Special News Bulletin! Resident Evil movies hit rock bottom! Logan is not amused!

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Dec 25, 2001
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Is it just me or does this trailer remind anybody else to the Fallout intro movie (or fallout 2 .. not sure) .. like when the cam goes "through" the tv screen showing the rotten city and desert and whatnot ..
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Oct 21, 2006
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I hated the first resident evil movie, Mediocre is a huge compliment that it doesnt deserve.

Video game movies are horrible and always will be, especially since most of the time, its American studios raping a franchise they previously had nothing to do with.

RE4 is the only resident Evil game that I really enjoyed, the fear factor in the other games had to do with the fact that when you were actually confronted with an enemy, your character was so poorly controlled you feared you wouldnt be able to kill a zombie before it took 2 minutes to shuffle up to you.
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Apr 15, 2003
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Edogawa-ku, Tokyo
I know i'll be seeing it. Didn't know what to expect from the RE 2 film until i saw it, but meh.
Plot means **** all to me these days, it's all been done, it's all about action and fight scenes for me now. Unless a film in the present day can be made that either made me have to think like Usual Suspects or Memento, or a film that will make up for lack of storyline/originality/questioning the audience, with great stunts or fights like District B13. District B13's storyline was an absolute joke, but the action scenes made up for it for me :D Hopefully RE 3 can do the same >_<
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Dec 3, 2001
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Behold! The only thing about Resident Evil that's remotely important! :rolleyes:
I don't even think she looks that great, if by that's what you mean. Sure I'd tap it if I had the chance, with a bag over her face.
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May 7, 2003
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Even from the first game, Sweet Home (an unofficial prequel), had a better movie in the eyes of fans.
I agree.

This looks ridiculous. Hell, why not just watch all of Milla Jovovich's movies. Really, they're all terrible and all the same cliche, rambling, garbage.

Resident Evil is being destroyed with these movies.
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Jun 5, 2004
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The first film was utter balls. The second film was worse. Why do they insist on making people utter morons in films? "Oh noes! Our entire highly trained Special Ops team was killed in that place! I know! Let's open it up and see what killed them!" And then go in there with no lighting at all and get mauled......these people are obviously so intelligent that their intelligence cancels itself out and they revert to stupidity.

I hate these films. The only VG film (that I can think of) that didn't suck was Mortal Kombat.

Logan said:
Not play a game once and write a fanfiction version of it to be made into a movie.
From looking at the films I'd say they just heard that there were zombies and some sort of virus and made a film from that.

I'd be happy if someone set fire to every copy of each film and then set fire to the writer and director.
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Aug 27, 2006
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Oh god. Why in worlds they keep on whoring the game's reputation via making bad movies? Well, i'm glad that Uwe Boll didn't start making these.
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Sep 22, 2004
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I agree.

This looks ridiculous. Hell, why not just watch all of Milla Jovovich's movies. Really, they're all terrible and all the same cliche, rambling, garbage.

Resident Evil is being destroyed with these movies.
Couldn't agree more... CAPCOM HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!?!?!?:cry:
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 23, 2003
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meh, from my perspective resident evil died the day code veronica hit store shelves, the series hit its peak in resident evil 2, so no matter how horrible the movies may be, it really doesn't sway my opinion of the game one way or another.

sure resident evil 4 was a good game, but it was a horrible RESIDENT EVIL game. It seemed to me like they had the entire game built and ready, but needed a cast of characters to help sell it, so they threw in a handful of RE characters and a quick (very quick) storyline linking them all to it.

the first movie i liked, i wont lie, I liked it because it was based WITHIN the resident evil storyline, yet not directly interfering with the games themselves, so fanboys could still enjoy it without having to ***** about all the inaccuracies.

the 2nd movie, holy sheep****. i went and saw this in the theaters with high expectations. and i walked out with a single thought. "WTF DID THEY DO TO RESIDENT EVIL 3", sure it wasn't the series strongest game, (though its mini game was pure pwnage). but they still managed to screw that up

I wouldn't have minded if it had been subtle integration of the 2 story lines, IE some major event in the game like an explosion or something scares the movie characters, or a major location in the game was visited and interacted with in some way to coincide with the game itself.

but actually having them meet and interact with one another, just completely ruined it for me.

that and jill's costume looked like ****, and the nemesis looked like a muppet XD

im going to see the third movie, probably in theaters as well. but only because of the fact that i saw the first 2 there. and id hate to think i missed the chance to (hopefully) witness the end to this skidmark of a movie.

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