Half-life 2 or Doom3? Serious descussion


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Dec 4, 2001
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Ok guys, I have been reading a lot about both of these games lately and I want to know your oppinion about both games. From what I have seen of doom 3 it looks just like doom 1-2 but with a really nice lighting system. Also I have not heard a thing about its physics system or story... I actually remember reading an interview with one of the guys that works for id that doom 3 will have very little story at all. Just a marine with guns killing anything in site. Also gameplay seems to be pretty bad aswell, where most of the game consists of killing everything in the level and find the red, blue and yellow key cards to advance to the next level. Because the doom3 engine takes up so many resouces you can only create small outdoor areas in maps... for many people wanting to make mods.. this is a turn off. Another thing with mods is that it will be increadibly hard to mod doom3 (words from the developers mouth "it would take you 2 weeks working with 3 people to make one map.") because of all the little things you have to put in just to make a map.

Now for Half-life 2. HL2 might not have as nice of a lighting system as doom 3 but I must say from what I have seen it is good enough for me. Valve has gone above and beyond to show us all a taste of what to expect from there new source engine from ingame movies and pictures. They have told many about its awsome physics system and almost basicly how it all works (unlike Doom3 which may just be all hush hush, you never know).

Now I want you guys to descuss your oppinions on the matter and what you think about both game engines from what you have seen in movies and such.

Also no flaming or talking about if you have played the leaked doom3 demo.
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Nov 25, 2002
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Nice typo there Hsu... HL 2 or Doom 2.

But anyways, Doom 3 is claming to be awsome... if you have a ati radeon 9700 pro... And HL2 is play-able at a 750 mhz and a tnt2... AND... well c'mon... Its half life...

As for gameplay, I enjoyed HL SP so i'm exspecting something good from valve once again.

As for doom 3... Well... Lets just say its just an engine... Not exspecting anything of it, and i'm sure as hell not gonna buy it...
🍂 Regular
Mar 14, 2003
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Deus Ex: Invisible War is gonna pwn both games \m/ -_- \m/ Go Ion Storm!
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Mar 21, 2002
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Half-Life 2, Doom 3 will be all show and no story or gameplay.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2002
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I'm really looking forward to seeing HL2 and some good mods for it.
Do people make popular mods for Doom games? I don't even know anyone who plays Doom, lol.
It's plain to see that most of us on this forum will likely vote HL2, because...well...this is a HL mod forum. ^.^
I've seen pictures of Doom 3, and I have to say they look very nice, but I doubt it will be much more popular than HL2, if any.
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Mar 23, 2002
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Half-Life 2, because that's what i'm more interested in. I was never really a Doom fan, I only liked the first game they came out with. After that, it was all HL from then on.
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Feb 6, 2003
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Mystix, heh.. So the only other FPS you played after Doom 1 was HL? o_o
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Mar 26, 2003
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Niether I agree with Predator Deus Ex The Invisible War will own all go Ion Storm and Warren Spector.
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Feb 23, 2002
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I never was much of a Doom fan. And now that Doom 3 is just around the corner, I still have the same opinion. Sure Doom 3 looks fun and I would like to play it, but I don't think it will be worth my $80 (Canadian). It seems as if it will be pretty, and thats it. Also Half-Life 2 looks almost as good anyways, and has a much better storyline, gameplay and mods will keep it alive for a long time.

Bottom line: Half-Life 2 > Doom 3
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Feb 6, 2002
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For me i'm going to have to go against the crowd. Personally I would rather play Doom 3 instead of Half-life 2. Now I know this is probably a very odd choice to make but I really don't see it as so.

The basic story for Doom 3 is some scientists open a portal to hell, ppl get posessed, you gotta get out. It's not the most gripping story ever told, but I think it's fine for what they are trying to achieve.

Alot of the FPS I play now are all the same and stale. Defuse this, save them, get out before this happens. With Doom 3 it's different. It's going back, you're playing a horror game that will actually have a render system that can make you edgy. That will make you edge slowly into a room because you don't know what's there.

Half-life, ok, sure it is also a "horror" game but to what extent? I mean you are going to know most of the time what is around the bend. In Half-life 1 you knew there would be aliens on the other side and what type they were just by looking at the environment.

From what I have seen from Doom 3 trailers and gameplay footage, it looks very well done. Some monsters can climb ceilings and walls, bodies of zombies or dead people can be eaten by bigger aliens. Some aliens in rooms can push through pipes to get to you. It looks very well done.

