Have Religions Been Whitewashed?

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Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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Whitewash: Concealment or palliation of flaws or failures.

Does anyone ever get the feeling that religions today seem to have "flaws" to them, or perhaps a perspective that goes against history itself? I'm not trying to say religion is complete bs, but I feel as though the full truth has been manipulated or not told. Does anyone else feel this way?

I think the truth is in the Bible, but the mass media has done it's intended job in brain washing people to only see a popular perspective when reading the Bible. ( Later on I'll put up a VERY interesting perspective which I believe might very well be the truth, considering the well known facts of our past and present).
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I know he's a little confused sometimes, but you don't have to spam Origin. =/

Anyway, in an effort to prevent this thread from closing:

I think he has a point. The bible has been read and interpreted in a number of ways, many of which I believe are mistaken although popular. In my opinion, it was not meant to be taken literally, and most certainly meant to change over the years (it has, but not as much as it should have). No one will ever know what the writers truly meant by writing this book. One may believe, but not know.


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Whitewash: Concealment or palliation of flaws or failures.

Does anyone ever get the feeling that religions today seem to have "flaws" to them, or perhaps a perspective that goes against history itself? I'm not trying to say religion is complete bs, but I feel as though the full truth has been manipulated or not told. Does anyone else feel this way?

I think the truth is in the Bible, but the mass media has done it's intended job in brain washing people to only see a popular perspective when reading the Bible. ( Later on I'll put up a VERY interesting perspective which I believe might very well be the truth, considering the well known facts of our past and present).
What "truth" are you referring to? And what reason would there be to conceal it? And why are you so obsessed with this "truth" you frequently mention in many of the threads you've spawned?

As for your question:

Does anyone ever get the feeling that religions today seem to have "flaws" to them, or perhaps a perspective that goes against history itself?
All religions are flawed to some extent, no religion is perfect or without fallacies.
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Sep 11, 2005
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I believe that religions are all alternatives of one thing, and we don't know what it is.
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The truth is out there.

According to Chris Carter.
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Whitewash: Concealment or palliation of flaws or failures.

Does anyone ever get the feeling that religions today seem to have "flaws" to them, or perhaps a perspective that goes against history itself? I'm not trying to say religion is complete bs, but I feel as though the full truth has been manipulated or not told. Does anyone else feel this way?

I think the truth is in the Bible, but the mass media has done it's intended job in brain washing people to only see a popular perspective when reading the Bible. ( Later on I'll put up a VERY interesting perspective which I believe might very well be the truth, considering the well known facts of our past and present).
Finally a topic that has merit.

I'm not so cynical as to believe that people intentionally misrecorded or interpreted events (as they happened) in order justifying certain policy decisions, but most so-called "Biblical laws" have their roots from even earlier times when people lived short, dangerous, miserable lives and had to have as many kids as they could to ensure they'd survive disease and to "fight off the barbarians."

It boils down to this: people around the times when the current mainstream western religions were created (around 3,500 years ago for the Jews; 2,000 years ago for the Christians, Islam around 1,300 years ago) did not know about nor did practice the scientific method.

People today use the scientific method in order to discover the truth, or more accurately, to disprove the untrue. Scientifically speaking, you can never prove anything to be absolutely 100% true, only things to be 100% false.

People back then (and many still today) don't seek to explain things they don't understand through science. If something out of the ordinary happened that couldn't easily be attributed to a cause, [insert magical power--God, spirit of the forest, volcano troll, etc] would be blamed.

Think about how an ignorant first century human would view a total solar eclipse. Attribute it to a God? Surely such a magnificent event would be God's work. And people would gaze in horror and amazement--and find out shortly thereafter that "God blinded them" (because staring at the Sun, eclipse or not, burns out your retinas) as punishment.

There is no scientific or logical basis to believe in any deity, supernatural being, etc. Atheism is equally as logically unjustifiable. You can't prove or disprove most religious assertions--just like we couldn't prove to VideoJinx in the previous thread that the government isn't lying to him to try and poison him with fluoride for no reason. The question itself lacks reason. Agnosticism, the realization and assertion that a God may or may not exist; and that you have no way of knowing, is really the only logical argument.

So how did the religions start? Good question. Like I said--I'm not cynical enough to believe that devious, intelligent people intentionally made things up in order to control those ignorant, superstitious peasants--let's think.

Maybe someone suffering from the same mental ailments we see today (dimensia, a brain tumor, etc) saw visions and insisted they were true. People are extremely gullible, even in today's climate--willing to believe almost anything without proof, without examining the source.

You look at some of the most ignorant, backward places on this planet--parts of Africa, the middle-east--what do you see? People in religious authorities oppressing the people, or deluding them to the point where they do it to themselves.

