Have Religions Been Whitewashed?

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Mar 7, 2007
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Well you all seem to be of Christian upbringing, so I guess I'll try and bring a Jewish opinion to this matter. Sorry if some of the things are randomly ordered, it's just what popped into my head at the time.

I know a lot of super Orthodox Jews who have been that way since birth, and I know a lot of super Orthodox Jews who have been that way because of a certain event in their life that changed their opinion on God and the Jewish religion. My dad, for example, converted to Judaism (twice actually) because he lost his faith in Christianity, which I see a lot of in general in today's time, and even in this thread. There's also the people who become more religious because of a death in the family, or they just need some help finding themselves.

What I love about my sect of Judaism (Modern Orthodox) is that you aren't totally forced to be Jewish like Ultra-Orthodox sects do. It allows somewhat of a freedom, and it makes people, namely myself, enjoy the religion more. As I said I know a lot of people who have been super Orthodox since they were born because the religion was beat into their head and that's all they know. I also know some people who deviated from their parents and religion because of that.

Do I believe in God? Yes I do. Do I know what God is? Not totally. Do I think the Torah (Old Testament) is divine? Yes. The question of who wrote the Torah is very up-in-the-air when it comes to Judaism. I don't know about the rest of the Bible, but I personally don't care about it since I don't believe in it. Some people say God just snapped his fingers per se, and the Torah was there. Some people say Moses wrote the Torah from what God told him to write down (40 days on Mount Sinai). Some people say the Torah was written by multiple authors throughout the generations up until the destruction of the Temples. I don't know which I believe, but most Jews believe that the Torah is somehow directly from God and that's good enough for them/me.

A lot of the things mentioned in this thread are very controversial in Judaism, like the name of God some of you talked about. Seeing that I feel kinda of appalled, but that's mostly because none of you have really studied the Torah, Mishnah (oral law), and Talmud (commentary on the oral law). But in Judaism that is not the "Divine name of God." No one knows what the "Divine name" is because it died with the destruction of the Temples. Not to mention there are many, many, many, many, many (I could keep going) names for God.

The way I think you all view religion is through a Christian world, which isn't surprising to me at all. I don't mean to put myself on the high chair, but I do believe Judaism is the only "correct" religion. Christianity doesn't make sense, because if the messiah had come in Jesus then there wouldn't be anymore war. I also believe that Christianity isn't a monotheistic religion, because they worship more then just God (Jesus, saints, etc.). I won't get into Islam because of my feelings about Israel and the Middle East.

All I'm trying to say, I guess, is take a look at the world without the influence on Christianity. Christianity has done some pretty messed up things to the world and the people who follow it. Try to look at religion through a different perspective. A lot of you sound almost angry at Christianity, which clouds your vision about religion, since, I'm guessing, most of you were brought up Christian. And I'm not trying to get people to convert to Judaism, although it greatly sounds like it. It just irks me when people don't believe in God, or say that religion is just an excuse for war. I feel there's more to say, but I'll see how this thread progresses more first.

My opinion: Religion= thing that comes from old prehistorical people who couldn't explain thunder, fire, or world's existence. They invented gods Then as we found out more things those Gods fused in one God which is called nowdays Jesus Christ or Alah or w/e. The point is: As technology raises the religion falls.
That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.
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May 29, 2002
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I realize I am probably just throwing an idea out here...

But, it almost seems like the way Jesus just submitted to the Romans through Judas, it's no different than us submitting to our oppressive governments.

Just about everything Jesus did, has a transient message to how we must act to be considered 'normal'.
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Apr 7, 2003
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Mr.Lukyas said:
My opinion: Religion= thing that comes from old prehistorical people who couldn't explain thunder, fire, or world's existence. They invented gods Then as we found out more things those Gods fused in one God which is called nowdays Jesus Christ or Alah or w/e. The point is: As technology raises the religion falls.
That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.
While that wasn't the most elegant way of wording it, there are innumerable examples over the course of history where people, faced with something they couldn't explain, resorted to [insert magical power here] to explain it. Or they blame something completely unrelated for it.

