
  1. Damaera

    Uber ugly Tien W.I.P >_>

  2. C

    Torso and Arms WIP

    heres that torso and arms from the tutorial that was posted. its suppose to be for vegeta but i dont know hes pretty jacked for that so who knows.
  3. CM

    The Winged Scorpion [WIP]

    My own concept. Never was on paper or anything, I looked at the banshee from halo and was like WOAH THATS AWESOME! So I was bored and started extruding out of a box, here's what I have so far. HEAVY WIP! The two boxes in bottom will be made into guns, the back and the seat, etc. are all just...
  4. Enix

    Stewie [WIP]

    Yea...started stewie, cel-shaded only. 2792 polys: As you can see, it needs some fixin, I put the face skin on so it gives you more of a feeling for stewie, so consider it a test. More soon, and some secsi renders. [THE WORLD IS MINE!HAHA!]
  5. Guru_San

    W.i.P - Face thing

    Ok bare in mind.. didnt take long, its not rendered and it has no mouth or hair but im using a brand new program and it seems to own! Its going to be a animated face sorta thing... ¬_¬ Damm bones bah.. But anywho.. Dont rate it.. id rather have crit's -SaN
  6. S

    wip what do you guys think?

    i was bored in math class and i drew and this came out.
  7. Diablos

    Some wip thing...

    You know how it is, you get that irresistable urge to scribble.. well this is what came out. The pose is one of "the wannabe hero headed out on wreckless adventure", and he's dragging his sidekick along. :) Just wondering what other people think before i clean him up, in the...
  8. imkongkong

    WIP: Otherworld Tournament Revived

    since my other thread was closed i decided to make another one. anyways, i decided to want to release this map, since it's the only map i feel is ready. i actually wanted models of the four kais and the grand kai, but i guess no one wanted to make them =( well here's screenies. when i can...
  9. E

    Android 16 - WIP

    Wewt. Im going up to his shoulder pads, its pure scene. Imma work on a skin thats teh ownage, and render it in max and see i can pull sumting off. I wrote this at 4 am and im on my insonmia medication (workin welleh?) So i dunno how bad it looks like im tayping now, ive corrected a few, but...
  10. S

    W.I.P. 2nd Time with Ms3d eva :P

    What you think about dat =?
  11. E

    Batman - WIP

    I started this REALLY early in the morning...got to a breaking point at around 7 am.... didnt sleep a wink ;p I can't wait to try to skin him.
  12. Valeska

    coloring WIP, naruto character

    well i'm working on some color and edit-ing skills, so i hope it will improve with this, this is what ive done for so far.. first mine worked already allot on it, also the face and all the editing on the pixels to make it smooth and perfect. crits and comments are welcome but...
  13. -Origin

    It's been a while, new wip

    It's been a while since I made anything in ps though...I'm trying to get into a whole different style seeing as I'm stuck in 'my' style for WAY too long....I haven't made anything good in months... Alright, so please keep in mind this is a WIP, and I don't want any grades or whatnot, just...
  14. The_Forgotten

    New Sig WIP

    I made this in Flash.(drawing pad) I only have the basic image down so I really shouldn't be expecting very many crits exept for the image.I'll try to post updates very soon on what its going to look like.Although I may have to ask for help with the text because mine always sucks :(.(low...
  15. OubliezJe

    WIP of Promotional background.

    This is a WIP i started it today, didnt finish it, but there is alot i need to do to it, but here is what i have so far. C&C, keep in mind, i have plans for this already this is a, a update of progress.
  16. E

    Piccolo WIP

  17. Kreshi

    Goku WIP

    It´s only 1 BIG GROUP... that´s the reason why it´s looking a little bit strange... Polycount: 1910 right now, but he will have 1918 in the end, if i don´t have to change anything else on the mesh... And the arm is looking too much cylinder-like from the front... i will try to fix that...
  18. TeKNiK

    [WIP] Yusuke Urameshi

    I've never posted a model on these forums before, so go gentle on me. Nah, don't i don't care rip it to shreds if you feel the need. This is only my second model. My renders all suck, so I just some printscreens so it's a lil jaggy. *Edit; The lighting makes my folds look a lil weird.
  19. E

    Tien - WIP

    K, I started a tien to practice my topology, the more and more i got into it the more and more im leaning toward making him a realistic version. I know it seems theirs wasted polies, but i put them their for topology purposes, so soon it probably wont be wasted.
  20. S

    some guy WIP

    this is a test of my skinning skills/modeling skills. am skinning the sholders/pants now so i will post an update later. thanks Sephiroth_nightmare
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