Trunks: Was Ussj the end?

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Apr 17, 2005
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Volosity said:
Super Saiyan 1
Future Trunks is only reaches Super Saiyan 1, but attained a higher overall strength by powering up significantly. This is known as "Ultra Super Saiyan", but is not actually listed as a real level, because it is just a beefed up Super Saiyan 1.
:D lol read carfully hehe, he may have powered up 5 times but he gets slower with the more power he attaned... so he still would have lost, because he didn't do like gohan and goku and use there form and be more relaxed in it he just gained power and size wille goku was in SS2 he stayed in 1 to minamize the size of his mucels, like goku stated in the show, and when gohan went ssj2 he didn't need size because the power was inside of him since he was a child(raditz)(sayian saga), and on namek...the hidden power was always built up in his and cell relisted it and it caused a huge power up to ssj2 and he got a lil bigger but the size was nuthin with the speed he gained from staying in ss1 for 2 weeks, thus concludes my class for today hehe it's kind like if u weight lift and stop suddenly for a few years the mucel u had will not sweal as much but if u exersize reagularly u can keep and add on to your strangth that you for you time :p
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Apr 27, 2005
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why let it end this it's fun!
when this started I knew most people whouldn't change there mind but my points are flawless

as for piccolo bulking his mussles vers Cell (just Cell not Imperfect or Perfect) thats just powering up and getting more... i guess the best example of it would be toned

and you guys gotta know the difference between Ussj "transforms" and just powering up to different degree

Volosity Brolly wasn't a ssj2 he was a Ussj (trunks and brolly both grew when going "Ultra Powered" ssj just sence brolly was able to do this sence very young he masterd moving fast as a Ussj.
(+ the fact if brolly had that weakness in movie 8 there whould be no movie)
My point is further proven that brolly is a Ussj is in movie 11 trunks and goten are able to easily doge his hits.
I know you all call it legendary ssj level but I say its just a mastered form of Ussj from lost of experence of bulky mussles

(i cant see your presentation raven u.u)
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Mar 26, 2005
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Brolly did not even need to move fast anyway, he could take just about any hit thrown at him. Brolly was fast though just that he did not use his speed very much. He did use it to dodge both Goku and Piccolo who were throwing a volley of attacks at him. Most of the time he never really used his complete speed. And I have doubts in my mind that Brolly was an USSJ. Brolly's muscle size grew incredibly including his skeletal structure also increased. That is probally why in Budokai 3 that stage is known as the Legendary Super Saiyan. We all did see Brolly as a regular Super Saiyan in movie 10. As you see him transform though to "USSJ" it appears to be an actual transformation, a complete change. He grew a lot taller, much much more bulkier, skeletal structure also increased. Maybe that level was Legendary Super Saiyan. Like when Paragus was talking to Vegeta about Brolly, it showed Brolly as a regular Super Saiyan, so what Brolly was is very debatable since I serious doubt that was an USSJ.

EDIT: Then again, Brolly is supposed to be the legendary super saiyan.
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Mar 1, 2005
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he is the legendary super saiyan. his muscles grew but not only his muscles his bones did as well he never was in a ussj form he was in his own form lssj. the thing about all legendary super saiyans is havin so much power makes them go crazy. although trunks and brolly do look alike at these stages they are very different.
^ trunks
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Mar 26, 2005
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That's exactly what I was thinking. I remember characters throughout the series explaining that a Super Saiyan was supposed to be very violent and extremely powerful. Including the story Vegeta brought up about the last Super Saiyan who was destroyed by his own power. Either because he could not control it, his power destroyed the planet he was on, or he wanted too much power which his body could not handle and exploded. I think we need to get a very long interview going with Akira Toriyama, lol.
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Apr 27, 2005
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Yea but Trunks grows in ither later in that episode or in the next episode same as Brolly. And don't base anything on any game take it right from the series.
Games can be wrong
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Jun 8, 2004
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You can't take Broly facts from the series, his name was never mentioned.

But Broly's 'Legendary' form was known as Legendary throughout the kingdom of dbz forum fandom before Budokai 3 came into the public eye.

