A GR 8 idea for an 'after successfully blocking a beam' sound

Lost in space
May 8, 2003
Best answers
lets say that someone is shooting a beam or an energy ball such as
Death Ball or Genki Dama at you and you press 'Q' botton
and so the beam is blocked and when you win the PS the beam\Energy
Ball - automaticly launched away

the sound that you can hear when you are close to the reversed
beam\Energy Ball is the same sound you can
hear in a Power Stroggle
(if you installed ESF in C ... then:
"C:\Half Life\esf\sound\weapons\beamhead.wav")

I just got inspired by seeing again the episode when Goku comes back
from the Shin's planet to save Gohan, Dende, Mister Satan and Tien
from Majin Buu.
then his beam or Energy Ball or what ever Buu was charging there
is being launched away quickly after Goku cuts him
and the sound is as the one in the end of the messege :...
(see details in episode 250 ....)
my idea is to make the same thing with - successfully blocking a beam -
and if I win the PS and the beam is being launched away then it
should has the same sound as the example I gave in that Episode

the beam should be launched away very fast in a track that spins randomaly and explodes to the nearest wall

this is the sound file:

<a href="http://members.lycos.co.uk/miki80a/Reversing_a_Beam.wav">
Reversing a beam

I hope you all got my point
please take this suggestion seriosly
It could be a really cool addition to ESF

comment about this:warning:

you should make the (reversed) beam\Energy ball a lot faster when its reversed!
New Member
May 8, 2003
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that would raise the DBZ atmosphere and i think it's not hard to code! i like that....

BTW it's episode 252 ;)
New Member
Jan 27, 2003
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it could actually let me know earlier,gives the chance for those poor reaction times kind of people

:) I gives tha thumbs up!!
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
Best answers
thnx for the comments
keep writing them!!!!

I can try and find a better qualitied wav in the other DBZ CHAPS of mine...............
I noknow $hit in coding , but I really wants this thing to work and I`ll do everything that I can do to get this to work, if it helps...

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