Stupidest Moment in DBZ

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May 7, 2003
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GT is only in it's infant stages here in the States, and hasn't been shown or available much. I can't just watch the whole series repeatedly; besides it is pointless, since GT is NOT REAL.
Lol Not real eh? It looks pretty real to me. It's fanfiction or SailorAlea so calls it, which I am sure it is. But besides that it doesn't matter. Did you mention Vegeta can't obtain SSJ2 without assistance? Sorry but you have alot to learn, You think relying on angry will make you more powerful such as Gohan did against Cell? Vegeta "cheated" if that is what you have to call it to obtain "SSJ2". Vegeta had to do it to stand up to Goku in a fair battle. Vegeta had thought Goku only achieved SSJ2, apparentely he didn't but what does it matter? Let me ask you did you ever expect Vegeta to even go SSJ? Bet not. Which is why I think being a SSJ is all that matters to Vegeta.
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Apr 7, 2003
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"Let me ask you did you ever expect Vegeta to even go SSJ? Bet not."

Um, I hate to break this to you, but they showed Vejita going SSJ in the intro, for even the Saiyan saga of the English dub. Remember the one they kept repeating, that ended against the Ginyu force? : )

Side note Edit: SaiyanPrideXIX, Vejita is clearly shown being SSJ2, after losing Majin, in the manga. :/
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May 7, 2003
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Um, I hate to break this to you, but they showed Vejita going SSJ in the intro, for even the Saiyan saga of the English dub. Remember the one they kept repeating, that ended against the Ginyu force? : )

Lol yes I know, but what I meant was (besides the intro) Thru the saiyan-Namek saga, he was somewhat of a character that alot of ppl thought was too arrogent/selfish and whatnot. Just never thought someone like him would because SSJ, because of all his bragging. YEt he ended up doing it which I thought was an awesome goal for someone like him.
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Dec 27, 2002
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Xsl>|< said:
It's fanfiction or SailorAlea so calls it, which I am sure it is.
Lol, it's pretty obvious that Sailor hates DBGT, and I don't really blame him, but it's not fanfiction. Fanfiction is made by people in violation of copyright laws; DBGT is simply the non-canon continuation of Dragonball by Toei Co., who own the copyright and trademarks.


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May 9, 2003
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Mystic Gohan is far, far stronger than SSJ2 Vegeta. SSJ2 Vegeta is weaker than Fat Buu, and therefore weaker than Ubuu, who is supposedly stronger and has the potential of Kid Buu. I have no idea how you can watch all of the Buu Saga and get the impression that Vegeta is stronger than Gohan, Fat Buu, or Ubuu. Even the fusion of Kabito and Supreme Kai may be stronger than Vegeta; we never got the chance to see.

Remember, Goku only fused with Vegeta because his first choice Gohan dropped the earring (which was also stupid - hey, Gohan is super strong! Hey, Gohan is incredibly fast and skilled! Hey, Gohan is unstoppable! Hey, Gohan drops an earring!) Vegeta was a last resort. There was nobody else left but Mr. Satan. Goku wanted to fuse with the most powerful person on Earth, Gohan, but Gohan got absorbed before he could.
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Mar 6, 2003
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New York
by far the dumbest part of dbz

captain ginyu takes gokus body and cant figure out how to use his power
everyone keeps telling him" MIND AND BODY DONT U GET IT?!?!?"
yes thats right... tell him how to power up.....

soooo dumb
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May 7, 2003
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Mystic Gohan is far, far stronger than SSJ2 Vegeta. SSJ2 Vegeta is weaker than Fat Buu, and therefore weaker than Ubuu, who is supposedly stronger and has the potential of Kid Buu. I have no idea how you can watch all of the Buu Saga and get the impression that Vegeta is stronger than Gohan, Fat Buu, or Ubuu. Even the fusion of Kabito and Supreme Kai may be stronger than Vegeta; we never got the chance to see.
Ok Orz may I ask why the hell you are still going on about this it's dropped leave it alone. Besides Vegeta would be a better Fusion with Goku than Gohan would, because well more tactical reasons, and therefore both being full blooded saiyans would make them even stronger after injury. Although if goku fused with Mystic Gohan I'm sure the fused character would have much more power but where's the skill? He'd go ugghh your dead beat the crap out of Buu and then kill him, END OF DBZ. Instead they can have Vegeta come back and get some type of revenge on Majin buu for having him kill himself for him. Vegeta is also dominant in the fusion of Veggeto.
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Feb 8, 2003
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Even more stupid, Ki flows through your body.
It's basicly your spirit, so if it is your spirit.
How can Ginyu be stronger than Goku when he was in his body.
He isn't used being in his body, but the power lies in his soul not in the body.