This is lifted from the Daizenshuu, it was originally SSJ Broly and Legendary Broly, but I added in the other forms and drew the line myself:

He's easily twice as big in terms of height and general build, his aura changes colour (gold tinted with lime green), his hair changes, his voice gets lower, and his pupils dissapear, showing he's lost all self control. Quite a few differences from the paradigm set by Trunks, Vegeta and Goku when they're in their USSJ form(s).
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Apr 27, 2005
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movies have to fit with the series i have a few examples not all because im lazy ^_^

movie 1: was referenced in garlic jr saga

movie 9: happend in the middle of Free the Future right after future cell dies

movie 12: vegeta never saw the fusion dance or even herd of it for that matter in teh series but when there in buu he says its to goofy

(you cant possably counter this... but then again your Ravendust youll find a way :smile: )

your Ussj grade 4 in your presentation is the same concept as Lssj so I say there arround the same thing plus the fact it was a movie and if brolly was a easly defeated as Trunks was then there whouldnt be much of a movie now whould there?
Movie 10 Gohan didn't go ssj2 because if he did brolly whould have been killed no sweat (as a result no movie)
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Oct 10, 2003
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wheres_warren said:
Oh yeah, what a great idea, let us start making stuff up! I'm sure the team will follow suit and implement it. Yay for ssj3 gohan. Oh wait, while were at it why not ssj4?

Trunks goes ssj, and then 2 unamed levels past it, clearly defined by the manga.

Don't trust the budokai games, they lie.

Infact don't even play them.

Now run, run far far away.
Sarcasm Fool!
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Mar 26, 2005
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Akira Toriyama's goal for introducing Brolly was to show that Brolly is THE Legendary Super Saiyan. So it's quite obvious that Brolly's transformations are much more powerful than those achieved by Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks. The Budokai game called it "Legendary Super Saiyan" to let the players know that Brolly's Super Saiyan transformation is a lot different than Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks's. As I said, Brolly gains incredible size which Trunks does not come even close to reaching. You all must understand that Akira Toriyama stated in an interview that he was rushed to make a episode a week also he admitted that he rarely looked back at what he previously drew (which you see numerous mistakes). So who knows.

Games might be wrong, so can the series. Just like with all these dubb/sub conflicts. Only way to officially find out whats going on is asking Akira Toriyama since many of these companies and fans translated this series based on their own personal knowledge of the language. Including with tons of editing of content also made it hard for a person to follow the series. One of the main reasons they are reduing most all of the audio in the early DragonBall Z sagas.

Also the movies do not in any way take place any time at all in the series. They are meere side or what if stories. Including the so called "OVA" which was just a collection of in-game cinematics. Such as the Garlic Jr. saga... which was nothing more than a filler saga based off the movie. The only movies that have strong connections with the series are the specials. The History of Trunks, Bardock: Father of Goku, The World of Dragon Ball, etc.

All in all, Brolly was very "unique" and he also fitted the legend. "Super Saiyans tend to be violent" which Brolly showed numerous times (He destroyed galaxies for god sakes because he was crazed with his power). "Super Saiyans are supposed to ruthless killing machines" which Brolly definately showed numerous times, just that he toyed around too much instead of finishing his opponents off.
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Apr 27, 2005
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Doesn't goku toy with his oponents too?

and I want to throw another idea about the Ussj out there (not based on anything except my opinion)

Now in the Cell games saga when Trunks and Vegeta are fighting the Cell Jr.s Trunks has his Ussj hair but doesn't always miss cell jr's and we all know Trunks doesn't want to show Vegeta up so that whould make some one assume there at a round level of Ussj.
Like a Ussj powerfull enough to be stronger then Vegeta's "Sssj" but not to slow them down enough to hurt therer performace like Trunks' "Retardidly Bulked Up" Ussj

now I assume that when Vegeta went back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber he was able to get to Ussj not just "Sssj". I also assume that Trunks was able to master the Ussj form aswell.

As for our Brolly descussion I back down I never really thought about the fact that Goku is at his chest hight. (no Ussj could grow that much)

But... Legenday super saiya-jin is probably a special skill or somthing kind of like Link from The Legend of Zelda being reborn to save Hyrule but Brolly is an Ancient saiyan reborn to kill stuff, or Ussj expaned from the Ancient Power
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Mar 26, 2005
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It is true that Goku and the others toy with their opponents; Majin Buu is a great example that Goku toys around. I meant that Brolly toyed with them too much which he lost due to that. To him it is all a game, like when you saw him in a flashback during movie 8; you saw him blowing up planets when he was younger and he really enjoyed it. You got to admit that none of the saiyans (Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, etc) are seen as excited as Brolly is. They all share the same "love to fight" do not get me wrong.

