Wikileaks founder threatens to release names that could put people in harms way

Cunning as Zeus
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Nov 23, 2003
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^ I agree, somethings we should just not know.

Odd reference, but in Men in Black, Kay tells Will Smith when he asks "Why hide it, people are smart, they can handle it."

"A person is smart; people are stupid." I mean hell, we've just barely accepted in the last 50 years that there CAN be non-religious people...and even that was a trying yeah. It's "demonizing" America with all these leaks; people are completely ignoring that other countries took part / are involved, and just focus on America's involvement. That is the issue.

It's not much of a fight for freedom of information if you only care about a piece of the information.

It's like Nazi's(Godwins law), they'd idolize Hitler, and only highlight his good aspects, how he was a War Hero who saved his friends, had medals, a artist, intelligent, thoughtful, and a charismatic speaker. You never hear them mention just how sick he was in body and mind...except in every other country.

Seriously, I had no idea Hitler was anything BUT a war criminal / ******* until I read up on it. We're only taught in school what they want us to know...and by only focusing on America, you're doing the same. As bad as the ones you're pointing the finger at. It's so easy these days to go "America is full of retards, idiots, corruption, ectera" all that, because we're in the media spotlight so often, and out-spoken.

And while as arrogant as this sounds, people like to hate stuff that is better than theirs. Many countries that slam America are oft Countries in a much less fortunate situation. Not saying it's the best or anything, but it's up there, as Nix said. It's why PC users hate Mac users, and Mac users hate PC users, ectera.

We can't do anything bout it, really, just the way people are.
Let's not get our wires crossed. This is most definitely a fight for freedom of information and transparency. They're focusing on the US because it was a private who leaked 200,000 some odd SIPRnet cables, giving wikileaks quite a bit of information to work with. And while I certainly disagree with releasing gossip in the way of diplomatic cables, I can appreciate the logic behind it, that being to gain publicity and widespread recognition so people will actually pay attention to important information when its finally released. A cynical approach, to be sure, but also a very accurate reading of people in general. Also, the US is the country everyone loves to hate, including Americans, so it makes sense to shine the spotlight on the superpower.

But we'll see how people feel once that spotlight is shining on everyones dirty laundry.

It isn't so much a matter of people hating what is "better" than them, which is hardly the truth of the matter, but of people desperately wanting to see the man on top of the mountain fall. We're hardly the first case of this mentality, and we certainly won't be the last.
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💻 Oldtimer
Oct 27, 2004
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I do wonder why are they called cables?
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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The list at the end is worth waiting for.

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