
  1. S

    Lord Slug Wave

    I know this is models and things but this wav is for all those people who thought Lord Slug was actually a slug.
  2. Rebirah

    Milkshape tutorials

    Please I just got milkshape and I dont get how to model... I need some tutorials... Im the biggest n00b in modeling :)
  3. P

    need help !

    Any one know wher i can find a modeleditor i cant find one :cry: CAN SOMONE PLZ TELL ME WHER TO FIND ONE !!!!!!! I BE VERY HAPPY IF SOMONE HELP :D :D :D
  4. S

    Map backgrounds

    I was just curious as to if I could create some future backgrounds used for the various maps. It just seems like most backgrounds for most maps are pretty boring or just flat out terrible, well, to me anyhow. So, should I show an example to convince you? Or is anyone interested in backgrounds...
  5. Messiah Daz

    Compile My Map

    I read bout the zhlt or whatever but I dont get it I just made my first map and cant compile it can anyone simplify it for me?
  6. G


    could someone send me a tutorial for making dragon ball z models with milkshape? i wanna start making models for esf.
  7. DJ-Ready

    Tutorial: Configuring Hammer + Basics of mapping

    hey hey, ive just finished a small tutorial to show you n00bs the basics of mapping ^^ maybe that helps ya a lil bit solong DJ-Ready
  8. L

    Can Someone Please Make Me A Gotenks And A Ssj Gotenks!!!!! Please!

    Can someone make me a gotenks and ssj gotenks??:cry:
  9. Grim`


    Can somebody make me a signature plzz ? :/ Clan = dragonball nick = Goten i like Gotenks , Goten , Trunks and Gohan but teen Gohan plzz Make me 1 Thx Thx make something nice
  10. Abrophis

    Could Someone make a Chibi Goku Model

    When someone has a Son Goku Model from the Normal Dragonball. Where Goku was a Child could say where i could download it?
  11. Epedemic_Optikz

    For Everyone Who Wants An SSJ3 Goku.

    Well I See Alot of people begging for an ssj3 goku. Well its not mine but since alot of people want one here ya go.:] If u want a Screen Shot,Go here Copy and Paste if links don't work.:]
  12. E

    Please make me a sig?

    Can someone anyone make me a sig with dbz characters???
  13. W


    euh guys i think i need a converter for my maps cause they are .map and i need .bsp so i can't check my levels out now does someone know a converter from .map to .bsp????
  14. Packed Lunch


    make a piccolo with the white turban and armour plz, or is that being made already?
  15. I

    Complete Mapping Faq

    I made a complete mapping FAQ for mapping with Worldcraft for ESF. Well not on the actuall mapping but on getting it set up. I was hoping to just paste the text up here on the message board... but it seems like it won't. So I put it up on my website. click here to view it. :fight:
  16. V

    Goku ssj 3?

    Can someone make Goku ssj 3 battle Damage I'll thank you if you can make it! :) :) :)
  17. W


    hi i have a qeustion. with wich program do you all guys make maps??? i'dd like to make a few :D will you please give me a link? thanx
  18. A

    Ssjgohan2 Help

    I create ssj2gohan an its ok i can export this model but when i try to compile the qc milkshape always say unknown attachment link 'Bip01 R Finger11' Help Help Help
  19. S

    Now You Can Post Images From Free Hosting Services!

    As you all probably know, most free internet providers no longer provide remote picture linking. Well now you can link from all of them! Just put in front of your existing url to make it work. For example, if I want to post the picture...
  20. Mr. Satans


    This Thread Is NOT Just About Songs For The Map -- PLEASE READ THIS WHOLE POST Currently I Am Working On Editing My DMZ_NeoTournament ( ) Maps For Use On ESF (Due To All The Compliments I Have Had On It). Which means resizing n stuff. I also plan to...
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