
  1. K

    ne 1

    have a perfect cell and namek saga krillin model?
  2. GotenksOwnz

    Saga Sig Thread

    Ok here i am going to put up my saga sig's :)
  3. StriKe!

    King Vegeta (edited with paint tho:()

    Well, it should look like King vegeta:) i edited most with paint cause im not an artist and my adobe ran out of time hehe... hope you "like" it.. (dont be to hard on me) oow yes and official model by ESF team and some animations by...
  4. ]\/[ITCHELL

    vegeta pack

    i have a vegeta pack containing ssj2 3 and 4 if you want it tell me ok??????
  5. D.C. Darkling

    saiyan saga vegeta

    Someone made one. I have to say sory buddy.. I take it back.. the models NOT good. :/ I wanted to reskin it but then I found out why the skin ws bad.. Alot of lines and holes... model aint finished yet. nice idea but its poorly done. :( Anywayz back on topic I'm gona try to... hope I can...
  6. B

    new ssj3 goku skin

    my friend kain and i have made a skin to replace ssj goku.....i give full props to esf team for the kain for his ssj3 hair...and me for his face> i am new to forums so if i didn't link this right i apologize u can still see where the model is i would post a pic but haven't...
  7. M

    Saga players

    ok i was recently playig in a sever and there were people in it and i got in found an enemy and swooped and hit him..."wtf" they woud say "were trying to play a saga here don't hit us"...;/ obviously i left cause i thought that was pretty dumb to play a saga on a public sever...they could have...
  8. NightShade

    xeno saga, the sims, devil may cry 2, dark cloud 2 and more

    seems like there is a good things to come from console fans. /sighs at his 24 ps2 games looks like i am going to have to dust them off. btw my game list is.. ace combat 4 devil may cry dbz suikonden 3 blood omen 2 soul reaver 2 ssx tricky gta 3 gta 3 vice smack down shut your mouth...
  9. Y

    short hair mdl

    sorry nitro Cooler didnt told me
  10. God Gundam

    Gohan from cell saga wip

    well developement of him is going smoothly, he needs a few edits, ssj gohan has slightly more hair strands than norm gohan, but all in all hes pretty much done being made, now all i got to do is apply bones and skin it, well ill update again, later, krillin is still not skinned, im just lazy...
  11. S

    MREQ: Cell Saga Caped Gohan

    Could someone make a gohan model with the piccolo-ish cape he wore during the cell games? just take that editd gohan model that gives him more hair and such (or jut the defualt one) and take off the cape of S-Bolt-- 's piccolo remodel and put it on the edited or defualt gohan. Thats all im...
  12. R

    Saga skins

    Okay people this is what i am planning is doing a RESKIN of every person in the game to different sagas know i cant skin so im going to put to gether a team of people to help me with it and i will make a site for it and all the good **** so who wants to help me do this if u wish to take part in...
  13. Packed Lunch

    make old school vegeta

    back in the saiyan saga with the scouter and stuff, please along with a ssj model~ :DDDDDDDDDDDD
  14. M

    radditz saga

    i think its a g00d idea to be able to blast someones arm or feet of, like radditz to piccolo so that i you get blasted by blue beam, and it hits your arm the arm is of! that would be verry cool!!
  15. Raven Blade

    Buu Saga Vegeta SJ/SSJ/Majin

    I liked the Buu Saga Vegetas that are floating around but I just thought they had something missing...and Vegeta is my fav I decided 2 make my own. :) Comments/Crits? [EDIT] Oops pics would help ay ^.^
  16. X

    Requests for normal SSJ1/2 Gohan models/reskins

    Im sorry. You guys may have tried attempting to give him a bit more hair or make gohan battle damaged. But it will always look bad because of that pijama hese wearing. or what ever the hell it is. I cant stand to play or look at gohan with that skin D: Can anyone model him or reskin him...
  17. VorteX

    Saga Idea

    an idea i dicussed with my friend that playes this game.. i call it the saga idea. for exaple when a server is created the sagas is selected and each saga has diffrent charecters and diffretn modles for each like the show... like in the radditz-saiy-jin saga it should only have goku baby...
  18. TehMuffinMan

    >>>frieza saga goku!!!<<<<<

    thats right, here he is, goku! copy the images into your browser to see the wonder! and what youve been waiting for, The file!!! hope u enjoy it. and if u...
  19. D

    Needs a new gohan model\Skin

    I would really like to see gohan cell saga outfit...the model should be with the piccolo thinggy on...and i guess it should be a good model...good modlers out there! HELP THIS GOHANLESS MAN ! Please?:rolleyes:
  20. J

    where can i found models to DL

    where can i find models to DL please!! i see lot of superbe models in here, but none can be downlaoded! and on redsayan, he never can load the preview file :S
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