Okay well as follows, I think you should be able to swoop back facing forward that way you can allow your opponent to chase you then, if you have the ki, you can know him the other way. Or in Beta 1.2 you would be able to do your combos swooping backward that way the fighters don't stop at each other but are continually movie such as any great fights IE majin vegeta v goku frieza v goku or gohan v cell....
By this i mean that you dontgo like this
but like this
>=======O O======>
so you can kind of back pedal with them... or u can back pedal from a beam and not have to teleport away.
Just a suggestion on an evassive move that i would like.
By this i mean that you dontgo like this
but like this
>=======O O======>
so you can kind of back pedal with them... or u can back pedal from a beam and not have to teleport away.
Just a suggestion on an evassive move that i would like.