Do you know how controversial the subject of cellular pathogens ("germs") was when introduced? There was incredible resistance to the idea that "invisible little organisms" made people sick. Some people still don't believe it.

Know how many times I've heard people insist that being outside in the cold will magically make you catch a cold (a virus)? Exposure to cold air doesn't give you a virus.

That might not be an ideal example. Sacrificing virgins to appease a Volcano is a pretty good example.

Or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sacrifice_in_Aztec_culture.

Or people interpreting solar or lunar eclipses as omens, diseases as punishment, etc. You still see it today. Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 was "punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality."

What Lukyas said was right, though. As we discover the actual causes of things, people stop inventing magical fairies to be responsible for our ailments. Germs, not the displeasure of deities, are responsible for sickness. Storms are the result of paths of hotter and colder weather as well as the positions of the planet in relation to the sun and moon. Not Neptune, God of the Sea.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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For the sake of "Clarification", let me say I'm not coming to present/discover the perspective of Christianity. I'm trying to shed light on the Likely possibility that the truth of the Bible is overlooked.

Originally Posted by VideoJinx
Originally Posted by yawehorthehighway
(1 hour ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply | Spam The word "jew" didn't even exist until the 18th century.95% of "jews" today are Ashkenazi jews.They have no relation to the Hebrew people.Jesus was JUDEAN.Not jewish.

Originally Posted by Matthew 27:11-26, AKA The Bible
Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?"
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied.

Well, I think you'de be interested in listening to the first 13 minutes of this video.


Very interesting and logical stuff. He clearly shows the Contradiction of the new and old testament, and clarifies that the "New Testament" is the testament of Satan, while the "Old Testament" is the testament of Yahweh. Also, ontop of this he points out christian editing(inserting there own information) within the Bible.

Barney I'm glad you posted, because I've seen info partaining to "Judaism" and it's different sections as well. I'll try to find it for you so you can take a look.
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While that wasn't the most elegant way of wording it, there are innumerable examples over the course of history where people, faced with something they couldn't explain, resorted to [insert magical power here] to explain it. Or they blame something completely unrelated for it.

Do you know how controversial the subject of cellular pathogens ("germs") was when introduced? There was incredible resistance to the idea that "invisible little organisms" made people sick. Some people still don't believe it.

Know how many times I've heard people insist that being outside in the cold will magically make you catch a cold (a virus)? Exposure to cold air doesn't give you a virus.

That might not be an ideal example. Sacrificing virgins to appease a Volcano is a pretty good example.

Or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sacrifice_in_Aztec_culture.

Or people interpreting solar or lunar eclipses as omens, diseases as punishment, etc. You still see it today. Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 was "punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality."

What Lukyas said was right, though. As we discover the actual causes of things, people stop inventing magical fairies to be responsible for our ailments. Germs, not the displeasure of deities, are responsible for sickness. Storms are the result of paths of hotter and colder weather as well as the positions of the planet in relation to the sun and moon. Not Neptune, God of the Sea.
At times like this I really hate it that I'm not good enough at english to actually write up the things I'm trying to say since I simply lack the proper words

Anyways, <3 Alea
That is IMHO exactly why religions were made up... that and then later the controlling aspect.
The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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First off,

I just wanna mention a name that Ive recently stumbled upon.

Yahweh\ יהוה (http://www.answers.com/topic/yahweh)(yä'wĕ) , modern reconstruction of YHWH, the ancient Hebrew ineffable name for God.

This is what I'm seeing to be the real name of God.
If I remember right(correct me if I'm wrong) but the early Jews believed that knowing a person's name gives you a sort of power over them. They wouldn't call God by his name as it was disrespectful to do so. This carried into Christianity though most Christians won't study Judaism so they tend not to know His name.

It's not a conspiracy.

Anywho, one thing that gets my beef is I've known some Christians to say the whole story about "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" was added in the 600s by a priest. If that's true, then that shows that the Bible can be altered by the fallacies of man and that perhaps some other things may want rethought, such as a fundamentalist's views on homosexuality and such.
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Apr 7, 2003
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For the sake of "Clarification", let me say I'm not coming to present/discover the perspective of Christianity. I'm trying to shed light on the Likely possibility that the truth of the Bible is overlooked.

