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  1. F

    Simple Render Thread.

    heres a render with a model iam playing right now dont look on that armor its just about 5% done and iam thinking iam gonna remake it...dont liek the base mesh i made... here it is enjoy:]
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    Gokussj WIP

    heh sorry but i really dont know what you mean...:cry: :rolleyes: sry yea tryforce allready fixed ....;D
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    Gokussj WIP

    thx ppl for your posts i think it really helped out but still think somethink is wrong made arms thinner made longer boots made bigger pants and made it more baggy...keep critting pls... just if some ppl think that face is bit strange here is face how it will look prabobly skinned this...
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    Gokussj WIP

    Hi, i made this about month ago and now i decided that i can finish it.Some good drawovers would be great. there are 2775 polygons and 4651 Tris and it doesnt matter to this model how many polys it will have making just for fun... here are some screens... credits to Mr. phonso for letting...
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    Simple Render Thread.

    its still a WIP but i finally wanna post here somethink credits to mr.phonso for his hairs
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    Cooler [W.I.P]

    ok ill see if i can seel him if i finsih him... i just wanted to try to make a quick skin so heres a little teaser fo you its not fully front view it a bit engled.... and about metal cooler iam not planing to do him... [skin if couple of mins....] here it is
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    Cooler [W.I.P]

    thx for your coments....:) i just wanna tell that iam not planing to release it for ESF or BTL iam making this model just for fun. but i surely cant really release it for esf in the end it will have reallly many polys i dont really care how many polys it will have i just care how good its...
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    Cooler [W.I.P]

    Again i havnt posted here in a while was inspired by zeq2 models so i wanted to make one more dbz model. somebody maybe seen it on zeq2 forums but so many ppl havnt replied so i post it here. about the chess I will match it after I will have a full model done its a bit hard to make legs I...
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    Mel Gibson

    here a quick update just matched it to a draover and some more images hope it looks better now
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    Mel Gibson

    ok thx for the crits they really helped out.... i made just a little test like coudnt wait to see how it would look with neck so i made a quick one very messy in a min... bt you can see how the shape will look more latter.... and this is what i have now.... crit only...
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    Mel Gibson

    here is wire and one pic without any highlights
  12. F

    Mel Gibson

    well i just wanted to try new head modeling technicue and i found some refs for mel gibson so iam on it i worked on it couple of hours its still a wip... but i think there is allready somethink what you can crit
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    Audi [dunno which model really]

    Dont rememebr when i posted here last time. This is my first attemp for modeling a car. Ou well once i made a Kaios car but i dont remeber when that was. It still needs work in the back, fixing propotions a little and more detailing...
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    Glor!! O_o

    hey really great progress bile!!! i really like it very much. Kepp up the progress!your doing really good
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    Adult SSJGohan[blue suit]

    Havnt post for some time i dont have so much time to model now. I thought that this model is no use for me so i can give it to some mod. iam a bit lazy to finish it. So if any mod wants this Gohan model i can give it.But it needs allot of work. The mod should be cellshade becouse lets say...
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    Adult SSJGohan[blue suit]

    sorry, i dont understand what do you mean FURRGlad you like it .. here i tryed to fix the prob with eyers Still skinning back of the body so cant show much. But surely will post latter
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    Adult SSJGohan[blue suit]

    i opened his eyes more and changed that ball.. and i changed a color of hairs i think this one is better.
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    Adult SSJGohan[blue suit]

    yes that ball has allmost all the characters in dbz look on ref with gohan i posted.
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    Adult SSJGohan[blue suit]

    I started to skin Gohan. Iam still not very familiar to skinning and i need some tips which may make it better. Surely its still a big wipskin.
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    Adult SSJGohan[blue suit]

    As i said i will post wires latter. iam not very sure about the chin i tryed to match the head to many pics. But i think this one is the best i found. -but i i think you were right with moving mouth abit -and i made waist a bit thinner -and tryed to fix the side of the head
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