The hardest thing to understand, in my opinion, are the people who claim to believe in something and do something totally contrarian to that belief, and claim it's actually supported by it.

Like Christians passing judgment on others and trying to force people to follow Christian beliefs by legislatively banning contrary practices (in spite that Jesus himself taught let he who is without sin cast the first stone and judge not lest ye be judged. Rather than peacefully persuade people to live by example, you see the Repbulican Party of the US being taken over by religious zealots that want to force you to live how they dictate.

An even more extreme example is how this warped, misconstrued version of Islam is being used today to justify mass murder, kidnapping/etc. Core Islam itself is about as peaceful as core Christianity is. But I can't remember the last time I met a humble, live-by-example Christian that exemplifies the teachings of Christ. Because you're not supposed to realize that they are Christian, rather than just good people.

Bottom line: Religion is a left-over antiquity from a time when people sought to explain things they didn't understand with religion, superstition or magic, rather than explainable, scientific principles. The scientific method in its current form (the hypothetico-deductive model) didn't start to be used until the 20th century. And what have we seen since then?

Massive, UNPARALLELED progress in every field of pursuit a human can explore. We are living in a time of unbelievably quickly advancing technology as compared to the last 10,000 (or 100,000,000) years because of this fundamental change of philosophy: the search for verifiable truth.

My personal kudos to anyone who read this. Any thoughts are welcome.
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Oct 4, 2004
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SailorAlea wins this thread (and no, I didn't see the huge wall of text and decided to write "win" like I know some people do).
Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
Jinx. The trouth in religion is nothing more than what each person believes. If someone strongly believes there is no god then that is the trouth for him. Its difrent for each person. And religion nowdays is better than it was 1000 years ago when the church was murdering people for not believing in their god and giving them cash.

You cant find the trouth about religion since its something each person caries with him and each person has difrent believes.
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Apr 7, 2003
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That's the point, Grega. There is no objective truth to be had in religion. The vast majority (more than 95%, I'd wager) of people who believe in any given religion--Christianity, for example, are people who believe that way because they were "raised that way" by their parents.

Who told little Jimmy of God? Did "His Truth" reveal itself to him at an early age?

No.. His parents basically brainwashed him by either taking him to church or answering inquisitive questions with things they heard from their parents or church. That, or he were influenced by other children at school who were being taught the same thing by their parents.

Religious groups also tend to encourage their members to have lots of children. Catholics, Mormons, etc. Not only do they denounce birth control and sex-for-pleasure (not leading to more kids), they actively promote having children.

Why do this? More children means more believers. More believers make the faith seem more legitimate, more influential. "If fifty million people believe in it, it's somehow less implausible than another religion."

Politics are much the same way. The vast majority of people have both the political persuasion and religious persuasion of their parents. So much for free will.

Not to perch myself too high upon a soap box, but conservatives are a good example of this. The current form of the Republican Party in the US panders to the extreme, in-your-face "worship my God, please--and even if you don't, we'll manipulate the legislature to remove your ability to do things contrary to our perceptions of our religion." Rather than live by example and not have abortions, or get divorced--they actually want to remove your ability to "sin."

That's an entirely different discussion--the desire of pseudo-religious people wanting to legislate their religion. Not only is it contrary to the principles of the religion itself, it makes no sense from a philosophical standpoint: would a God be pleased with someone who didn't sin because he feared punishment or was literally unable to, or someone who chose to behave as God intended, not sinning? I don't think a deity in that case would think someone in the first position would be praise-worthy.
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Jan 26, 2005
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to me religion it's more like clause of behavour ,do not kill, to not steal ,that's the only good thing in the bible the Clauses of Behavour.The rest it's non sens and i realy don't give a damn about it. The Bible it's like an old story book , even if I did not read it, i know it's just a bunck of non sens in the bibles storys.People that time did not have clause of behavour so that's why they stoend people , or crusufie people.
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Dec 1, 2001
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Anyone whos spoken with me at length about religeon knows I have a peculuar perspective on it, and I'm one who disdains organized religeon as a whole.

Many of the things that you bring up alea are salient points that I try to press upon my christain brothers and sisters. Though as you say, many are ingrained in a way that was taught to them and only belive out of habit.

Those christains simultaneously scare and sadden me.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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First off,

I just wanna mention a name that Ive recently stumbled upon.

Yahweh\ יהוה (http://www.answers.com/topic/yahweh)(yä'wĕ) , modern reconstruction of YHWH, the ancient Hebrew ineffable name for God.

This is what I'm seeing to be the real name of God.

Also, i'm also convinced black people may very well be the people of the Bible.