Much like the 'you can't use ki when you're dead' thing.
Ki can always be used, because you're living by Ki.
And even in death, Ki is amongst you.


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May 9, 2003
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Xsl>|<, you can ask me to stop if you ask me nicely, okay? You are not an easy person to work with. In the last page I've seen several comparisons of Gohan and Vegeta, with Vegeta being seen as somehow superior, so I spoke out. If you don't want me to, fine, but I'll be damned if I stop just because you want to shout at me. You seem to enjoy flaming others way too much.

Edit: Actually, turns out I may have got my threads crossed. The "was Vegeta SSJ2" thread might have been the one with the 'weak Gohan' post that I was replying too. In which case I'm mistaken, but Xsl>|< still has an attitude problem.

This is the stupidest moment in DBZ. It's a direct file link to, and I hope they don't mind me doing so..
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Dec 3, 2002
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Radditz's arrival.. maybe if that never happened the whole series might not have happened :yes:
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Apr 7, 2003
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Death Biscuit, you said..

"Lol, it's pretty obvious that Sailor hates DBGT, and I don't really blame him, but it's not fanfiction. Fanfiction is made by people in violation of copyright laws; DBGT is simply the non-canon continuation of Dragonball by Toei Co., who own the copyright and trademarks."

Toei Animation didn't own the copyright and trademarks of DragonBallZ, until Toriyama Akira sold them to Toei.

FanFiction is an extentuation of a story, that is not written by the original author--It's written by fans.

Just like, if a company wanted to make SailorMoon Season Six, and Naoko Takeuchi didn't want to make it, but agreed to lease the rights--It would be animated fanfiction.

"Fanfiction is made by people in violation of copyright laws."

No, you're not violating any copyright laws by making fanfiction, unless you try to sell it for a profit.
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Dec 27, 2002
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SailorAlea said:
Toei Animation didn't own the copyright and trademarks of DragonBallZ, until Toriyama Akira sold them to Toei.
Uh, so yeah they do own them :]
DBGT is the legitimate continuation of DBZ precisely because of this.

FanFiction is an extentuation of a story, that is not written by the original author--It's written by fans.
Almost correct - fanfiction is what's often termed "derivative fiction," which basically means that writers take established worlds, characters, stories etc, and form new stories around this derived material. Now granted, you might argue that any material based upon somebody else's ideas is a form of fanfiction (this seems to be your argument), and in a way you'd be correct. But that's not what people generally think about when they use the word fanfiction.

For example, there are a plethora of Star Wars books based on George Lucas's famous universe. Now, these books were written by people who were certainly Star Wars enthusiasts, and so their books are certainly works of fiction made by fans. However, because they are legitimate books, written by authors who have permission and have gone through a publisher (very important), they are not fanfiction. Rather, we refer to these works as non-canon, the meaning for which you essentially described in the quote above: "that is not written by the original author--it's written by fans," i.e. it's not authentic.

Fanfiction=Joe Bloggs writes a PPG/Sailor Moon slash and sticks it up on or wherever. He doesn't have the right to do so, and there's no publisher to sift through all the crap material and decide what's worthy. That's fanfiction.

No, you're not violating any copyright laws by making fanfiction, unless you try to sell it for a profit.
I suggest you read up on copyright laws. Regardless of whether or not it tries to make a profit, it still violates laws concerning intellectual property. The reason that most people turn a blind eye to it is because, for the most part, it doesn't really do any harm, and may even help spread interest in a particular work.
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Apr 7, 2003
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Perhaps my words need clarification.. Toriyama only -leased- the rights to make a story with DB/DBZ's chars, and only for GT. Toei doesn't have the rights to make any other show with DBZ characters without Toriyama's specific sayso, and he has said there's not a chance in hell, after seeing how GT turned out.