Well, I think you'de be interested in listening to the first 13 minutes of this video.


Very interesting and logical stuff. He clearly shows the Contradiction of the new and old testament, and clarifies that the "New Testament" is the testament of Satan, while the "Old Testament" is the testament of Yahweh. Also, ontop of this he points out christian editing(inserting there own information) within the Bible.

Barney I'm glad you posted, because I've seen info partaining to "Judaism" and it's different sections as well. I'll try to find it for you so you can take a look.
Not that I personally care, but what you just said is blasphemy according to Christianity. The old testament is of semi-unknown origin, thought to be the writings of Moses/etc. The new testament is mostly based on the Gospels (the writings of people's experiences with Jesus).

Of course the Christians "inserted information" into the Bible. The Bible, consisting of both the old and new testaments is a Christian document..

Why is it you always avoid the actually interesting aspect of whatever topic you choose, and then instead choose to go off on ridiculous conspiracy theories?

Inside of VideoJinx's reality said:
"Did you know your religion which makes almost no mention of Satan, is based on Satan?"

"No, I didn't. Funny, that, because I've been studying and worshipping the Lord for my entire lif--"

Honestly. You're either a troll trying to annoy people intentionally, or quite possibly have some kind of paranoia disorder. I don't believe anyone latches on to this many random, unsupportable conspiracy theories by chance.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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Hrm, someone had a bad day?

I'll completely ignore your provocative statements, and have you know that your sarcastic statements about my logic are inaccurate and unappreciated.

I'll also have you know what he says may be "Blasphemy according to Christianity" , but its also very Logical according to my understandings.

One of my guidelines:
- The truth doesn't contradict itself.

He also brings up the point that a message/command/statement from Yahweh, is eternal. So why would it need "changing/editing". From my understanding, it wouldn't. Thus, this logic about how people may have been guided into "Popular False Fundamental Beliefs", comes into play.

Why is it you always avoid the actually interesting aspect of whatever topic you choose, and then instead choose to go off on ridiculous conspiracy theories?
Perhaps I find every aspect, to be an important/interesting part of whatever topic I choose instead of instantly writing them off as "ridiculous conspiracy theories". This keeps my mind open, and allows me to logically figure out the truth, through assessing most/all information.
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Apr 7, 2003
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Hrm, someone had a bad day?

I'll completely ignore your provocative statements, and have you know that your sarcastic statements about my logic are inaccurate and unappreciated.

I'll also have you know what he says may be "Blasphemy according to Christianity" , but its also very Logical according to my understandings.

One of my guidelines:
- The truth doesn't contradict itself.

He also brings up the point that a message/command/statement from Yahweh, is eternal. So why would it need "changing/editing". From my understanding, it wouldn't. Thus, this logic about how people may have been guided into "Popular False Fundamental Beliefs", comes into play.


Perhaps I find every aspect, to be an important/interesting part of whatever topic I choose instead of instantly writing them off as "ridiculous conspiracy theories". This keeps my mind open, and allows me to logically figure out the truth, through assessing most/all information.
My statements aren't inaccurate. The New Testament is based on the Gospels. The Gospels were written (supposedly) by the disciples of Christ. How exactly is it, as you said, the "Testament of Satan"?

Please find a reputable theological source for this basically indefensible claim.

I also stated that, since parts of the Bible are interpreted to be false and not representative of the times, it undermines the argument of the entirety and is not divinely inspired. I agree with you there.

However, you need to back up your first claim (like I said--with reputable theological sources, under which youtube does not fall) in order to claim that "the New Testament is the Testament of Satan."

You claim your mind is open. Yet you reject the obvious truths staring you in the face about a myriad number of subjects. You don't even consider alternative points of view. You don't subject them to actual scrutiny. You just search google for something that contradicts the other person, even if that something is a blog or scribbles written on a napkin you found at a local gas station. You need to learn how to determine the voracity of a source.


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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
Hrm, someone had a bad day?
No, you just have that effect on people.

One of my guidelines:
- The truth doesn't contradict itself.
What is this "the truth" that you speak of and why doesn't it contradict itself?