Have we been decieved?
(Who so ever replies from now on, plz dont take a "Racist" point of view...)



This seems to be very true/plausible.

I'm curious about other peoples opinions/beliefs?
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Apr 7, 2003
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"Yahweh" isn't really a secret. It doesn't really have anything to do with non-Jews at this point.

You're not going to find some magical, mystic truth in religion. You don't have to agree, but if you think about it logically--religion was created out of:

1) people's natural fear of death and desire to believe in something more than themselves.
2) people's gullibility in believing things from uncredible sources. (Where have I seen this before?)

What makes the Bible "true"? Does it cite its sources? People claim it to be "divinely inspired," meaning infallible. But many passages are arbitrarily discarded as not being "in tune with the times." The Bible ignores at some points and validates/supports slavery in others. What happened to the "divine infallibility" at these points?

By saying even a tiny little part of it "doesn't apply today" (or was wrong), you're unequivocally stating that it was not divinely inspired nor is it infallible. In which case, none of it was/is/will be.

It's not about being "deceived" or "misled" except in cases where people try to twist religion in order to maintain power or influence (such as in numerous fundamentalist Islamic states or in the "religious right" of the Republican Party of the US.)
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Dec 25, 2001
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Do some research on who wrote the bible and you'll find out that a lot of stuff was deliberately either completely left out or edited.

Besides, religion as a whole is in my opinion just an ancient control mechanism.
If you actually believe in what the priests and such tell you, you're better off doing what they say or you end up in hell :p
Of you end up burned alive for being a witch or the inquisition gets you.

its pathetic
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May 29, 2002
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I remember going to a revival when I was younger. You know, the kind of event where the preacher says something to people and they fall on their knees.

I was so nervous when he came to me, and after he said some kind of gibberish in my right ear, I suddenly couldn't feel my legs and sort of floated to the ground.

It was hard to tell whether I had been touched by something omnipotent or just punked out, and fell to the ground out of some subconscious spasm.

Either way, I didn't feel like I had got any message or power from a God... just felt dizzy for some reason.


As far as the way religion is being used today...

If it actually ever had any truth or mystical use to it, the fact it's been used to murder and oppress for more than a millenia, has clearly robbed any purpose for it further serve.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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(1 hour ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply | Spam The word "jew" didn't even exist until the 18th century.95% of "jews" today are Ashkenazi jews.They have no relation to the Hebrew people.Jesus was JUDEAN.Not jewish.
Interesting quote.

I believe the Bible cites it's source clearly, I also believe the Bible is greatly "misunderstood". I also believe, many beliefs of or on the Bible have been hosted to misguide people from the truth inorder to, as DJ-Ready brought up, control/manipulate people.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=C1c8iySCJoI ( made me laugh )
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Apr 7, 2003
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Jew. circa 1175AD (in plural, giwis), from Anglo-Fr. iuw, from O.Fr. giu, from L. Judaeum (nom. Judaeus), from Gk. Ioudaios, from Aramaic jehudhai (Heb. y'hudi "Jew," from Y'hudah "Judah," lit. "celebrated," name of Jacob's fourth son and of the tribe descended from him. Replaced O.E. Iudeas "the Jews." Originally, "Hebrew of the kingdom of Judah." Jews' harp "simple mouth harp" is from 1584, earlier Jews' trump (1545); the connection with Jewishness is obscure. Jew-baiting first recorded 1853, in ref. to Ger. Judenhetze. In uneducated times, inexplicable ancient artifacts were credited to Jews, based on the biblical chronology of history: e.g. Jews' money (1577) "Roman coins found in England." In Greece, after Christianity had erased the memory of classical glory, ruins of pagan temples were called "Jews' castles."


More information:



As I recall, the Bible generally doesn't offer citation of its passages, though their origins are generally known. Again, I wouldn't be getting your information from random youtube videos.

The Bible itself calls Jesus the "King of the Jews."

Matthew 2:1-12.

Matthew 2:1-12 said:
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
Lost in space
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May 2, 2007
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Serbia ex Yugoslavia
My opinion: Religion= thing that comes from old prehistorical people who couldn't explain thunder, fire, or world's existence. They invented Gods Then as we found out more things those Gods fused in one God which is called nowdays Jesus Christ or Alah or w/e. The point is: As technology raises the religion falls.
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Apr 7, 2003
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VideoJinx said:
yawehorthehighway said:
(1 hour ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply | Spam The word "jew" didn't even exist until the 18th century.95% of "jews" today are Ashkenazi jews.They have no relation to the Hebrew people.Jesus was JUDEAN.Not jewish.
Matthew 27:11-26 said:
Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?"
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied.
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