Whether you have the writer's permission or not, for DBZ, or Star Trek, if it isn't written by Toriyama Akira, or Gene Roddenbury, it isn't genuine DBZ, or Star Trek--It's fanfiction.

Whether you intend to argue the definition of FanFiction, is irrelevant, as the word isn't in the dictionary. You can't argue it's meaning past what the common usage of the word is, and in my case, it supports what I say.

"I suggest you read up on copyright laws."

I suggest YOU read up on copyright laws, because under the Digital Privacy Act of the year 2000, signed by Bill Clinton, you can't be prosecuted for works of fiction posted on the internet
--with a disclaimer OR NOT--
because it falls under free speech, as LONG as you're not trying to sell it for profit.
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Apr 7, 2003
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And in a post relevant to the thread, overall, the absolute most stupid thing about DBZ, was Mr. Satan.

I always wanted to see Mr. Satan have his ass handed to him in a bag. It almost happened, with Cell, but he made a lame excuse, and of course, everybody believed him. "Oh, haha..yeah..I did this at the last second, even though no one saw it. Hail me, Mr. Satan, new king of the world!"
*Satan! Satan! Satan!*

You'd think one of the Z Senshi would just eventually get pissed at him, and go with him.

Even when he's a relatively aged guy in the end of DBZ, he still hasn't ever gotten his own. Instead, Toriyama made him necessary to the plot, with the genkai dama energy.. This guy never really learned his lesson, even if he did stop being -quite- so bad.
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Feb 18, 2003
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Why don't you edit? Don't tell me it doesn't work.. it works..

Agreed about Brolly. Also, Paragas knew a whole ****ing lot of **** about them for someone who just landed on Earth. He knew Goku? Trunks? What is that about?
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Dec 27, 2002
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SailorAlea said:
Perhaps my words need clarification.. Toriyama only -leased- the rights to make a story with DB/DBZ's chars, and only for GT. Toei doesn't have the rights to make any other show with DBZ characters without Toriyama's specific sayso, and he has said there's not a chance in hell, after seeing how GT turned out
I don’t understand why you’re arguing about this; regardless of the circumstances in which Toei acquired the rights, the fact remains that they HAD the right to produce DBGT. This was important to my argument because I wanted to draw a distinction between what is normally considered fanfiction (derived fiction that usually violates copyright laws) and what is not normally considered fanfiction (sanctioned, non-canon work e.g. DBGT.) This continues below:

Whether you have the writer's permission or not, for DBZ, or Star Trek, if it isn't written by Toriyama Akira, or Gene Roddenbury, it isn't genuine DBZ, or Star Trek--It's fanfiction.

Whether you intend to argue the definition of FanFiction, is irrelevant, as the word isn't in the dictionary. You can't argue it's meaning past what the common usage of the word is, and in my case, it supports what I say.
Now you are arguing semantics, and I agree with you to a point. However, I also believe that there is a commonly held idea of exactly what constitutes fanfiction: material created by fans based upon an established work, done without permission and for non-profit purposes. I completely disagree with the assertion you appear to present that non-canon equals fanfiction; books about Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Files, or whatever are sanctioned works of fiction produced by fans, but they are absolutely not "fanfiction."

And of course, it’s up to the creator to decide what is canon and what isn’t at the end of the day. If what you said about Toriyama and his opinion towards GT is true, then I think we can safely assume that he considers it to be non-canon, but that doesn't make it fanfiction. There’s that silly unofficial continuation to DBGT (DBAF - there was a big legal action over it with awhile back), where the SSJs have white hair or something, which is a prime example of DB fanfiction. Dave’s DBNG is fanfiction. The huge amount of god-awful Vegeta/Bulma/Krillen/android 18 rape stories available on the net . . . those are fanfiction. DBGT is not.

I suggest YOU read up on copyright laws, because under the Digital Privacy Act of the year 2000, signed by Bill Clinton, you can't be prosecuted for works of fiction posted on the internet
--with a disclaimer OR NOT--
because it falls under free speech, as LONG as you're not trying to sell it for profit.
Where did you hear that? The Digital Privacy Act, along with the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Notice of Electronic Monitoring Act, were amendments to previous laws about limiting the US government’s power to listen in on electronic communications (email, internet, etc) and preventing them from using such information in court. They have nothing to do with civil copyright and intellectual property statutes! link and another link

What is relevant is the big nasty Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which has radically changed the face of internet copyrighting. (Many in the US consider it unconstitutional.)

