
  1. DBZFever

    model not ripped

    "they ripped goku's model! they try to cover their ass by putting "By Entering This Page I Am Accepting The Fact That I Cannot:... 3) Charge Any Of The Staff\Persons Of Stealing, Fraud, Or Anything That Shall Harm Anyone" fortunatly, that wont hold up in any court, period. you cannot...
  2. Kreshi

    The Ultimate SSJ4- Pack

    The new SSJ4- Pack is done. Click here to download the pack. the link iclude pictures and the ssj4-pack- download (download the ssj4-pack.rar) The pack includes new sounds, sprites, gfxes and surely the 2 models vegeta and son goku. Here the credits i know: Model Son Goku: By Vassago...
  3. D

    Red Saiyan Sonic Pack

    I made this...or should I say re-skinned it. I give credit to [j] and BIG BOSs! This skin is prolly very crappy, but it is my first reskin and I suck at skinning. -ps I dunno if I can release this...can someone tell me if I can release it?
  4. suicidal_maniac

    Forum Art

    Heres some original art i made for forum use. Feel free to use these however you please without any respects paid to me. http://pwnage666.tripod.com/Impersonating_Humor.jpg http://pwnage666.tripod.com/PWNED.jpg I will post a few more of mine later.
  5. D

    sry, lost my original post

    Ok, this right here is my first actual attempt, and i was screwing around in MSPaint, cuz i dont have paintshop YET, so if it sucks... deal with it, here ya go... and YES his body is chibi size compared to is head http://www.geocities.com/benderbuddy111/touchup.html?1056814915650 if u...
  6. Vegeta

    GT Vegeta Pack {Release?}

    I just finished my first model edit, so go easy on the negative crits plz. Its a GT vegeta pack. It comes with Vegeta,Super Saiyan, and Baby(Bebi). I did most textures,and editing. Sounds included. Credits: SS_Vegeta (For the GT Vest) Azn dragon (For Mystic Gohan Head and some of...
  7. Wangster

    just 2 show you how easy it is.

    3Dabstract tutorial. well, alot of people make 3D abstract bg's these days, and they looks verry cool, well, if you have bryce, you can do it 2! just follow my steps and you wil have a verry cool BG urself! step 1: select the ground object and delete it step 2: press the tab sky and fog...
  8. Ryoko

    Collaboration colouring

    Well, I finally finished the cg of The Noodlers Selphie Tilmitt picture. Took me a while too ;_; Original drawing can be found here
  9. Z

    New Vegeta .. WIP

    Well, I thought I'd make my own Majin Vegeta, Since I love him :) .. Here's my WIP .. I'll be Done TOmorrow :P .. The modell credits go to Turk If I remember correctly, Only the skin is mine, the skinmapps are still ESF's privat thing . lol . What u guys think so far ?
  10. A

    I need help getting original model!!!!!

    i downloaded a model for goku(SSJ4) and put it as my ssj form, it ended up being a peice of ****. I wanted to go back to normal ssj model but i dont have another file. I need help, can someone give me a link so i can get the origanal ssj goku model? Thanx.
  11. TimTheEnchantor

    Working on a new image - Power Corrupts - Rebirth

    Final Image - Power Corrupts - Rebirth Alright, I finished it, hope you like :)
  12. Ultra33Gokussj3

    My Form 4 Frieza , 100% , BD

    I have made a frieza form 4 , 100% , bd Heres a pic : Hope you like it???
  13. S

    the original Dragonball Z manga

    Hey, i ordered some of the original Dragonball Z manga (34, and 42), and although i cant read it (its japanese) its outstanding, i was just wondering if anybody else has bought some? if so, what did you think?
  14. S

    First time

    This is the first time ever i used a photo editing prog :) its not drawn or anything. and yes my nick in tfc & cs is *AKA*Lemming i didnt steal it :)
  15. Lone Wolf

    Grungy wallpaper

    Some people think the font is crap... and I do too... kinda Anyone have fonts suggestions? Critz!... and yea... thats all
  16. E

    SSJ2 Gohan drawn in Photoshop..

    Well I just finished my second photoshop Drawing and I thought that I could let you guys tell me what I need to fix and what i dont need to...crits please. there it is SSJ2 Gohan It took me about 2 hours do draw it with my mouse and shade it. Hope you like
  17. t he OnE Z Er0

    could someone do something about that kid buu they put in redsaiyan.net

    i think that buu needs more work and needs to be for 1.1
  18. Super_Vegeta.LE

    Female Base Model

    heres something i whipped up in the last hour, its still a wip just need to know what you think :)
  19. sexyasian86

    Omg Goku!!!!!

    don't ask why i'm doing this for you guys. i got bored, and i still love you guys. but i dunno. is this model as sweet as an angel or what. i found a reference picture somewhere on google.com so i decided. OMG i should do it! a blue version of this is available, but i was too lazy to make...
  20. Vegito1180

    BlueLight Bulb

    OK Critz?
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