
  1. D

    One Of majin buu's attack

    Hi there, I was thinking of one of Majin buu's attack would be like absorbing one of the Dragonball Z guys. Like it would be after he becomes Evil buu he could absorb one of the Z fighters and get one of his powers and have his clothing on or something like that.
  2. O

    Burning attack

    The animation for the burning attack is too short. I just think it would be better longer.
  3. PRJ

    Goku should be able to do Teleport while loading attack's :/

    Since he doesnt have any new attack's while he is SSJ,shouldnt he be able to Teleport while loading for example kamehameha?(like he did once to cell) :laff:
  4. PRJ

    Beam not attached to both hands while loading 2 handed beam attack's O_o

    well when i mean "2-handed beam attack's" is like the kamehameha when he shoots it with two hands not like generic beam when its just one hand,oh well i found this out when i was vegeta and i was loading a final flash and gallit gun,i could see that the little loading ball was a little bit away...
  5. O

    New attack for frieza

    everyone knows that frieza needs an attack t ps with soo i everyone knows when goku gives energy for him he launches a 1 handed blast (wich was soo cool) so i think this should added
  6. Z

    Generic Balls going thru some1 attack you

    When some1 is quite close to you and u shoot a generic ball at them, it goes through them. This doesnt happen all the time, and happens usually when they are swooping at you :/
  7. Z

    it will be cool if those attack's and transformations will be in 1.3 Beta

    Goku Attack : Kaioken, Dragon Fist transformations : SSJ1, SSJ2, SSJ3 Vegeta Attack : Selfdestruction transformations : SSJ1, Powerd up Vegata, Majin Vegata Trunks transformations : SSJ1, Powerd up Trunks, Super Trunks Piccolo Attack : Destruction Wave transformations : Powerd up...
  8. S

    Bodypart attack?

    How do you do buus bodypart attack? I cant figure it out. LOL
  9. Shuyin

    Attack Of The Invisible Bot!

    After using the candybeam attack on a bot and killing it. The bot is somehow still there and invisible!(the scouter is also showing the bots location as a fixed position, but this can be fixed by turning the scouter on and off.) The bot will become visible again if you kill it or kick/add it...
  10. K

    Cell Confusing Attack

    I have idea for one Cell attack myself Confusing attack! I posted it at ather Thread, but maybe it's good to think about it, at new one! While you turn this attack on while teleporting, you loose more ki, and what it should do? Well just after every teleport, afterimage should stay much...
  11. U

    Attack Overhaul

    i've got some ideas how to improve/change the attacks: Goku: i think solar flare should use up less ki (btw will 1.2 melee blocking executable when blinded?) Buu: the candy attack could have a secondary fire a charge up attack that can be charge and the more it's charged the more hp will...
  12. ~*Logan*~

    Candy Beam attack

    I was thinking...Buu's candy attack is more like an energy wave rather than a tiny short ranged multi-hit attack. Not to mention its spammed to no end when someone is lying helplessly on the ground and buu puts on turbo and starts to candy away, making a pl boosting donut time after time. So...
  13. Vagabond

    Cancel out attack

    you know when you block an attack you go in to a ps and you have to hold left mouse button to struggle wioth the beam. How a bout if you click the right mouse button when you are winning you can cancel the attack. e.g. when radiz block goku's kamehameha or cell block #18 two blasts
  14. O

    Copy an attack

    I've seen the Buu series multiple times and since Buu hasnt got many beam attacks how about an attack that copy's your enemy's attack? I am still not sure how it will work..Hope you guy's like it and that you think with me. I am sure Buu has an ability to copy an attack. I've seen him...
  15. U

    some ideas for when charging a final attack

    well this is my idea. when you charge a Powerful beam or attack there should be some music for that. and people can hear your about to kill or charge an attack sort of like cells kamaha but last longer... lol please reply bout it
  16. ~*Logan*~

    I have a few attack suggestions

    Hello. I was reading up on Frieza's Telekenesis (I have yet to see the video) and I was thinking "What a really cool idea!" But then I got to thinking that there are other really cool attacks that COULD work. Anyway, these are just some attack suggestions. Goku Force Attack - An invisible...
  17. G

    Spar Power for big BANG. (not the attack)

    Well i know i aint suggestion offen. :D Well here is comes no way back now. Well the suggestion is.... OMG i use "Well" alot... huh i am on ? AAHHHH Well... there is it was again... Here Goes. Suggestion is thad when you is beam stuggling you should beable to hide some Ki and then when...
  18. Z

    Vegeta's Little Ball Attack

    I just recently watched DBZ yesterday, and it was on the repeat episode of when Majin Vegeta killed himself against Buu. Close to the beggining of the episode, Vegeta held his fingers together sorta like the bunny symbol, and fired this incredibly fast attack, it looked a little like a destructo...
  19. M

    Piccolo attack, scatter thingy's

    Since Piccolo in the show shot them all around 17 and they stopped in mid-air to wait, maybe that could be added in ESF. Maybe another key that stops them in the air. Primary fire = shoot, [insert key here] = stops blast, and secondary fire = home in on cursor area. What do you guys think?
  20. micfiygd

    new attack

    i think some charecters should have an attack where they scream with anger and release lots of energy in a bubble like what happens in most dbz episodes when a new villian starts to loose and releases his true power what do you think?
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