ESF Forum: Visual Personnel Database v1.0

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Dec 3, 2002
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Some of you may see my other pictures thread above or below somewhere. In it, people can post pictures and talk relatively freely about whatever is in them. THIS thread is just the opposite: the idea is to have a thread that is basically just a list of everyone on the forum with a photo of them, so that we all can know what each other looks like in real life.

That being said--this thread is to have NO COMMENTS ON ANY OF THE PICTURES AT ALL, OF ANY KIND. In fact, aside from this post and some explanatory stuff about photo content, this thread should be COMPLETELY DEVOID OF TEXT, and UNDER ABSOLUTELY NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THERE BE A POST IN THIS THREAD THAT DOES NOT HAVE A PICTURE OF A FORUMGOER IN IT.

I'll start:

🍂 Regular
Mar 14, 2003
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This is like the ESF Mural but without the actual mural :p

Kurt did the Max Payne like version he was playing around with PSP or something, practising.
New Member
Dec 31, 2002
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Wesley Gibson said:
Yeah...the thread that is stickied is the picture thread, and the rules were removed I just havnt really posted on it yet as the rules are being sorrted out on it by an admin.

That thread as the exact same rules as this one but less. If you are still upset with the rules in the stickied thread, please PM me or another mod of this section or a smod/admin.

Other then that.. the sticked thread all be the only pic thread of yourself or you and friends on these forums now. I am closing this now and I will post the temp rules in the sticked thread.


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