
  1. D

    Can someone make these sounds?

    It would be great if someone that knows wat they r doin if they could make new sounds for things like explosion sounds and punch and kick sounds and scouter sounds. Even sounds like for when ur charging, and turbo sounds. Thanx that would be great!
  2. M

    looking for SSJ2 M Vegeta and P Cell

    Yes I have seen both threads but I am looking for a decent link that will work. I can only get online at night so its always that bandwith issue. Now all If I could please get a link.
  3. K

    raditz model

    theres a raditz model at red saiyan .net,and im the ultimate raditz fan !well i installed it to models/player/vegeta (like it says in the readme text)but the model pack doesnt work !help plz!!!does this happen to you?
  4. SS2 Gohan E

    SS1 gohan

    is there a decent SS1 Gohan in Gokus outfit yet? not the 1 from red saiyan no offense to the person who made it but dats cheap it sux if there is plzz pm me
  5. D

    Where can i get a mystic gohan model??

    I saw the one at red saiyan but i dont want one that is like bruised up or ne thing so is there one that is just like that one but just not bruised up? Thanx
  6. D

    Any Cool Vegetas??

    Does anyone know any really cool vegeta models that has its own tactics?? For example-- like does he punch differently or jumps differently. I really want one. Thanx!
  7. Morrone

    Trans Sound Pack Coming Soon

    Ok thanks to a lil help from VenGaurd I've been getting started with making some new trans sounds for ESF. I warn you this is specifically my style that is being instrumented into this pack, so the critism I would like to recieve should not be about whether you like the sounds I've chosen but if...
  8. S

    model recolor

    how do I open a ESF model so I cant repaint it? Im not doing this to claim as my own work I just want to change some colors on the models for own usage.
  9. Vengaurd

    ESF File Hosting

    seeing as how red saiyan isnt updating his site anymore(hes too buisy) i would like to voluntier my small site as a place for you to upload your files and promote them on these forums mysite
  10. D

    Mini Vegeta (saiyan crusades )

    Hi Mistery and I ( DivX ) made a new model + skin for mini vegeta, rate it and give comments. :cool: Click HERE ! to see the picture
  11. StriKe!

    King Vegeta (edited with paint tho:()

    Well, it should look like King vegeta:) i edited most with paint cause im not an artist and my adobe ran out of time hehe... hope you "like" it.. (dont be to hard on me) oow yes and official model by ESF team and some animations by...
  12. G

    dmz beams into ESF

    Is there a way to put the dmz beams into esf so that the stronger you are the bigger the beam gets. If you guys know of any way to do this plz tell.
  13. Mistery X

    Saiyan Crusades Raditz, need crits for the model... :P

    here is what I've got so far its a WIP, I'm also making the skin with it at the same time to save time.. and I just made the front part of the arms and I find it doesnt look right but I need some one to crit it so I can edit it properly.. some one draw over it to show me cause I'm a visual type...
  14. ]\/[ITCHELL

    Vegeta With Tail

    I've downloaded a model (i cant remember where:rolleyes: ) but it's a vegeta with a tail.Thats nice but the tail doesn't move, thats not nice:\ ;( so my question is :can some one animate the tail if Isend it to a email adress thank you for your attention
  15. KrazyKarl

    New Goku Drawing!!!

    This pic is from the cover of the Lord Slug video that I have... Its goku (normal) and i think hes supposed to be in the middle of a Kaio Kin or something... anyway on thecover hes all red ... This is one of the times King Ki thinks goku is a super saiyan and hes not.. so there ya go.. tell me...
  16. D

    Make A Gohan SSJ4 Model

    I would like someone to take up the task of making a gohan ssj4 model. here is a picture for anyone who would like to try. thanks.
  17. K

    can goku turn super saiyan 2 or above?

    im new to esf beta and i no how to transform but can you transform any higher?
  18. D.C. Darkling

    saiyan saga vegeta

    Someone made one. I have to say sory buddy.. I take it back.. the models NOT good. :/ I wanted to reskin it but then I found out why the skin ws bad.. Alot of lines and holes... model aint finished yet. nice idea but its poorly done. :( Anywayz back on topic I'm gona try to... hope I can...
  19. M

    Need Good Ssj Trunks Model!!

    :cry: Can anyone make a good model of ssj trunks for me? I think the long hair is kinda..... off :p And can Goku go ssj4 in DBZ? I'm such a DBZ n00b.
  20. T

    SSJ2 Majin Vegeta

    how do u like it? its not done yet i still plan on texturing the hair UPDATE heres a new pic and model
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