Melee suggestions

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Aug 18, 2002
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Assign diff keys to
Hard kick (slowest speed but hardest hitting), med kick (average rate of fire, medium damage), weak kick (fastest, weakest)
Hard Punch (slowest speed but hardest hitting), med Punch (average rate of fire, medium damage), weak Punch (fastest, weakest)
Also you should have an energy kick and energy punch (several times in the show I saw dbz characters hit someone else with a ki ball in their hand. It would deal more damage plus send them flying and as soon as they hit something the ball would explode)
As for the energy kick, I've seen them concentrate their aurora on their leg to deliver more damage with a kick.

A stunning move where you have to hit a person three times in a row within certain amount of time to stun them.

Then there should be just two more punch and kick; these are charged but require no energy'; these are the ones that should send them flying like the current system.

And you should also be able to challenge people like on JK2 so no one can interrupt.

Look at look at the vids you should have that kind of melee system. Slamming people is ok for a lil bit but I mean that wasn’t what dbz was made of it was a lot of hits then a slam to follow it through.

Well I always thought it would be cool to have a fatality system like if you get a victim below 10 health and you hit them with some sort of stunning move then you push a certain combination of keys and your character will turn your enemy to ashes (make the other char disappear and leave a smoke sprite) with some sort of attack. And from doing this you should get more of a PL raise. Probably too complicated but I'm looking to the future.
New Member
Apr 13, 2003
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Ok i know everyone hates it when ur typing and u get murdered by melee...well i remember in quake 3 when u were typing there was a little speech box over u and it had .'s in it

this would help alot...well for the people with morals...:yes:
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Nov 21, 2002
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Originally posted by Buce
Ok i know everyone hates it when ur typing and u get murdered by melee...well i remember in quake 3 when u were typing there was a little speech box over u and it had .'s in it

this would help alot...well for the people with morals...:yes:
I second that... a small speech box (like the sound box u get when someone is talking on the mike), would be useful.
New Member
Oct 18, 2002
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i have an idea for da team.. they should create a melee attack wer ur character does multiple punches n kicks for close up combat.. i think datl be pretty fun. see who iZ quicker in the right and left clicks and still have the usual melee which we r currently using. ( if they wer 2 think about this in upcoming updates i think it should be in the melee attack menu, ud have 2 select it with right click lyk small spirit bomb. ) does ne1 else agree??
New Member
Feb 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Pcjoe

1) Hit detection was changed from tracelines to dot products
2) Head on collisions use ki instead of random ping
3) You can't attack 0.8 seconds after you are hit while blocking (buggy)

Theres more, but thats just the basics...
1. don't know what that is. but I gues it will be good if ESF team changed it.
2. Don't really have an opinion on head ons. The game is fast and I can't tell who hit in a head on really.
3. That's probably good, but shouldn't you get and advantage if you block a swooper?

I was playing against some bots tonight, and I noticed if I teleport towards them, for some reason the melee hit (sec fire) doesn't seem to work. Does anyone else notice this? Targetting stil has bugs - gotta use teleport so I can target people sometimes, find it annoying.

I've decided to groove on whatever the ESF team make for the melee system. They're doing a good job.
New Member
May 18, 2003
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this isn't a rush post or anything, i am just wondering if the team do plan to go ahead with the 1.15b update, and if so have they made a decision on what melee quick fix they intend to use.
thanks for your time =)
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
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I didnt read much of those posts but I have an idea for an animation for a PS in meele:
something like in Budokay!!!
I`ll show you the example in my site
I`ll upload the anim film in a few sec.s
and about the "RIGHTS" for Budokay - so dont make it the same but similar....

and I think that thise should go to Seggestion`s` Forum!!!
New Member
May 13, 2003
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y not use punch and kick buttons and keep melee separate from the beam attacks, so u could select ki blast, fly up and punch, using "P" for example, and then start madly clicking on the mouse to hit them with ki attacks while they plummet to their doom!
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
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I have an idea
please isten to it!
something like Ozymandias had just said!!!
seperate yes but what?
I think that about the seperation we should wait to an older version of ESF
but the first seperate thing that should be done is to seperate the "SWOOP" key so that anyone will be able to swoot whenever they want! and also reenabling the ability to move and teleport while charging a beem\blast\kiblob\DB and stuff!!!
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Dec 3, 2002
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Dr. Evil said it best about separate punch and kick buttons:

"How bout NO, ya crazy dutch *******!"
New Member
Apr 9, 2003
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Originally posted by SaiyanPrideXIX
Dr. Evil said it best about separate punch and kick buttons:

"How bout NO, ya crazy dutch *******!"
hes write but u did not need to use such bad language:no:
New Member
May 27, 2003
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Is melee now based on how far up your blue bar is, or how much power you have in numbers?
anyway I reckon you should just base it on who swoops first... simple and good...
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Dec 3, 2002
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Or at the least, a combination of the bar and who swoops first.

Although I do have to say, I'm enjoying this version's melee very much.

Still haven't been able to transform with Vegeta, though...
Sep 29, 2002
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Hmm i actually think what [SSJ]MyStIc said was a good idea.

When you melee you have to right click at the right time to hit them.
And there could be a time limit on the click so people cant just fly around right clicking, but actually need timing.
New Member
Mar 23, 2003
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Originally posted by yogosaki
I have an idea, keep it the same as now but put something like a .5 second delay between attempts at melee (so it can't be scripted with my :p new system) and make it so the challenge is in the timing, it would take a while to get down but only allow the person to click (it fires once on [edit] RIGHT [/edit] mouseclick DOWN) instead of holding while in a swoop... also, the range would have to be increased a bit for anyone to ever hit anyone else... no key combos or fast clicking as that can be scripted quite easily and I don't think anyone wants there to be absolutely now way to hit scripters...
Yea, I like the timing idea too, I hate to be a Forumn Nazi (no offence Sonic Boystar :p) but i think it was my idea... I also like the longer swoop idea...

I meant right mouse down...
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Hah, no offense taken. I'd have to say I'm fine with the idea. The only issues, then, would be (of course) lag and latency. You can't lag-proof that kind of system. In fact, latency and packet loss would become a serious issue. When do you click? Before he gets close? How close? If your ping fluctuates how can you tell? And where would you have to aim on his model? Is it ever there or is it just lag?

I'm all for the swoop timing thing.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 3, 2002
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I think the swoop timing thing so far is the most fair suggestion.

OFFTOPIC: Thanks to the team for making it easier to lock on to different players during fights, I can now fight two people at once, sans cheapness
New Member
May 18, 2003
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yeah that is a very good idea except for the ping and lag factor... is there no way of getting around that??? if so it would be a great system because then no player would have an advantage, but if ping owuld effect it a guy running a server coulc own everyone with 0 ping because he could time it so well :-\
New Member
May 28, 2003
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I would like if when I have melee selected, I auto target the person hitting me if I do not have a target.

Flying around, getting hit and having no idea where he is while he has a solid lock is a pain.

I totally suck at melee sometimes I am right next to soemone does a kamehameha not even in my direction and I spam the melee button and nothing happens. :(

If you swoop you are already going to attack. Why not make swoop an Attack? You swoop towards your target and when you get close it attacks. But if you swoop near another target not locked it won't attack him. Could only worked on people you locked on.

Also If I block a hit, shouldn't I have an advantage? I fought some pretty nasty meleers and most have the same strick :

1) They swoop to you, you block.
2) Before you can hit they teleport behind you.
3) Before my block move is even over they swoop me from behind and knock me out.

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