He also brings up the point that a message/command/statement from Yahweh, is eternal.
However, how do we know that said message/command/statement actually came from God?

So why would it need "changing/editing". From my understanding, it wouldn't.
This reminds me of something I watched on the History Channel regarding the bible. In the documentary, it showed a handful of the many debates that occurred over the interpretation of the bible. One of them that was explored was celibacy. One side said that celibacy should be a requirement, while another said it should be a personal choice. The debate became so heated, that fighting broke out between the opposing sides.

But anyway, people changed/modified to bible to match their own perspectives of it.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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I'll completely ignore your provocative statements, and have you know that your sarcastic statements about my logic are inaccurate and unappreciated.
your Big/Hot-headedness has caused you to "over-react".

Carefully read my post next time.
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Apr 7, 2003
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You know what? You're right. How about you share this particular theory with the people at your school? I'm sure you'll find a few open minds to discuss this with. Please be sure to upload the results on your favorite site, YouTube.
The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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Also stop saying you are logical. Read up on some fallacies. Educate yourself on what logic really is. Then take a look at things again and see if you feel the same way.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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For those who discredit youtube, try actually looking up information on facts stated within the vid and topic-relevant information. You'd be suprised as to what you may find.

@ Deman: I didn't say i was "Logical", nor did I say I was Illogical. FYI, I said something along the lines of "using my logic" <-- aka reasoning, the information given makes perfect sense.


Also here is the Guide line I use.( posted this earlier)

- The Truth doesn't contradict itself ( whe the truth does contradict it can be called false or a fallacy(A statement or an argument based on a false or invalid inference).
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You mean I'd find some random guy in a hat mumbling for 20 minutes, comments disabled and no citations?

I'm not going to sit through 20 minutes of citation-less bull****. Who is this random person? What are his credentials? Why should I be listening to him over someone intimate with theology?
The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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Also stop saying you are logical. Read up on some fallacies. Educate yourself on what logic really is. Then take a look at things again and see if you feel the same way.
For those who discredit youtube, try actually looking up information on facts stated within the vid and topic-relevant information. You'd be suprised as to what you may find.

@ Deman: I didn't say i was "Logical", nor did I say I was Illogical. FYI, I said something along the lines of "using my logic" <-- aka reasoning, the information given makes perfect sense.
Alrighty my bad. Still look it up anyway. Let me give you a head start on one I feel you really should mull over:


Appeal to Fear is another good one that I should have recommended you to look up in the Flouride = Poisen thread.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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You mean I'd find some random guy in a hat mumbling for 20 minutes, comments disabled and no citations?

I'm not going to sit through 20 minutes of citation-less bull****. Who is this random person? What are his credentials? Why should I be listening to him over someone intimate with theology?
You posted quotes of the Bible which you backed.. the quotes basicly implied Jesus was a Jew.

My reply was perhaps you should look hear the information this guy has to say


If you dont want to listen to him, then don't.
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Apr 7, 2003
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Yes. Generally, the Bible itself is a better source on the Bible and the New Testament contained within, then some random person on YouTube who has no known credentials.
The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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Okay. I got 4 minutes into the video with my bible open ready to expect him to quote single verses out of context, but had to stop when he started on "God is a personal name of Satan" and "The Lord is a title of Lucifer..." without referring to any verses, apocryphal or not, that would give anyone this idea.

He then goes on to quote a couple verses saying that The Creator and/or his messiah is are spirit beings. That's just fine and dandy yet neither verse mentions anything of the Messiah, AKA the one Christians believe is Christ.
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May 28, 2006
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Jesus, Mary and Joseph...

I...God, I don't even need to say anything. You guys know my standings well enough to predict the rant I would normally go on here. I swear, the more I hear about technology, science and logic here, the more pissed off I get...

What the Hell hapenned to this forum? Isn't this supposed to be a DBZ forum? Where's the DBZ threads? Why does this forum resemble an ultra-left wing forum that talks about video games, the news, science advancements, politics and "why religion is a useless societal husk, regardless of the promise of life after death"?

I just....urghhh...Why do I BOTHER?
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