Including that Brolly was power hungry/crazed made him even more likely to toy with his opponents, thinking he is a god.

Everything I state by the way is to the best of my knowledge so I could be wrong.

I think Goku does not reach Brolly's chest even, lol.

It is true that Vegeta and Trunks might have mastered the "USSJ" when they went back into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, yet we do not know. From the looks of it though Vegeta was really suprised to see how powerful Goku and Gohan was so that might signify that Vegeta and Trunks might not be strong enough even with the "USSJ" power-up.

The only theory I had with the "USSJ" power-up was that was how Goku learned how to go Super Saiyan 3. As Goku said that the power has to come deep inside, which is basically how they were able to use the "USSJ" power-up. Who knows.

Once again this is all to the best of what I know, so I could be wrong if proven wrong.
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Apr 27, 2005
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i think ssj is like a power tree after ssj it branches to perfect trans where you dont use ki to be a ssj and ussj which is really powerfull but takes alot of enegry perfect tras leads to ssj2 but ussj leads to nothing unless your born with legenday power
New Member
Jul 22, 2005
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hehe, I got bored of reading.
It just comes to one thing, no he didnt go to super saiyan 2
in budokai 1 or 2, I dont remember, he or vegeta goes super trunks (or vegeta) 2
I havent played the game for so long, I just forgot (btw, budokai 3's fighting system sux B1 and 2 where much cooler)

But one thing, I got alot of moving DBZ GIF's, so if you need any, u know where to find me.
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Jun 18, 2005
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In the official DBZ magazine it says that Trunks was SS 1.8 what you call USS. Vegeta also had SS1.8 but only used SS 1.5 because 1.8 made them reallly slow. 1.8 had the power of a SS2 but not the speed and even had less speed than normal form so they decided not to use it ever again. Vegeta used 1.5 because it made him stronger than SS and faster but it wasn't enough to beat perfect form cell. He only used SS1.5 because if he went 1.8 he would be slower than a table without legs.
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Jul 22, 2005
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never knew tables could walk :laff:

Anyway, the only magazines we have here, is some fake thingy with just bad quality pics from the internet.
And there never is something intresting in it, all that they write in it, is so obvious that the biggest DB n00b would know it.
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Dec 4, 2004
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ok now here is what i think, if u take a good look at ssj2 trunks (one without jacket) in budokai and compared him with future trunks in episode 179 (free the future) u would notice that they r similar, and maybe there is ssj2 trunks. Did u guys ask yourselves how did goku and vegeta turned into ssj2? well it is because they watched gohan while he was doing it and so did trunks. (gotenks was able to turn into ssj3 cuz he saw goku do it once.) and ssj1 trunks wouldve NEVER beaten up the androids with a ki blast as trunks didain episode 179!! he was almost dead when he was trying to save his father from the androids while he was ssj1 (android saga). and besides take another look at the ssj trunks's hair in episode 179(free the future) and in the trunks saga. u will notice a great difference.
anyway thats my opinion.
and about that ussj thing it is TRUE. ussj exists. I agree with each and every word dark trunks says.
and that master roshi thing was .............. really stupid. I dont know how u guys could ever compare a sayajin with master roshi. -_- and its not about pumping muscles u guys forgot that there is a great power increase and that is due to another transformation.
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Jun 8, 2004
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The real ssj said:
ok now here is what i think, if u take a good look at ssj2 trunks (one without jacket) in budokai and compared him with future trunks in episode 179 (free the future) u would notice that they r similar, and maybe there is ssj2 trunks.
Or maybe the Budokai people didn't know what they were doing and made a mistake.

Remember, there is no official name for USSJ so they had nothing to go on. Hopefully BT will just call it Ultra and not 'Super2' (Budokai 1).
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Dec 4, 2004
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maybe u r right and as they said be4 name doesnt matter.
if it was budokai's mistake then it was a good mistake i love it.
maybe they did that just to balance trunks with the other sayajins.
and i am absolutely SURE that trunks could easily make it to ssj2 even if he didnt in the episodes! (vegeta did although trunks was alot more powerful) so i dont really care if he didnt in the episodes but he looks great in budokai.
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💻 Oldtimer
Jul 14, 2002
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It's either SSJ2 or USSJ. In my Shonen Jump Manga some says ..He's pumping up! Or something like that. If you want I can pull out my Manga and show you all what they say in the part.

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