
  1. S

    Spirit Bomb Bug?

    Ok, I saw a guy pull off a freaky trick. He's charging a SB, he's on the ground. Some how he manages to jump and engulf himself in the spirit did he do that?
  2. T

    Spirit Bomb and its many uses!

    I dont know if this has been mentioned before but.. What about when Goku uses his spirit bomb other players (teammates) that arent inantely evil (Cell, Frieza, Buu, etc.) could target the bomb and offer energy? A little box would pop up (Candy attack anyone?) and you could select how much energy...
  3. D

    look at this huge spirit bomb!!

    check out this huge spirit bomb:
  4. SS4 Gogeta

    KI Bomb

    I also had this idea which I forgot to post. A KI bomb, it would be a attack that everyone had, like the genaric beam. This would be a genaric ki bomb. Similar to the kiblob model except It would be a little bigger than the head of the genaric beam, it would be uncontrolable, would do a bit more...
  5. E

    2 little question beta 1.1

    i have 2 little question about beta 1.1. 1. did the skins/models work with beta 1.1 like ssj2gohan,ssj2majinvegeta,ultratrunk? 2. did the bots from beta 1.0 work with 1.1 or did u make new?
  6. BlackVashAngel

    Buu's spirit bomb

    during the recent episodes, i noticed how buu charged up pink spirit bombs and i was wondering if would be added another is Yamcha's and Krillin's sukidoken (i dunno if i spelled that right) but they both fired one at buu's spirit bomb and i was wondering if that attack could be added...
  7. C

    NEW Goku Spirit bomb bug

    Ok, when I said new in the subject I meant different than the crashing-the-server bug. This bug deals with moving around and a spirit bomb. First, when you start or while you make a spirit bomb and you press f (fly) goku will fall all the way to the ground (may hit some mountains and rocks...
  8. T

    earthlike spirit bomb?!?!

    ummm...i really dont get it it like the 1 he shot at buu?:rolleyes:
  9. G

    spirit bomb

    when i attempt to use the spirit bomb, esf closes up any ideas why?
  10. D

    editing sprites HELP!!!!!!

    I need some help:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I would like to know if there is a way to edit the sprite files in efs and if there is a program required let me know wut it is and where to download it please, if anyone can help me with this i would be very thanxful.:D
  11. S


    if i was to make my own sounds for eaf what would i had to do? plz help me
  12. G

    prob with the spirit bomb

    when i make a map, alls good, but the spirit bomb doesnt work, whyzat? everything is good from what i know of?
  13. MSF

    Battle Damaged Goku

    Hi@all, i have worked the last 2 days on a battle damaged Goku and ssj Goku here the Link for the model. please write what you thing about this. ps. thanks to AZN for the battle damage Gohan and the ESF team for this Goku model
  14. K

    electricity spirit bomb

    i was watching spanish dbz ,it start at 9:00 a.m channel 22,ne the begginin shows goku makin a spirit bomb.. and it has electricity all over it and all over gokus body.. i think they shuld make that?do u?or wut do u think shuld be added?
  15. G

    Bomb iraq ! this song rocks :) do think about the lyrics .. cause some people blindly trust what there governement tells them or what they make the news networks tell them
  16. Ranma

    Team mode Spirit Bomb?

    Alright, maybe been suggested, or maybe a bad suggestion. But i always hear people complain about Goku being too powerful. What if (to add on to team mode and make it based), you tone down the Sprit Bomb, and in team mode, you take energy from the team mates, making it stronger...
  17. Darkside

    Spirit Bomb

    do you think the team can make it so that like when goku gets to a certain pl as normal or sometin you can do the spirit bomb and turn ssj while doing it like in buu saga and android 15 movie, to neither make it more powerful or absorb it to make urself more powerful???
  18. W

    spirit bomb 2

    i was wondering its sayin that there makin another earth like spirit bomb what is it gonna be like and who can use it because i think cell should get one;/
  19. Big Bang Attack

    Not Losing The Spirt Bomb When Hit

    well my suggestion is the, whne your hit but meele or wat ever that u wont lose the spirtbomb, if its charging or being helt cause, goku, was hit by frieza when he was charging it, he was hit to the fall and knocked over, and t he bomb disapear, can he got up and contuineed charging so...
  20. X

    I found another Crashing bug! It has to do with Death Ball vs. Spirit Bomb!

    Ok. I think this crashes the game when ever it wants. Cause sometimes you can do it without it crashing. But when I sometimes throw a Death Ball to gokou's Spirit Bomb and have themstruggle on their own. When they are about to blow up the game crashes. Has anyone tried this before? It only...
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