
  1. E

    Drawings in color

    Greetings everyone. I haven't posted any art in a while. So I went back and found a couple drawings I did about 3 years ago. And as the thread subject suggests, yes, they are in color. I used colored pencils. Enjoy.
  2. C

    Kenshin,compeltey updated version!

    hey guys,i have completely redone kenshin's face,i'm not done with it yet(still have to redo the eyes),but i have already finished the mouth. please tell me what you think,i will also add a comparative pic,so that you can see the differences btw the 2 =) Here is pics of the new head ...
  3. Naz

    some indy art..

    well I just made this... I'm trying to get a new style wich is more my own style, not too trendwhore anymore, more a mix of different styles. However it's hard to do ad change a style, I don'know any effects for ir really... so I'm just trying.. trying to come up with something nice, it might...
  4. Ryoko

    Booya, latest Ryoko drawing (no cg yet)

    Comments? Hit me with the crit!
  5. M

    Buu 'S'

    all by me except the kid buu who was made by insane jester and skinned by me (i made lower half of model)
  6. N


    What is the most common used art program that you guys use? I don't mean to be so intrusive but, PSP7.0 (Paint Shop Pro 7.00) is making it hard to work with the sigs I'd like to make. So please let me know what are some of the programs that let you do some of those meshes and lighting...
  7. M

    need crits...novice models

    I'm new to modeling and I just created a site with some samples of something I'm working on. It's half finished but I know that there are things I can do to make them better. Tell me what you think. Mr Hyde - Self Proclaimed Modeler
  8. E

    New Models!...

    K i havent been showing work lately as ive been changing the style of my models alot lately, i ended up creating a new Base model with T positioned arms, so far they havent given me any problems :) Goku - 1671 Polys Goku - 1700 Polys Krillin - 1581 Vegeta - 1502 Tien -...
  9. Naz

    What do u guys think of this?

    I'm busy with some new thingys, and I'm nt really sure if I like it what do u guys think of it grtz Naz
  10. U


    been a long time ...gotta go...
  11. M

    Cell form 2

    face is *** lol so im not gonna show u that :P...
  12. Ryoko

    POLL: Which sig and avatar should I use?

    I'll add to this thead again if I make some more bu the question is this: Sig and avatar a) or b) My current one.
  13. L

    my newly made picture

    ok what do you think about it guys?
  14. D

    w00t! Dudley Boyz Sig! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!

    Its not GREAT....but its GOOD! :D Plz give me feedback on wut u think.....and if ur a sig maker..plz give me tips on how to make it look better :D
  15. Ryoko

    Some Ah My Goddess wallpapers (not mine)

    Someone I know wanted comments on these wallpapers he made. They are simple, but they do look pretty good. Can you say which you like better and why please?
  16. Q

    New Band Logo

    Well..............its been one helluva long time since my last post......since then i have done....absolutly nothing >:D Anyways me and my band were thinking of changing our name. We still havnt found the right one that we all like. I figure i do a logo for what I thought the new name should...
  17. [SAS]Orion

    Another yuri wallpaper!

    I got a new wallpaper! What do you peeps think?
  18. Ryoko

    Newest Ryoko drawing. No cg

    I'll probably redo the shading at a later date and cg it, to see if the quality improves.
  19. D

    My Goku....

    well i got milkshape so have started skinning my model and i finally got a picture host that i hope works so have a look... its no where near compleated the skin on the body is just so you can see what it...
  20. owa

    New Sig.

    Hey, Well I got around to making a new sig. It is simple I agree but I like it. Not my best work IMO but still I think I'm improving Tell me what ya think.
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