such a suicidial power struggle.

Now, because of your quick little opening gambit, you're going to be forced to stay in your doomed PS and take a fully chared final flash right in the face. Whereas if you'd detonated it a second before, you'd of done a tiny bit of damage to them, and they'd of wasted their Final Flash because you could dodge it.
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Jan 4, 2002
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Originally posted by Whitecrab

Now, because of your quick little opening gambit, you're going to be forced to stay in your doomed PS and take a fully chared final flash right in the face.
that´s called tactic, or in this case the lack of tactic :D
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Mar 26, 2002
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Maybe the trick is to make it NOT explode if the other attack is exploded?

Then again, isn't it your own fault if you wait until an attack is
right in front of you to respond?

The fact that people hang on to power stuggles in the show
doesn't seem based on the mechanics of the attacks but on the
nature of the characters. Ex: Cell just can't believe that Gohan is
capable of feeding him his own fully-charged Kamehameha wave
with a quick blast, so he hangs on until it's too late. Every fight in
the show is supposed to have this psychological element too, to
surprise their opponents, etc.
If Cell was a pragmatic, no-nonsense fighter, with no illusions
about what he needed to do to win, he would have simply
detonated his own blast at the first sign of successful resistence
in order to do the most damage possible.

This is how I would imagine Piccolo approaching the situation
described above if he were in Cell's position.
I don't agree that people should be locked into powerstruggles at all, but I see no problem with the opponent's attack not exploding and needing to be dodged.

New Member
Jun 13, 2002
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How about instead of being able to blow up the attacks, do what has been done in the shows and implement a way to.. if your beam is powerful enough.. deflect the shot by hitting it with yours and then curving your attack, therefore pushing both energy blasts somewhere else. If you beam is just to weak compared to the other, then oh well, you lose.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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when u cansel a beam in a ps the other beam goes full speed towards u... basicly making u dead...
New Member
Dec 23, 2001
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that is what I want if you det yours than the other is unafected and keeps going


yeah thats awesome!! wat bout that flying toggle bug... or sumthin...wat happens u cancel..and then drop down.. or is that fixed?
New Member
Mar 26, 2002
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I agree with Lt. Zack that detonating your blast shouldn't take the opponent's attack with it.

Hibiki, I'd say that if people are able to dodge blasts that they
see in time, they will be able to dodge a blast that was used to
counter/ps their attack.
If people aren't able to dodge it, then they waited too long to
detonate their own (barely-charged attack), or simply have bad
tactics. Then they WOULD be dead, ;-).


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