
  1. D

    Project progress report

    I know that the game will be done "when it's done". I'm perfectly fine with that, as should anyone else be that's been following you wonderful modders (although I feel that that's a loose term. You've BUILT a whole entire game from the ground up, it feels.) I was merely wondering if you...
  2. Full_Power_Explodes

    Dragonball Z Sagas style Transformations

    In the Dragonball Z Sagas game transformations are easy to earn but difficult to maintain. I think that'd fit well with esf. Transformations are dependent upon a transformation bar. While in normal form this bar is filled by using melee attacks. The more damage that the melee attack does the...
  3. Z

    Hey, progress bar?

    Hi, esf team First Id like to say thank you for the work that you put in to provide such a great game to the public. I also think its amazing that you guys do this free, I suggesting charging for final. any way the main point of this is to ask/request if it will be acceptable if you would...
  4. Disguise

    Ki Bar rebalance

    I haven't thought about it too much... yet. But if Turbo was regular combat, and Charged Turbo was offensive combat, maybe not using Turbo could be a defensive/conservative combat. Ki could regenerate more quickly without Turbo. That way you could either have Turbo on and need to stop to...
  5. Disguise

    Remove Charge Bar

    One thing that distracts combat and seems like an almost pointless thing to do is to add a charge bar to weaker attacks like Generic Balls/Blasts. I think these attacks shouldn't use a charge bar. Instead, there should be a short pause while the person uses the move where they would still be...
  6. Disguise

    RE: SAM Bar

    Thanks for linking me, Grega. It's great to hear about the Rage... I mean SAM bar. Essentially it's making the fight more intense and interesting as it goes on, so that's awesome. I like the idea of distinguishing between Melee and Beams, but I wonder whether they should be separate or not...
  7. Disguise

    Rage Bar explained

    The way it works is like this. If you land an attack on the enemy, your Rage bar will go up. It goes up faster if you're fighting someone who has a much higher PL than yourself, and it goes up slower if you're fighting someone who is weaker. It has a constant drain to it, so if you're out of...
  8. Disguise

    Various Ideas.. & Rage Bar

    I was thinking of various ideas here, so instead of going into great detail about one, I'll just list them and see what you all think. I realize some are much more difficult to program than others, so just comment on what you like and don't like. >When you shoot a Ki attack into another Ki...
  9. J

    YOU!!! i want to take you to a *** BAR!!!

    i went to a *** bar last night, and despite the fact that everyone except me, mike, steve, and the two women we were with were ***, the place actually rocked. and i slept with a lesbian... yeah, i don't get it either!
  10. Almighty_Gir

    YOU!!! i want to take you to a *** BAR!!!

    i went to a *** bar last night, and despite the fact that everyone except me, mike, steve, and the two women we were with were ***, the place actually rocked. and i slept with a lesbian... yeah, i don't get it either!
  11. Alica_goku_ssj4

    RED BAR!

    i don't understand the point of this feature in the game ! makes the game boring ! don't u think that playing to get power is enough to transform ? why do i need a dmg bar or waht its called?
  12. Arsenovicius

    Attack dmg Bar

    Well i wonder if esf team could make something like a baqr on the side *bar which show's up* When a damage is been made.. It could be cool.. althought i only care about the game play... Consider my suggest.. ;D
  13. VideoJinx

    An idea for the stamina bar

    Ok i hear that stamina is gonna be used for alot of things in esf 1.3 but hrmm this idea suggests that stamina determines the amount of damge you do... how it works.... The stamina bar has 3 levels "above average" "winded" "tired". basicly it works like this... there is 1 stamina...
  14. ZeroNightmare

    Desktop Bar Help

    ok appearently my mom or sister felt creative and had to **** with the computer how do i get rid of the left side thing
  15. imkongkong

    Big bar in Powerstruggle bar

    with the new system of powerstruggling, since you're able to pump ki into the beam now, it might be hard to judge where the middle of the beam would be. currently, the middle bar that moves only shows who's stronger, thus who would push the beam. why not add a bar to the side of the struggle...
  16. C

    More ki aka blue bar

    yeah you should have more, but still it would take a longer time to charge up again. In the shows they use alot of ki and they don't do like the game is now with: Smash - smash - beam and then charge it's way too little and it charges too fast. Make more ki and make charge slower
  17. DracoHeart

    Development Progress Bar

    The idea is a progress bar on the development on esf 1.3. Like there will be a bar from 1% to 100% in the homepage Once it reached 100%, they will be starting to release 1.3 :)
  18. R

    PowerStruggle bar doesn't display who's winning

    Hello :) I have a problem with ESF: when i'lm in a powerstruggle (beam, Clsoe Combat etc..) i can see the red and blue part, but the "line" which displays wh'os winning, is so thin (maybe 1pixel) that it's hard for me to know if i will win or not. i've tried to play with an another hud...
  19. B

    Help!!! I don't have the status bar on my screen i can't see my powerlevel etc...

    Hi, I don't have the status bar you know my hp my ki my powerlevel thing that's on the left corner of the screen i don't have it i can't see it the only thing that i can see is my model that i'm playing with i can't even see the scouter on the right of my screen. How come i don't have all of...
  20. B

    Help!!! I don't have the status bar on my screen!!!

    Hi, I don't have the status bar you know my hp my ki my powerlevel thing that's on the left corner of the screen i don't have it i can't see it the only thing that i can see is my model that i'm playing with i can't even see the scouter on the right of my screen. How come i don't have all of...
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