I don't have much of a preference, but because right now I want something different, I'd get Doom 3.
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Feb 4, 2002
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I would say i'm probably looking more forward to HL2 than Doom 3 for one major reason. I may actually have a chance of being able to run HL2 on my comp. :rolleyes:

I am a huge fan of the Doom series. I played the first two fanatically in my youth. As for HL, I was brought into with a friend telling me about CS. So I have never actually played HL SP.

But I don't play many computer games for SP anyways.

So it's kind of a toss up. Basically I will like the one that runs on my computer the best.
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Nov 24, 2001
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hl2 all the way

i mean all doom 3 is pritty graphics there wont be anything but run around like a moron shooting stuff

now that may of been good back in the days of doom 1 but now u need something more than the same old run and gun action with fancy graphics
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Mar 21, 2002
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I'm really looking forward to that Zombie-Horror mod for hl2, its gona kick some ass :D :D :D
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Dec 27, 2002
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I doubt HL2 is going to emulate the groundbreaking gameplay impact of the first, but I am more inclined to gravitate towards it than Doom 3.

Unfortunately, I've only heard bad things about Deux Ex 2.
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Nov 4, 2002
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Doom 3 will be sporting better graphics as everyone knows. I've seen a Q&A talking about the gameplay and all I can say is that you won't be dissapointed. Carmack sees this as his baby and faught for it as so. He feels as many do that less is more. He won the battle over not having a use key but lost the won for the duck key. Gameplay is going to be very immersive and the AI is going to be shocking. If anyone remembers how much an improvement the q3 bots were just think like 10 times better than that.

Halflife is obviously going to have some very nice graphics but this shouldn't be the pull of the game. While the physics are very impressive and this is something I'm really looking forward to its just one aspect of whats going to make halflife 2 a good sequal (forgive bad spelling). The gameplay and story line is what made the first one so engaging and thats the same thing halflife 2 should bring to the table. I'm also looking forward to the mods coming out and/or porting to the halflife 2 engine. With the extra tools and planning that valve did to get developement teams what they needed early and to make it relatively easy for them, I believe, is a huge key in guaranteeing its success.
✔️ HL Verified
Nov 29, 2002
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Once u see Doom 3 in action youll never doubt it again, and one part with a monster smashing through/ bending steel bars in real time is one of the greatest things ive ever seen. Theyve really got the feeling right as well, you get to points were you can hear something ahead, and you suprise yourlself when u realise you REALLY dont wanna go down there at all.
On the other hand, ive started to hear bad things about Half life 2... im still looking into those so i wont say em yet, but the problem with Hl2 is that its got a LOT of hype to live up to..... alot more than Doom 3.
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Nov 29, 2002
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The problem with Doom 3 (and id Software in general) is that as brilliant John Carmack and co are at programming, their actual implimentations are from a "good" code writing perspective, very messy and poorly designed. I mean, not in a line-to-line way, but in a more macro design context. Anyone who's looked at the Quake 2 source code should know what I mean. The reason for this is that id writes their engines for their game, instead of their games for their engines (This subtle point will go over some peoples heads). This results in high coupling between the gameplay code and the engine code, which is something that *really* should be avoided if possible. This sort of designing is also what leads to the high system requirements for Doom 3.

Where as when the Half-life 2 preview video came out, it showed a game and engine that was just a cut above Doom 3, in many ways.

I can emphathise with the horror factor of Doom 3. I once remember playing AVP and literally crying out as their was an alien where I had looked just a minute ago. Half-life didn't really have that. But I daresay that Half-life 2 could, as much as Doom 3.

Hey, we could start a Doom 3 mod for Half-life 2, and a Half-life 2 mod for Doom 3, and see which one finishs first? I know which one would be done first.
✔️ HL Verified
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Nov 28, 2002
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Well I have one thing to says... Doom 3 will be a disater.


It needs a 3.0 ghz and a ati radeon 9800 pro and 1024 ddr ram to keep it going smooth on 800x600.

U says how can you know this?
They showed doom 3 @ e3 with this system O_O
They had this system to show doom 3 and some area the fps whent below the 20 fps.... -_-

Doom 3 will be way to heavy to run any normal comp.(normal comp 2 ghz with 256 ddr a 9000 radeon or a gf 4 ti)

:O i`m above the average gaming computer :)
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Feb 14, 2002
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All I have seen of doom is mindless shooting of things, with pretty comp-killing gfx

Hl2 will run on alot of old comps, have good sp and mp gameplay.

HL wins.

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