Powering underpowered characters

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Oct 27, 2004
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Though Piccolo IS underpowered, I play as him and he's got a good arsenal of melee-oriented attacks. Kamehameha is a tad too slot to charge during melee combat, but a player could use SBC like a generic ball if he timed it right. Scater shot also does more than ki attacks if you aim them right, smash a player so he rolls on the ground and shoot about 3-4 blast, combine, and BOOM! Decent HP loss. Eye laser is a nice touch, too bad finger laser has a lot more damage delt. As for Masenko, it's not really a good beam, but it IS stronger than a generic beam, so when it's charged, a player might mistak it as a yellow attack since Masenko are rare to be shot. I admit he is slow when he starts out, but his tranformation has a decent speed to it. I say it should be a permanent tranformation.
New Member
Mar 30, 2002
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Fix piccolo's scattershot and piccolo becomes twice as useful. For those that don't know, his scattershot has a bug where it blows up in your face and drops HP, you can avoid it (sometimes) by moving but its stupid to have to do that.

And make eyelaser continuous, since its not really powerful you should be able to use it as much as you want because its not easy to aim.

Do those two things and piccolo become useful.

Oh and don't detach SBC......

(Off-topic: And I hate having to move my fingers away from wesdf to hit the 7 key and use scattershot. Yeah you can change the keys but thats ackward...)
New Member
Mar 10, 2005
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after playing a lot, I retract all these statements. It's fairly balanced. Frieza actually is amazing. The only thing I still agree with is that Piccolo sucks. a lot.
New Member
Mar 1, 2005
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ok i keep seein people say fireza sucks trunks is good gokus this bla bla bla.
but let me explain wut i think:

goku-one of the most balanced characters good speed good attacks the whole shabang. wit a good player hes real tough to beat and doesnt need to be changed.

vegeta-good speed alot of big attacks wit him its like bombs away. he doesnt need to be changed except for his galit gun.

cell- oh wow we all kno cell doesnt need to be changed most pros use him. hes fast alot of hp and has like everyones attack.

trunks-SLOW!!!! too slow to be a melee character id rather have his trans later and have his speed like goku or vegeta how it should really be. burning attack sucks weaker than a gen beam only blinds. and finishbuster is weak until u get really high pl. and hes slow even after his trans. sword is good tho but can only be used in adv melee and most of the time people dont use it much its too predictable. needs more speed and burning attack unattched and strong like a gen beam or somthin.

buu-heh no need to say much hes overpowered faster than gohan piccolo and trunks wen they are transed wit candy beams and cookies can never die. needs to be toned down

frieza-finger laser sapmming decent speed strong ass deathball. in the right hands damn near unstoppable.

krillin-sucks at first scatter beam as good but if u can perservere and finally trans quite possibly the best melee character cus of his speed needs his trans lowered tho

gohan- has his shield early trans and wen he transes hes faster than trunks has the kame and thats about it no real advantages with him.

piccolo- prolly one of the weakest only has sbc takes a while to trans hes pretty slow at first as well. masenko is weak scattershot is ok. needs another kind of attack like the makosen and or more speed

now these seem pretty accurate although some of u may not agree regardless tho trunks needs some damn speed buus pink ass needs to be toned down piccolo needs some changes and gohan needs more speed or somthin.

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