
  1. Z

    Power averaging ruins characters

    As if people didn't already always pick Goku, Gohan, and Trunks (And sometimes Vegeta though he takes longer), power averaging really screws up the characters that take longer to reach their transform powerlevel and that are permanently transformed, and the system really needs to be reworked, or...
  2. D

    Power and darkness

    Like say ur the highest pl on the server i mean like really high and u start charging up a really big attack and the lights and stuff start to dim and when ya shoot it theres a flash of light then BOOM Like in the sayijan saga where goku shot the kamahameha and vegeta shot the galic...
  3. A

    Loss of Power

    I think its redicolous how you lose SO much power when at 1-2 hp (I realize its been brought down from 10 hp). Im just like yelling when it starts happening, and many people try to kill themselves ASAP. I think that we should take this out, or greatly reduce the amount of power lost per...
  4. K

    new option: Hiding Power!

    Maybe there should be something like "hiding power"? I mean like "Turbo" but in other way! You decrese your power, but your ki is regenerating while you hide your power, and you can fight while your ki regenerate, but your character would be much less powerful! I would love to have such thing...
  5. S

    The Power Level Catchup up.

    Can this cvar be configged to automatically off without having to config it, because alot of servers have it on by default, and its highly annoying when you want to transform, and you have 3 or 4 gohan/trunks flying around all transformed, and you can't transform because everytime you die you pl...
  6. S

    Power level ( No I don't wanna change it )

    I was wondering a couple of things about powerlevel. Firstly, what attributes does it affect exactly? I know it affects damage and size of kiblasts, anything else? Secondly, what exactly are the formulas that govern the attributes it changes. Something like 1 million pl = 3 more damage...
  7. V

    Power always goes to avarage

    The power from my character always goes to the server avarage (lower, there always people who go and people who come with a lover power level). There's an option where you can choose: bring power to server avarage (or something) but when i have the option on or off, it doesn't make a diffirence...
  8. S

    getting to full power ssj with a better concept..

    ok heres my idea for 1.3 i think it would be pretty cool when you turn ssj theres a base power level like in the card game example: http://www.dbzcardgame.com/cardLibrary.cfm?action=search&search=super&series_id=4# click on the second super sayin goku well when you turn ssj theres a bar...
  9. S

    In 1.2 Does PL still determine power in melee

    If so how is it implemented now in 1.2's advanced melee.
  10. U

    Time limits... For power. beams

    i think beams as in kablobs and all that should have a timer.. to many people are just using kamaha after another. they steal kills, they make others angry and me. i think all beams should have a time limit. so you can only beam kamaha or shoots death balls or wateva you get when you trans form...
  11. G

    Spar Power for big BANG. (not the attack)

    Well i know i aint suggestion offen. :D Well here is comes no way back now. Well the suggestion is.... OMG i use "Well" alot... huh i am on ? AAHHHH Well... there is it was again... Here Goes. Suggestion is thad when you is beam stuggling you should beable to hide some Ki and then when...
  12. SuperDragonFist

    beam power struggle

    has anyone noticed that sometimes the beams wont go directly to the other person and they will kinda both go off on a coarse of thier own i was wondering if this was going to be fixed in 1.2 thanks for your time..
  13. M

    hiding youre power

    i suggest you should add the pl hiding like in the show. so you should be able to hide your pl at least 10% of youre maximum power and you should be able to power up like they do in the show when they are about to fight a strong opponent. sry for my bad english i'm dutch
  14. S

    Where To Download Power Level Change Plugin

    I Read This Forums Topic >> http://www.clan-treff.com/board/index.php?showtopic=524 and i was wondering where i can get the power level change plugin mentioned in that topic??
  15. Jonesdaniel

    The Power Of Paint

    Well, im an addict of drawing crap on paint. Avatar = Signature = Would stick the avatar on now, but the avatar thing seems to be down atm =/
  16. micfiygd

    power levels

    i said this once before but i have a new idea. at the beging of a match if you select a charecter with a beam attack like kamehameha or gallit gun you can selct 2 diffrent power levels for the match ex.very weak-fast charge low ki cost[through]very strong- long charge-hi ki cost and...
  17. S

    Bid for Power 2

    Hello, I am Synth (Professional Trance DJ) for the BFP2 team. We are currently working on the project as of right now. We started on March 22nd, 2004. Please visit our website and register at the forums, thank you. http://www.majhatesadvertising.com
  18. S

    Extra Power Up attack bar

    You can keep charging up and get darker bars each time but only on some attacks (ex spirit bomb you charge it up all the way but if you keep holding it the bar goes back to the beggining covers the other bar and becomes a darker bar, and having a more powerfull and bigger attack.
  19. I

    Bid For Power 2

    The Bid For Power 2 project has just begun. Though some work has already been done on the project, it is now time that the team is starting to get things underway. Bid for power 2 will have a seperate engine and a new system entirley. The team is wonderful and Im confident that we will not be...
  20. B

    How to Power Struggle and fight off Ki Blast

    Exactly how do you "struggle" in a power struggle (how to win). Also how do you fight off a Ki Attack (like Kamehameha, let alone reflect it...how do you aim it back if there is an art to it at all). :confused: :fight:
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