
  1. Bryggz

    Sig request

    Hey guys im not so blessed with photoshop or paintshop pro so i was wondering if someone cool make me a cool sig, doesnt need to be anything in particular, just somethin cool, i mostly post in the modeling section (being a modeler) so most of you prolly dont recognize my name much....but if...


    I really want to know if there is a brolliu model out/comming out.
  3. MaX

    Hi everyone Leting all know about this.

    im just starting on a map and its gonna be called esf_buu.. it takes place where there on the way to try to stop buu but they have to fight threw 3 fights :) dabura yakon and pweepwee.. takes place out side of that 2 :D.. ill post pics on another thread or somthing :).. off to go start map...
  4. NightShade

    NO FLAMES :) i wub j00 too

    Can anyone make a pikkon model to replace my piccilo? :)
  5. S

    correct me if im wrong but...

    isnt this a esf forum? cause from the title, the link and lits more i dont c anything that applys that this is a dmz forum 2. then y do ppl post models of dmz here? or any other mods...
  6. S

    SOS -_- Tenaichi Budokai and more ^_^ ...
  7. S

    Master Roshi???

    I dunt wanna beg no one to make a skin or a model but it would be really cool to see master roshi in the game. Like he can replace piccolo trunks or krillin. and like he could be wearing his regular black outfit. the one that he wore as jackie chung. and as his transformation he could be the...
  8. T

    electric ssj2 aura request

    I know some people are making it so i wanted to know where to download it. Also how would I make one?
  9. |Da|K|

    my sig (rate)

    plz rate this sig below i will change itabout every week or somewhere around there ..... butt between 1-10 will u plz tell me what u think my Rate of my sig is.... :rolleyes: Thnx :D
  10. Eon

    Need help finding....

    I searched around and could not find the vegetto sound pack. Can anyoe please show me where it is?
  11. K

    Useless your sig...and showin it off too

    Critz? Anyone like?
  12. Z

    new sig

    Hey i made myself a sig how is it?:p and there r some more i made check them out oh dont bother messing around my web site lol its old really old just check out the pics
  13. Twilight

    Can someone make me a sig?

    I have an idea for a sig I want, but need someone to graciously make it for me
  14. SSJ_ReNe

    !!SSJReNe` Artwork!!

    Hello Everyone to my third thread of my artwork. I would just like to say Please keep the spam and the flaming out of this thread, because my last 2 thread were stopped because of that main reason. If i see spamming i myself will get in contact with an Mod and have this thread closed, and if...
  15. S

    RS File host request.

    Erm. Must of you should know Redsaiyan because its hosting almost all the customized files for ESF, so i thought i'd make a thread to ask new poeple their permissions to host their file on release. hows do i submit files Well for now.. you will have to contact me on aim or msn, or in a pm...
  16. F

    Get Rid Of Rosat!!!

    No Offense if the guy who made this map reads this. But rosat is the worst map to be made. Yet it is played on every dam server. i never play on normal servers because rosat is always played, and when the map changes 2 mins later its loaded back up. It has more bugs than god knows...
  17. B

    Gohan with Cape And ssj2 Gohan Battle Damage

    Hi all i edit a little bit Sbolts Gohan *at Sbolt :) i make a little bit Battle Damage And il remodel a little gohan1 from esf *credit to Modler fom this :) i put from gohan 1 the head on sbolt gohan body and cape looks funny Thx to tha Real Modler :) Images: And download...
  18. Bryggz

    My gokussj3 model edit WIP

    Hey guys check out my gokussj3 wip, im working on the hair since everyones seems so grisly, perhaps i'll be more fortunate? tell me what u think so far, keep in mind that the hair is a lil more than 1/2 done (hasta go past his waist/butt) so more will be there, + the top of his head isnt done...
  19. S

    Where can I get a map maker to make ESF maps?

    Can someone plz give me a site to download a map maker? I'm really interested in making some ESF maps
  20. D

    New siggy

    I whipped this up, and want your guys' opinions on which is better: THE OLD THE NEW I kinda like the new ones. All crits welcome :) Thanks.
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