
  1. K


    can soemone map a HUGE MAP (and i mean huge!!!) of the World Mation arts Tournamnet? Like thats all the map is, a HUGE Arena! and if you fall of the Small gap on the side, you lose/Die! Anyway, i this this would be a Damn Cool Map! and but i dun know how to work Worldcraft 3 :(
  2. SSj Gotenks

    The Itty Bitty Pictures on Posts

    Hey How do u have one of those little pictures under your name when you post a post.?
  3. SierraSonic

    These pictures talk for them selves!

    Goku shoots his Kame from his chest? + Goku's arms are cripled!!! Wow a SBC Trail!, fallowing me? Kinda easy to tell from the pictures.
  4. E

    Some screenies
  5. .FM.

    this took me a few hours

    this took me a few hours this is art! what do you peeps think you like or you dont like (dont even flame me cuz you dont think this is art well fu then this my art. none of this anit art and none of im sick of all thes sigs well deal with it) thank you and have a nice day :)
  6. T

    this might be dumb but read this and tell me what you think

    im going to make 3 models but no one laugh just to make the dbz series even cooler im going to make ssj5 goku vegeta and trunks, give me your feedback and do you think i should do them
  7. Mastasurf

    More REAL art

    <img src=""> just a quicky coloring job :0)
  8. B

    What Do Ya Think

    Wat do ya think its my first try at a sig or any half decent artwork! Critasim and comments are welcome ThanX
  9. P

    Signature and Pictures

    Hey where do you guys get those pictures that are in your posts and where can I get one!
  10. S

    Testof Pictures

    blah blah blah http://
  11. S


    Can someone please help by helping me learn how to put a picture to the side or in the topic or reply? thanks!:)
  12. Yoh Asakura


    how do you put pics in posts type in the url in the bar that says insert an image into your message?
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