
  1. E

    Namek map info!

    Okay here it is guys... I am making a totaly new type of Namek map... First there is a map with/out any water in it as some requested.. then a map with water... I need to know if you guys want one or the other or Both? the maps will include 30+ new textures to make landscape look...
  2. N

    Works with Ink

    Within the last year, I have done 2 Vegeta drawings with an ink pen. Here they are, tell me what ya think. I had a case of insomnia 1 night, so around 2 in the morning, I did this one. This is the first one I did, with a regular ink pen, this took me 3 and a half hours. This one I...
  3. ultrassj_vegeta

    my new .... new sig

    or which is betta?
  4. Chimpbot

    More Pictures

    Here's some more pictures.... usual...10-20 minutes, all done with pen. Enjoy :D
  5. Chimpbot

    Here's some more of my stuff...

    Well..I decided to scan a few more of my pictures.. These were all done in 10-20 minutes while I was at work, using only a pen. Enjoy :D Proto Man Shadow Man Snake Man And finally, Cell
  6. VivaLaPineapple

    check it out

    im trying to get into a graphics art school so im putting together a profolio. what do u think of this to show case my works? yes i know the wires could use some work and yes i had to use a tut for that but i think it turned out nice. comments and suggestions plz. those empty black spaces will...
  7. S

    New Model Head WIP

    hey guys, first REAL model ever... its supposed to be an alien thingy, havent came up with a name yet... heres a pic C&C Greatly Appreciated
  8. H

    Dragon Ball Z "tekst" pictures

  9. GhostfaceKillah

    My 3 sigs (which one do u like betta?) Go there and check out my 3 sigs that i did and vote on which u like better. im new at sig makin so dont flame too much
  10. D

    chibi trunks pictures

    hi i make my own dbz ccg cards and i was wondering who has some nice not to big chibi trunks pictures for me? (ssj and non ssj) thx
  11. SA_Gohan


    Hello everyone. You know I just realized this is my first post in a mapping forum ever . . . Anyway, that's not what I wanted to say, lol. I wanted to know where is the best place to find reference pictures for maps. Thanks all :D later
  12. FreeDoM

    Final Flash Pictures

    Check out the new Final Flash in my dev journal Zero is the man:)
  13. Q

    I Need some Opinions

    Ok I'm still trying to make a logo for my band but I havnt really been able to come up with what something I like. Before I was trying to do like a whole cd cover and I got this . Now I am focusing on just doing a little logo and I have come up...
  14. gohan12


    Sombody of the users at the ESF Forum had Pictures at the End of here Mesages. i want a Picture Too (I Have alredy a Picture) but what must i do? Auf Deutsch (Phu, endlich kann ich wider Deutsch reden): Viele User des ESF Forums haben Bilder & Texte unter ihren Antworten oder Fragen. Wo muss...
  15. T

    1 hour face (bebi vegeta)

    here is a quick skin i did for my firends model its bebi vegeta... i kinda of mostly guessed what he looked like since every pic i have seen of him he looks different...
  16. N

    My Models

    I've registered (cr@ck!) Milkshape so now I can create models as long as I want... At the moment I'm making Guldo (the short green guy from the Ginyu Force), and I've almost completed him. I only have to make the shoulder padding and the head now, but those are quite detailed, so it takes the...
  17. MONXver1.5


    There should be a section just for them. Its cramping the art section.
  18. T

    Talking about vegeta look at what i made

    Talking about vegetto look at what i made
  19. S

    beby Vegeta :: Reskinned

    took me 7 min or less.. Not that good but if someone wants it it will be available on mah site. I'll give the link later cuz for now the Download server is down.
  20. S

    Cyborg Vegeta

    Well cyborg vegeta never appeared in the show m but he did in mah mind, so i thought it was a good idea so here it is. Dont be too hard on me it only took me 5 min to skin lol Hope you like and if you want to download it it will be on mah site when mah downbload server comes back online.
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