If you're still unsure about the legalities pertaining to fanfiction, here are some useful sites with further information about it:

Writer's University

10 myths about copyrighting

EDIT-stuff about DBAF legal action, which I just found out about after a short search on google. Kind of funny actually; I always wondered why planetnamek closed down.
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Apr 7, 2003
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GT -is- Fanfiction, because it's not created by the original author, and as such, you can't judge whether something is true or not in DBZ, by whether it is in GT. GT is not made with the creator of DBZ's artistic vision, it is made by a plethora of random people--hence it is fanfiction. You're just arguing that because a legitimate company produced it, it's fanfiction.

If -anybody but the original author- adds onto a story, with permission or not, it is fanfiction. It doesn't matter if that fanfiction was then turned into an anime. It's still fanfiction, because the story it's based on had a different creator.

You can argue whether it's fanfiction or not, but it boils down to exactly what I said--nothing in GT can prove anything in DBZ wrong or right, and it doesn't have Toriyama's artistic vision.

As for the copyrighting..

This section is a bit vague, but this is where the right to write your own story regarding existing shows/books/movies is protected.

"Copyright Management Information - New Section 1202
The DMCA prohibits tampering with copyright management information (CMI). Specifically, the DMCA creates liability for any person who intentionally provides or distributes false CMI. 20 Also, the DMCA prohibits intentional removal or alteration of CMI, and knowing distribution of illegally modified CMI is similarly proscribed. 21 To be covered by the DMCA, CMI must be conveyed in connection with a copyrighted work and CMI may constitute any of the following:

(1) information that identifies the copyrighted work, including the title of a work, the author, and the copyright owner;

(2) information that identifies a performer whose performance is fixed in a work, with certain exceptions;

(3) in case of an audiovisual work, information that identifies the writer, performer, or director, with certain exceptions;

(4) terms and conditions for use of the work;

(5) identifying numbers or symbols that accompany the above information or links to such information, for example, embedded pointers and hypertext links; or

(6) other information as the Register of Copyrights may prescribe by regulation, with an exception to protect the privacy of users. 22 "

As long as you give proper credit to where the ideas came from, (i.e., author and the company who produces the animation) you can't be prosecuted for copyright violation.

Edit: I also agree that under this act alone, Fanfiction is still technically illegal, but the information written here, added with the digital privacy act, ensure Fanfiction's legality, and that no one who writes fanfiction will ever be prosecuted.
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May 14, 2003
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/me slips a note to sailor...
"Dont double posts... they will find you... and they will warn you. They are everywhere... mods."
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Jun 3, 2003
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One pretty lame thing is:

How f*cking long Goku takes to charge that damn Spirit Bomb in the Namek saga!!! I mean how many episodes??! And if it would have had any effect, but the only thing it did was hurt Freeza's cheeck a bit.. :S

I was a loyal watcher of DBZ until that moment..
After that, i started to watch the movies instead of the series, cause something actually happens in those..

Though i like the concept of DBZ, i think that (especially in the later episodes) there was a lot of hanging in the air screaming your lungs out, powering up, being astounded by the other guy's huge PL, and stupid conversations, instead of a good anime..
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Apr 7, 2003
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Actually, that was something that deeply angered me about the English dub. They changed that moment so greatly.

In the English version, Furiza says something extremely stupid after being hit by the spiritbomb. Something like, "Yeah, those spiritbombs really pack a punch! I could go for another one!"

In the Japanese version, Furiza is -furious-! He goes on for about a minute saying, " hurt me like no one ever has..You made me..Furiza-sama..Furiza-sama fear for his life.. I didn't even know if I'd survive..'

If you had any doubt to the power of the spiritbomb--Didn't you see Furiza struggling, his veins popping out, the horrible look of terror on his face, as he fought it down?

Edit: In Japanese, it's -extremely- rude to refer to yourself as a title, particularly -sama, as sama means King/Queen/President/God, someone you highly respect. It's showing just how arrogant he really is.

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