
  1. G

    Released rmf file of my map

    I read someone would like to see rmf files of esf maps I would appriciate comments from the more expirienced mappers around :p so my future maps will be better http://users.pandora.be/Goes/map http://users.pandora.be/Goes/map/esf_pryramid_RMF.ace
  2. maxigt

    Kamehameha spite help

    Does anyone know which bone goku's kamehameha is attached to:confused: I need to know so I can do Vegetto's (japanese) Anyendapura.
  3. JDeezNutz

    trunks model for 1.1

    will they still have that ****ty trunks hair that they used in 1.0? that hair is nothing like trunk's hair, i recon you should use one of the bojack trunks models for trunks in 1.1
  4. Skyrider

    beam in right hand Bug

    now i see it to! when you fire a SMALL kamehameha. you see that the beam is HOLD in the right arm. and not in the middle
  5. TehMuffinMan

    Final inform about db goku

    yes guys, this will be it now... this model\/ i had made it just for you guys, somthing so you can laugh about.. but today, you really screwed that up.. i previously made a thread about this model, i finished the model, animations, skin, everything and was just about to send it spin when...
  6. owa

    [][] Helping Newbies At Art [][]

    Hey, Well I just got this idea of a thread well replying to someones thread in the signature thread. Well your prolly like well what is this, right? Well what my idea was that people who aren't new to photoshop, paint shop, ect could just post tips or little hints, ect about things they...
  7. -Dark Shadow-

    DBLB Goku, gotenks

    DBLB gotenks gotenks Gotenks is being worked on and yes i know it has 2 fingers!
  8. Warrior_Elite45

    Link To A Tutorial I Need?

    Can anyone get me a link to a tutorial that tells you how to put things such as buildings and stuff in my map? I get the ground and everythin put there and I don't know how to get buildings and things there. Do you have to make them first using a program? Because I have Gensurf. Can you make...
  9. M


    :rolleyes: originally created by: AzN edits by: th3 pr0
  10. Wangster

    first attempt at coloring and shading!

    hi, i made a lil drawing, and i saw some work collord on this board, so i thought, what the hell, lets give it a shot, so here it is my magnificent *cough* and proffesional * double cough* i call the guy, the evil proffesor since i made him that lil glas on his eye... hey why you looking at me...
  11. SSJ n00b


    with what program i make folds to skins give dl link
  12. McVries

    Future Gohan Model

    ATTENTION ALL MODELLERS! I would really appreciate it if somebody could make a future gohan ssj and/or non ssj model. I know he is barely shown in DBZ but he is still one of my favorites in dbz. The picture in my sig is what he looks like(the rest of him cut off is just like goku). There is a...
  13. P


    ok! on the right hand side i already said that im a noobz. I can only colour the skin not change it or draw a new one if theres something wrong, i can't change it cause it is.... Try Downloading Brollmans Bojack Trunks and HL Model Viewer and try repair it can you? If you can teach me...
  14. VivaLaPineapple

    techno green

    comments and or critz plz http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/1512719
  15. Hostile

    My kung-fu skin

    Hey guys! I've been working on my own kung-fu skin for the past week, thought i'd show it off. It's based on the awesome Saiyaman model and skin by AZN. What u think? Any suggestions? If anyone knows how I can get the belt totally white, or get rid of those grey lines across his legs...
  16. maxigt

    A Goten Model.........

    Does anyone have a decent Goten model that I can download? Just send in a post with the link and picture on it! Or you can e-mail me at [redacted]. Even if it's bad I sill wanna see it! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  17. K

    Assistance w/ New Krillin Model

    I'm trying to place a new krillin model in my ESF, because I like krillin's attacks but don't like krillin. My only problem is the destructo disk always appears right in the middle of the model(instead of a few inches above his hand). I downloaded a Goten model, who is smaller the krillin and...
  18. K

    Give a friend a hand!

    Aloha all. I'm playing this *** game with my friend on this outwar site. The object of the game is to make your "monster" bigger by "eatting" people that click on a specific link. I was wondering if you guys can give me a hand kicking my friends @$$ by clicking on my link. Thanks...
  19. DragonDude

    Need Map Ideas, Your Suggestions = Credit 4 U :D

    I think you can probably tell what I need from the name of the thread. Basically, I'm making a map for ESF of the surface of our good ol' Moon. (Yes, the Moon, the thing that was blown up once in DragonBall and once again in DragonBall Z. :D) But when I sat down to really think about the map, I...
  20. -Dark Shadow-

    Mystic Gohan

    I am making Mystic gohan from 3ds max 5 which i just got for the mod rp and i need some ref pics of his arm out to the right so i can see the muscles as i couldn't see any and then some full pics thx :) i have already made the torso and hand :D its gonna be my first model in 3ds max 5!
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