
  1. ZeroNightmare

    Marvel Comics: Ghost Rider Movie?

    sorry i dont have a link to a trailer but I'm sure some1 can find it... I believe i watched silent hill at my friends house or something, and then we saw a trailer for ghost rider.... with Nicolas Cage..... yeah wierd.... but the special effects looked cool as hell. thoughts :O
  2. imkongkong

    a REAL live action dbz movie =o

    its called dragon ball: the magic begins.. if you want to see the trailer.. if you want to buy it...
  3. webber

    F_____G Windows Movie Maker

    Well i used the movie maker for, uhmm, making movies, especialy DBZ Videos(mybe i'll post some on YouTube), but recently i got myself XP SP2 and of course the new Movie maker. The thing is it doesn't work now, i mean it doesn't play the timeline, but if i play a clip in movie maker (not in the...
  4. Ravendust

    Onimusha: The Movie, Silent Hill 2? Onimusha should be good, but it'll probably be a generic Hollywood samurai slasher. With Super Saiyans. Silent Hill 2 is what i'm really happy for, I just picked up the DVD of Silent Hill and can't wait for the next installment, easily the best...
  5. Chakra-X

    Chakra-X's Sonic Flash Movie!

    Finally!! The first part of the movie has been submitted, the 2nd part just needs to be preped for submition and the final part is still being animated. Vote 5 >=(. I was ttrying to have this submitted by my birthday, but hey, whatca gonna...
  6. LionHeart

    My clan movie

    I like it!:laff: Do U?? PS:Rate and coment it:D
  7. Super_Saiyan_10

    OMG >< LIVE action DBZ movie

    now... most of you proboly know that a live action DBZ movies coming out but for those of u who dont know.... there is but I dont no if its going to suck becouse its not even coming out in movie theaters its coming out on fox ive known this for like half a year now but felt like posting it up...
  8. Sicron

    Baldie is actually getting his own movie O_o (Hitman)

    Just found out that our infamous bald Hitman is getting his own movie, played by the infamous bald assassin (Chronicles of Ridd!ck), Vin Diesel. What a coincidence...*cough* I wonder, will this become just another crappy game-movie conversion (? la Doom) or...
  9. M

    Dragonball Z Movie Power Levels

    Ive been searching google for DBZ Moive Power Levels but I can't find any, I got pretty bored so I tried to whip up my own predictions on the power levels, If you could try to find some errors or something that doesn't make since, correct me. DBZ MOVIE POWER LEVELS Bojack Goku - 55,000,000...
  10. M

    What makes a good movie?

    What do you think makes a good movie and why?
  11. Vash_Locke

    What Ever Happened To The Live Action Dbz Movie???

    Im Just Curious What Ever Did HAppen to the Dbz Live Action Movie..Last I heard that things were going smoothly and Brendon Frasier was playin goku...but really havent heard anythin since so im just curious
  12. PiXel

    Lightwave Movie *Overdrive*

    i Just felt to post it since not many peoples are inspired into Lightwave but this here... is just... awesome, ym chin is still on the ground, its hard to get it up again! please watch it: you need quicktime for it, although its not by me...
  13. U

    why didnt koola use his maxium power in movie

    if frieza can able to control his energe then neither then koola. why wasnt he use his 100% power in his final form just like his brother did? maybe goku wouldnt get the chance to save earth...(if koola really something else in his normal stage of final form...i doubt this would be interesting!!)
  14. Ravendust

    Movie 13 title and release date

    Dragon Ball Z's thirteenth and final movie has been dubbed 'Wrath of the Dragon', and will be released on September 19th of this year. After that, there are a few more Ultimate Uncut DVD's to be released before FUNimation will be finished with DB/Z/GT, unless they decide to re-release in HD...
  15. Ravendust

    LOL: The Movie

    Almost as amazing as Metal Gear Solid: The Movie! LOL.
  16. W

    its a sample of the fighting for jinx's movie Hey wassup Jinx got me to do some fighting in one of his videos and he's gotten really good Check out what he did with our fight. Hope you all enjoy! :)
  17. ZeroNightmare

    live action world of warcraft movie

    i saw the snake movie thread... so i figured what the hell May 9, 2006 Live-Action Warcraft Movie Coming to Big Screen Blizzard Entertainment and Legendary Pictures today announced that they will develop a live-action film set in the Warcraft universe. Legendary Pictures has acquired the...
  18. Ravendust

    Metal Gear Solid: The Movie

    :O A movie of a game that's practically a movie. The only thing that can screw this up is Uwe Boll, who has nothing to do with the film. Can't wait to see who's directing it.
  19. john_volkov

    Movie sugestion

    Can some one sugest a good movie because i need to see a good movie and one sugestion PLS in the name of God and what is holy on this planet PLSS don't see Blod Rayne the Movie it's SUX and if you get the chanse plss see Scary Movie 4 Now i am goig to se Silant Hill the movie i hope this will...
  20. D

    Naruto Movie 2! YARR

    How about it? I'm gunna watch it here soon. I hope its good. Naruto Movie 3 has Rock Lee in it as well. Omgomgfomgf. I feel like a little kid again.
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